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第二部分 教材细盘点 选修六 Unit 3 Understanding each other,目 录,常考单词,congratulate, permit, prohibit, adjust, accustomed, familiar, account,冷点词汇,常考短语,have power over,ensure,offence,let alone,常考句式,Many foreigners have trouble getting accustomed to it.,(一)基础单词(根据汉语提示写单词),1We held a (庆祝活动) to celebrate the National Day.,celebration,2It took her a long time to (使适应) herself to the new environment.,adjust,3Then, the listener can make multiple playlists without creating an (账户) with the site.(2011湖南Writing Section A),account,4Let me (祝贺) you on the birth of your daughter.,5Im not (习惯于) to being treated like this.,accustomed,6. While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit, there are many (熟悉的) activities that they can still enjoy.(2012辽宁阅读B),familiar,7It is not necessary for you to bring your cellphone with you since the (接收效果) is bad at that area.,reception,8To (确保) safety, the magnetic train is controlled by an advanced computer system.,ensure,congratulate,11. n冒犯;侮辱 vt. & vi.触怒;冒犯;犯 过错,(二)重点单词 .根据提示,写出下列单词的适当形式,9 vt. & vi.允许,准许n.许可证 n允许, 许可,permit,permission,10 vt.(尤指以法令)禁止 n禁止;禁令,prohibit,prohibition,12 n少数民族;少数,少数人 n多 数;多数人(反义词),offend,offence,minorty,majority,13 n勇敢 adj.勇敢的,bravery,brave,14 vt.统治;控制,支配 n主管人员;统 治者 n政府,15 vt.和某人打招呼(或问好) n招呼,governor,government,greet,govern,greeting,16 n宗教 adj.宗教的;虔诚的 adv.认真地,严谨地,religion,religious,religiously,17 adj.轻微的 adv.轻微地;稍微地,slight,slightly,18 n期望,盼望;预料 vt.期望,盼望; 预料,预期 adj.预料中的,被等待的_adj.期待的,期望的,19 adj.音乐的n.音乐剧 n音乐_ n音乐家,expectation,musical,expectant,expected,expect,music,musician,.语境填词 20He didnt his young daughter to learn to drive. But without his , she got her driving .(permit) 21He won an award for outstanding and was considered to be .(brave) 22His parents him to be a doctor after graduation but he didnt live up to their .(expect),permit,permission,permit,bravery,brave,expected,expectation,(三)帮你记单词 请写出像musical一样含有后缀al的高频单词,1 逐渐的,gradual,2 电气科学的; 与(用)电有关的,electrical,3 数字的,计数的,digital,4 每年的,年度的,annual,5 持怀疑态度的,skeptical,6 典型的;有代表性的,typical,7in common _,(一)写出下列短语的汉语意思,1be supposed to do sth. _,2*get used/accustomed to doing sth._,3*adjust to _,4*be familiar with _,5be similar to _,6do without _,被认为做某事,应该做某事,习惯做某事,适应于,熟悉,和相似,没有也行,没有而设法对付过去,共有,8be linked to/with _,9*let alone _,10*show sb.around _,11*take up _,12*have power over _,13*belong to _,与有联系,更不用说,带某人参观、游览,占据(时间或空间);拿 起;接受;开始;继续,控制,支配,属于,14have the chance to do sth. _,有机会做某事,15*take off _,脱下;起飞,16*be home to _,是的家园,2The deserted desk much room. We have to move it out.,4He the golf club.,3He seldom leaves for other cities, foreign countries.,(二)选用以上标*的短语填空(其中有两个多余选项) 1The town now many eastern Europeans and lots of Australians, who come here mainly to work in hotels and tourism.(2012湖北阅读A),is,takes up,home to,let alone,belongs to,5Mary is the visitors the Science Museum.,showing,7Since you the machine, we would like you to show us how to operate it.,6It took him a few seconds for his eyes to the dark.,around,8In Korea, you should your shoes when entering a house.(2012安徽任务型读写),are familiar with,adjust to,take off,1 Its quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.,仿写 劝说这样的人加入我们真是浪费时间。 It is a waste of time .,persuading such a person to join us,3Should you make a mistake, you should not be embarrassed.,仿写 倘若他下周来不了,那我们只好不和他一起走了。, we would have to go without him.,Should he fail to come next week,2Many foreigners have trouble getting accustomed to it.,仿写 我理解外籍老师的话毫不费力。the foreign teacher.,I have no trouble (in) understanding,教材原句 During the ceremony, the hen laid an egg, and everyone congratulated the new couple because it was considered very lucky. 在婚礼进行中,母鸡下了蛋,这被认为是十分幸运的,因此,所有的人祝贺这对新人。,
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