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PeriodPeriod 3 3 CulturalCultural CornerCorner,GrammarGrammar 1 1,GrammarGrammar 2 2Teaching Goals: 1To help Ss know how to use the adverbial clause of time and the past perfect tense 2To enable Ss to know the Chinese composer Ye Xiaogang Teaching Procedures: Step 1Cultural Corner 1Individual work Ask Ss to read the text and make a note of some basic informationName: (1) Sex: (2) Nationality: (3) Job: (4) Main achievement: (5) Style of music: (6)Suggested Answers:(1)Ye Xiaogang(2)Male(3)China(4)Composer(5)one of the leading modern composers of Chinese classical music(6)mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation 2Pair workAsk Ss to read the text again and 611 in the blanksFind what Ye Xiaogang did or what happened to him in the following years:1955 (1) From 1978 to 1983: (2) 1985: (3) 1986: (4) 1996: (5) Suggested Answers:(1)He was b0rn(2)He studied at the Central Conservatory of Music of China(3)He held a concert of symphonies in Beijing(4)His album Horizon appeared and his music was played at the First Contemporary Chinese Composers Festival in Hong Kong(5)He played with Italian musician Enrico Rava at the Beijing International Jazz Festive 3Group work Ask Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 3 on P29 Step 2Grammar 1 1Pair workAsk Ss to answer the questions in Activity 1 on P24 Suggested Answers:(A)Sentence 1 (B)Sentence 2 and 3 (C)Sentence 421ndivdual WorkAsk Ss to fill in the blanks by choosing the proper link words whenwhile and as(1)she pressed the button,the lift stopped(2)_we lived in town,we often went to the theatre(3)They dancedthey sang(4)they were in London,they visited a tot of museums(5)he was in college,he made many friends(6)it grew darker,it became colder(7)_she came to know him better,she relied on him than before Suggested Answers:(1)When (2)When (3)as (4)While (5)While (6)As (7)As 3ExplanationGive Ss some explanation of the link words when,while and as(1)when+短暂性动词延续性动词(从句的动作可以和主句动作同时发生,也可以先于主 句的动作发生)。如:When we reached home,it was getting darkI shall tell her the good news when she comes(2)while+延续性动词(从句的动作常用进行时态,强调某一时间内主句和从句的动作 同时发生)。如:Work while you work;play while you play(3)as引导的从句中,主从句的动作同时发生。如:She sings as she goes alongYou will grow wiser as you grow older(4)除了when,while和as以外,before,after,since,until和tiu都可以引导时间 状语从句。I had cooked supper before my parents came backAfter you think it over,please let me know your decisionSince he come here,he has made a lot of friendsSince 1 was a childI have lived in EnglandHe worked in Hong Kong until(till)his father found him a job in Canada 4Practice(1)_the time went on,the weather got worseAwhile Bwhen CAs DAt(2)Please dont talk SO loudpeople are working: AOnce Bthough Cthe moment Dwhile(3)I came into the office,the teachers were having a meetingAWhile BWhen COnce DSince(4)The peasants were busy getting in the cropsit began to rainAa8 Bwhile Cwhen Dby the time(5)Ito bedthere was a knock at the doorAwas about to go;when Bwent;whileCam going to go;when Dwas to go;while Suggested Answers:(1)C(2)D(3)B(4)C(5)A Step3Grammar 2Purpose:To get Ss to know the grammatical rules of the past perfect tense 1Pair workAsk Ss to finish Activity 1 On P27 Suggested Answers:ABecoming stars in their own countryBRecording seven albumsCThe past perfect tense 2Group workAsk Ss to finish Activity 2 on P27 Suggested Answers:A:1(a)means that their music had already changed by then;1(b)means that it changed then2(a)means that they had already sold more albums by then;2(b)means that they sold more albums thenB:Yes;in the(a)sentences the event happened before that time;in the(b) sentences the event happened at that time 3Practice(1)Sheher hairstyle in her hometown before she(3ame to Chongqing for a better jobAwould change Bhas changed Chad changed DWilt8 changing (2)I met jack yesterdayWeeach other since We left collegeAhavent seen Bhadnt seen Cwould see Dwill see (3) _,SO he couldnt enter the 100mAHaving lost his key BHis key lost CHe had lost his key DHis key being lost (4)She told me that shewhat she was doing during the holidaysAhad just been asked Bhad just asked Cwas just asked Djust asked (5)He told me hean English dictionary yetAhadnt bought Bhasnt bought Cwouldnt buy Dwasnt going to buy (6)By 11 0clock yesterday,Weat the airportAhave arrived Bhad arrived Cshall arrive Darrive (7)When they got to the station,the trainalreadyAhas;left B1eft; Chad;left Dwill;leave (8)The studentstalking before the second bell rangAstop Bhave stopped Chad stopped Dwas stopping Suggested Answers:(1)C(2)B(3)C(4)A(5)A(6)B(7)C(8)C Step 4HomeworkFinish Grammar Exercises in the Workbook on P7980
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