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,By Yanglong,Jinan,the capital of shangdong province, whice is located south of Tai Mountain. yellow River Xiaoqing River are the two chief(最重要的) water style.Jinan is a prosperous(繁荣,富裕) and longhistory city which is famous for springs especially“the number one spring“.so she is also called“the city of spring“.,Jinan has three major(较多的) scence(景色秀丽的) spots(地点) of the city .They are the Baotu Spring,Daming Lake and the Qianfo Mountain,Baotu,Baotu spring Centering around springs, Baotu Spring Park is a natural rock and spring garden unique(独一的) in ethnic style. Baotu Spring,the best one among the famous 72 springs in Jinan, is hailed as “the first spring under the heaven“,the spring water spurts out in three prongs, with water droplets falling around, just like three piles of snow, which is very spectacula。(壮丽奇观),Qianfo Mountain,Qianfo Mountain is a hill which is 285 meters in height located southeast of the city in Jinan.It is very outstanding for its numberous Buddha(佛) images and its Xinguochan Temple,Daming lake,Daming lake,is one of the biggest lakes in jinan.It is locked at the center of jinans urban(市区)area(地区).The park takes an area of 86 ha ,with the lake covering 46.5 ha.,Inside the park,willows(柳) queue(队列)around the lake,lotus(睡莲) flowers on the lake Moreover,the Qianfo mountainsreflection often appears in the Daming Lake This scene is called“千佛倒影”,Jinan has successfully held the eleventh group games。,Mark,Mascot,Thank you very much.thats all,
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