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PeriodPeriod ThreeThree GrammarGrammar基础落实.完成句子1Do you know _(那位中年男子) sitting on the chair?2Our English teacher is _(一位心地善良的女士)3She likes _(弹钢琴)4Failure is _(成功之母)5He was made _(我们班的班长)6His mother was _(住院) so he had to _(去医院) to look after her every day.用适当的冠词填空1She is _ university teacher and honest woman as well.2She started _ school when she was seven.3_ snow covering _ top of _ mountain is a beautiful sight.4When we went to see him,he was having _ supper.5He is _ cleverer of the two.6Pay attention to _ pronunciation of this word.7Is this _ museum you visited _ day before yesterday?8Is this _ museum the one you visited last week?9_ machine of this kind is made in _ China.10Jack and Brown are among _ first to arrive.语法填空(用适当的冠词填空)Over 500 years ago,1._ man designed 2._ flying machine.3._ clever man was 4._ Italian.He was called Leonardo da Vinci.In 5._ 1480,Leonardo da Vinci wrote to the ruler of 6._ Milan to ask for work.He said he was 7._ good painter and 8._ sculptor.He also designed bridges.He made weapons,too.He even invented machine guns.Eventually he got 9._ job in Milan as 10._ musician.He was good at everything he tried.We remember him today,however,as 11._ artist.He is one of 12._ greatest artists in 13._ world.You may have heard of 14._ picture called Mona Lisa.He painted that.While he was in Milan,he painted 15._ special picture.He drew it on the wall of a monastery(修道院) dining room.Many people said that this picture was 16._ greatest one ever painted.Its called the Last Supper.Leonardo worked hard at painting 17._ pictures.Often he worked all day and never stopped to eat or drink.He walked about 18._ city of Milan with 19._ notebook in his hand.He drew pictures of people in the street.He also watched 20._ way birds and insects flew.He wanted to know how everything worked.单项填空1When you come here for your holiday next time,dont go to _ hotel;I can find you _ bed in my flat.Athe;a Bthe;/Ca;the Da;/2At _ present we are going through a hard time,but Im sure _ things will get better in the near future.Athe;the Bthe;/C/;the D/;/3Next week there will be a basketball match between the _ and the _ of our school.Awoman teachers;girl studentsBwoman teachers;girls studentsCwomen teacher;girls studentDwomen teachers;girl students4They decided to have another _ factory set up in this town.Apapermaking BpapermadeCmakepaper Dmakingpaper5When he left _ college,he got a job,_ reporter in a newspaper office.A/;a B/;theCa;the Dthe;the6When you finish reading the book,you will have _ better understanding of _ life.Aa;the Bthe;aC/;the Da;/7Tom owns _ larger collection of _ books than any other student in our class.Athe;/ Ba;/Ca;the D/;the8The Wilsons live in _ Ashaped house near the coast.It is _ 17th century cottage.Athe;/ Ban;theC/;the Dan;a9It is _ world of wonders,_ world where anything can happen.Aa;the Ba;aCthe;a D/;/10There are many _ on the scene of the accident.Alookerson Blookers onClookeron Dlook on能力提升.阅读填空When a parent marries again,it can be tough on children,but its especially tough when the new marriage comes with new stepbrothers and stepsisters.1._Or you might feel that these new stepchildren are replacing you altogether.How can you deal with this challenging situation?Understand that the presence of these new people in the house doesnt have anything to do with you.The stepparents and stepsiblings(继兄弟或继姊妹) are most likely just as nervous about the new living situation as you.2._Get to know these new family members.They will most likely be a part of your life for many years to come,so develop a good relationship with them.3._4_Honest and open communication can help everyone get used to this new living situation.Stay out of their way.Sometimes these new stepparents and stepsiblings are a nightmare to deal with.In that case,just avoid their presence as much as possible.If you face them,it can only lead to turmoil(骚动) and make your life tougher.5_Sometimes its better to get professional help and seek the advice of a person who can listen to your concerns about the new living situation.AYou may find you have many things in common with them.BAsk an expert for advice.CTalk to them about how you feel.DBe kind to your stepparents and stepsibli
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