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【成才之路成才之路】2013-2014】2013-2014 学年高中英语(外研版)必修五学年高中英语(外研版)必修五 ModuleModule 6 6 AnimalsAnimals inin DangerDanger 第一课时第一课时 Introduction&Introduction& ReadingReading.单词拼写1A line of forts was built along the border to _(保护)the country against attack.2The location of the new house is _(理想的)3That mistake seriously _(危及)the future of the company.4There is always beautiful scenery in nature _(保护区)5If we dont protect this kind of animals,they will be _(灭绝的)soon.6The teacher c_ Toms MP4 because she saw him playing it in class.7We had a s_ to stop the criminal.8The doctor will see you again next week.M_,you must rest as much as possible.9The sea is a h_ for many fishes and plants.10C_ in the office made concentration impossible.答案:1.protect 2.ideal 3.endangered 4.reserves5extinct 6.confiscated 7.struggle 8.Meanwhile9habitat 10.Conditions. 根据给出的汉语完成下面句子1He was wearing dark glassed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (保护眼睛免受阳光的伤害)2_ _ _ _ _ (在一个极冷的夜里),my sick cat was frozen to death.3Long skirts have _ _ _ _(不流行了)again.4The government has decided to _ _ _(强硬对付)people who avoid paying taxes.5_ _ _(尽管很失望),we are still proud of our teams final performance.6Last night the police _ _ (搜查)the night clubs.7I feel better now.The medicine _ _ _ _ (似乎起作用了)8With more and more forests cut down,the golden monkeys are _ _ _(为生存斗争)答案:1.to protect his eyes from the sun2On a freezing cold night3been out of fashion4get tough with5Although very disappointed6raided on7seems to have worked8struggling for survival.单项填空1Is it _ sparing some time for your hobby while your classmates are concentrating on their lessons?Aworth BworthyCworthwhile Dvaluable答案:C 句意:你的同学们在集中精力学习,而你却抽出时间搞你的业余爱好,这值得吗?worthwhile 指“值得花时间、精力去做” ,并常用于“It is worthwhile doing sth.”句式。2Experts say we should take more strict control of the Internet, so that we can _ our children from harmful websites.Aprotect BpreventCkeep Ddefend答案:A 句意:专家们说我们应当更加严格地控制因特网,这样我们可以保护我们的孩子不受有害网站的影响。此句要用 protect 表示“保护” ;prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.都表示“阻止某人做某事” ;defend 表示“保卫” 。3The military government in that country is determined to _ all political oppositions.Aput down Bput offCput on Dput up答案:A 句意:那个国家的军事政府决定镇压所有的政治反对力量。put down“镇压”;put off“推迟” ;put on“穿上” ;put up“支起;张贴” 。4The police were on the _ within a few minutes.Aplace BpositionCspot Dlocation答案:C 句意:几分钟内警察就到了现场。on the spot 是固定搭配,意为“在现场”。5Shes due to arrive on Friday. _, what do we do?AMeanwhile BHoweverCTherefore DThen答案:A 句意:她预定是在星期五到达。在这期间,我们干什么呢?此句中meanwhile 表示“在期间” ;however“然而” ;therefore“因此” ;then“那么” 。6Its important for us to use a word or phrase according to the _ in language studies.Asituation BtranslationCexpression Dcondition答案:A 句意:在语言学习中,根据情形使用一个词或短语对我们来说是很重要的。situation 指“情形” ;translation“翻译” ;expression“表达;表情” ;condition “状况” 。7Short hair and short skirts _ at about the same time.Acame into fashion Bcome into fashionsCcome into the fashion Dcome into the fashions答案:A 选项 B、C、D 搭配不对;come into fashion 为固定短语,意为“流行起来”。句意:短发和短裙大约是同时开始流行的。8The employer _ his employees and refused to raise their wages.Agot along with Bgot through withCgot in with Dgot tough with答案:D get along with“进展,相处” ;get through with“完成,干完” ;get in with“与交往,参加,加入” ;get tough with“对毫不妥协,对采取强硬措施” 。句意:雇主对雇员们的态度强硬起来,拒绝给他们加工资。9According to an online survey, onefifth of the college graduates havent found _ jobs, which they studied for.Aideal BvaluableCactual Drespectful答案:A 句意:根据一次网上的调查,五分之一的大学毕业生没有找到他们为之求学的理想工作。ideal“理想的” ;valuable“有价值的” ;actual“实际的” ;respectful“恭敬的” 。10Some teachers often criticize their students sharply, _ the classroom atmosphere very dull.Amaking BmadeCto make Dmake答案:A 句意:有些老师经常尖刻地批评学生,这使得教室的气氛非常沉闷。making the classroom atmosphere very dull 是现在分词短语作结果状语,表示一种自然而然的结果;不定式作结果状语多表示出乎意料的结果,故不选 C 项。.完形填空Our planet is teeming(丰富的) with life. Tigers and turtles, bats and bees, gnats and gnus, crabs and crabgrassthe list seems _1_. Weve named more than 1.5 million species, and suspect that millions more remain _2_. Scientists call this mindboggling(惊人的) variety of life biodiversity. _3_ so many species, its surprising to realise that so many are in danger of becoming _4_.Extinct _5_ are plants and animals that once lived on Earth, but _6_ live anywhere in the world. _7_ species are those most in danger or extinction. Even large populations of animals can be _8_ risk. Passenger pigeons once flew in flocks so large that they _9_ Americas skies. _10_ time, habitat destruction and hunting decreased the birds numbers. The last one died _11_ in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.Dinosaurs,
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