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On Learning English Obtained from Advanced Studio Classroom, March 2004.,How can I improve my English conversation skills? The best way to improve your spoken English is to speak the language as much as you can! Try the following tips: Go for it! Say what you can, whenever you can. In other words, use what you know!,Use it or lose it! Use the new words you learn in our articles right away, or youll forget them. How? Go to our Web site (www.StudioClassroom.com) for some discussion questions to get you talking about the article you just studied. Then get together with a friend and discuss your answer using only English!,台大校长 2009.9.15,两年前向台大新鲜人提出四不:考试不作弊、作业不抄袭、上课不随意逃课、脚踏车不乱停。,中原四不,不吸烟 不喝酒 不赌博 不(到不正当处)跳舞,全人教育-天、人、物、我,鏈結產學研發之專題實作 平台建構發展示意圖,研究、教學、輔導三合一,Technological English Writing (科技英语写作) September 2014,Instructor: Jyh-tong Teng (邓治东); Telephone: 10-6894-5611, Rm 1206; jtteng1gmail.com Office Hours: ; Office Location: Teaching Assistant: Class Time: 6:308:55 Classroom:信息楼2010教室,Reference Books:,1. M.L. Waddell, R.M. Each and R.R. Walker, The Art of Styling Sentences - 20 Patterns for Success, 3rd Edition, Barrons Educational Series, Inc., 1993. (Fourth Edition, 2002) 2. Judith S. Vanalstyne, Professional and Technical Writing: Communication in Technology and Science, Sixth Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 2004 3. Jose A. Carillo, English Plain and Simple, Second Updated Edition, Manila Time Publishing Corp., 2008.,Grading:,Class Participation 5% (One flunks the course if he or she is absent for two or more sessions) Three quizzes 20% each, Homework (including in-class writings) 35%,Goals: After the students have taken this course, they are expected to,1. Use the English punctuation correctly, 2. Use the Technical English mechanical convention correctly, 3. Know the English usage, 4. Know the typical sentence patterns 5. Know how to write a report and a technical article,Outline,Session 1: 9月9日晚上 Introduction, thinking preferences; On Punctuation 课程简介、思考模式、 英文的标点符号用法 Write a short essay on “Why Am I Taking This Course?” Session 2: 9月10日晚上 On Mechanical Convention 英文的专业传统表述 Quiz #1 on Punctuation,Sessions 3 and 4: 9月11日下午、 9月12日晚上On English Usage英文的用法 8月28日下午 Quiz #2 on Mechanical Convention Sessions 5 and 6: 9月15日下午、9月16日晚上On Sentence Patterns 典型的英文句型 9月2日下午 Quiz #3 on English Usage Session 7: 9月17日晚上 On How to Write, Revise, and Edit; On Report Writing写作、修改、编辑; 报告撰写 Write a short essay on “What Have I Learned from This Course?”,Session 8: 9月18日晚上 On Technical Article Writing专业论文的写作 Technical Report Presentations by Students 学生口头报告,文章的常见错误 (Common Errors),Improvement in English is needed, and the authors should read the manuscript thoroughly and carefully to enhance the readability of it. Some of the revisions are as follows: Line 4 on p. 2: etc etc. Line 57 on p. 3: we should to balance we should balance,15,Line 4 on p. 4: more details for more details Line 18 on p. 4: following properties the following properties Line 24 on p. 6: one use one uses Line 6 on p. 7: get following modified scheme get the following modified scheme Line 46 on p.8: is agree with is in agreement with,16,Lines 43-45 on p. 9: throughout following subsections throughout the following subsections Line 45 on p. 9: is locate at is located at Unless the above comments are addressed, the paper in its present form is not recommended to be published.,17,以英语撰写文章须注意事项,1.拼字精进(一般字、专有名词) 2.用词精进 3.文法精进(标点符号、惯用法、主词受词一致性、句子完整性、冠词、其它文法),18,概 述 (Summary),撰写专业英文者必须了解撰写該類文章之特定撰写方式,否则作者常因格式与方式不符或英语欠通顺而被退件 要能突破英语撰写上的障碍则在专业出版物上发表文章并非难事 一位来自越南的博班生,于了解撰写专业英语文章之特定方式,在近三年内发表21篇学术论文;而硕班陆生于半年内即发表1篇顶级学术论文,19,02182013 学用落差 大学生也要负责 2013-02-18 01:01中国时报【苏宜成】,隐忍了许久不说,因为这年头没有一个大学老师愿意得罪学生,但是为了避免年轻的一代继续失落下去,终究还是有人必须对大学生说实话。 因为看似越演越烈的毕业即失业以及学用落差现象,其实大学生自己必须负相当的责任。,笔者所属的教学单位经常与产业界领导人交流,做为调整教学方向与内容的参考。 我们从业界得到一致的看法是,大学生要符合产业界需求的两个基本条件,一是要具备多功能,二是要加强英文。 两点要求看似简单,但是在实际落实于教学上却窒碍难行,而且阻力完全是来自于学生本身; 要达到具备多功能,教学与学习难免就要跨领域,但是多数学生觉得跨领域太难,不想修这种课程,需要加强英文,而且老师也体谅学生的英文程度,认为一时之间可能无法接受全英语教学 所以仅仅在上课的投影片采取英文,再用中文解说 但是即使连这样都会被学生抗议太难。 现在的大学生普遍存有这样的学习态度,要如何拉近学用落差、大学生如何才能不毕业即失业?,当国际间的产业竞争越来越激烈,业界取才的标准只会越来越高,大学的教学难度却在这样的生态下越来越低, 产学落差当然会越来越大,大学生毕业当然没人要。 君不见媒体总是在报导各行各业有多少职缺,但是产业却苦于找不到可用的人才,正是这种恶性循环所造成。,Session 1: Introduction, thinking preferences, English usage,Five types of writing: 1. creative (imaginative) 2. expressive (emotional) 3. expository (explanatory) 4. persuasive (expressive + explanatory) 5. technical (factual),For the first four types of writing, the writers are saying,Heres how I feel Heres what I think Heres what I believe It is up to the readers to do with the information as he or she pleases.,Technical writing requires,give-and-take, a dialogue, a follow-up and/or input It links the writer and the reader. The purpose of technical writing is often determined by audience, which then affects the tone of the correspondence. Understanding the interrelationship between the purpose, audience, and tone is essential to answering the question, “Why do we write technical correspondence?”,
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