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徐 昌 煜 Charles Hsu 歐磊科技股份有限公司 OLE Technology Corporation,塑膠射出成型問題和模具的關係 Mold Related Plastic Injection Molding Problems,Concentric record grooves,流 痕 Flow Line or Flow Mark,流痕(Flow Line or Flow Mark)的定義: 成型品表面的線狀痕跡,此一痕跡顯示了熔膠流動的方向。,Record Grooves,模 具 1. 模溫太低 模溫太低會使得料溫下降太快,射壓和保壓不足以將冷凝的表皮緊壓在模面上,留下熔膠在垂直流動方向的縮痕, 狀如年輪。 提高模溫,保持較高料溫,射壓和保壓將冷凝層緊壓在模面上,直到製品定型,流痕無由產生。 模溫可從材料廠商的建議值開始設定。 每次調整的增量可為 6 C,射膠10次,成型情況穩定後,根據結果,決定是否進一步調整。,流 痕 Flow Line or Flow Mark,模 具2. 澆道(Sprue)、流道(Runner)或/和澆口(Gate)太小 澆道、流道或/和澆口太小,流阻提高,如果射壓不足,熔膠波前的推進會愈來愈慢,塑料會愈來愈冷,射壓和保壓不足以將冷凝的表皮緊壓在模面上,留下熔膠在垂直流動方向的縮痕, 狀如年輪。 以CAE在電腦上對不同的熔膠傳送系統(包括澆道、流道和澆口)的充填進行模擬分析,找出理想的澆道、流道和澆口的尺寸(包括長度和斷面有關尺寸如直徑等),是可行之道。,流 痕 Flow Line or Flow Mark,矩形邊緣澆口設計 Rectangular Edge Gate Design,充填時間長將產生流痕 Flow Lines due to Long Fill Time,流道尺寸設計 (1)Runner Sizing (1),D : 流道直徑 ( mm )runner diameter in mm W : 下游塑膠重量 ( g )downstream plastic weight L : 流道長度 ( mm )runner length in mm,流道尺寸設計(2)Runner Sizing (2),流道尺寸設計(3)Runner Sizing (3),流道尺寸設計(4)Runner Sizing (4),H/2 (L),比較圓形流道截面積(AR)與改良型梯形流道截面積(AT)。假設圓形流道的直徑與改良型梯形流道的高度相等。 Comparing the cross-sectional area of full-round runner(AR) and the one of modified trapezoidal (AT),when the diameter of the round runner and the height of the trapezoidal runner are the same.,換言之,改良型梯形流道所使用的材料比圓形流道的材料多了20.38%。 In other words,modified trapezoidal runner uses 20.38% more material than full-round runner does.,3. 排氣(Venting) 不足排氣不良,會使得熔膠充填受阻,熔膠波前無法將冷凝的表皮緊壓在模面上,留下熔膠在垂直流動方向的縮痕, 狀如年輪。 在每一段流道末端考慮排氣,可以避免氣體進入型腔。 型腔排氣更不能輕忽。 最好採用全周長排氣。 CAE模擬熔膠充填,可以幫我們很快的找到所有可能的最後充填處(Last Filled Area),也就是須要加排氣孔的地方。 按圖索驥,萬無一失。,模 具,流 痕 Flow Line or Flow Mark,為何排氣仍然還是一個問題? Why venting is still a problem ?因為降低射速,讓積風有較多的時間逃氣,是一件太容易的事。但是 Because it is too easy to slow down the injection speed and give the trapped air more time to escape. But .,排氣 Vent,射速一降,熔膠溫度很快降低,射壓必須提高,殘餘應力隨之提高,翹曲的可能性增加。 如果想藉提高料溫,以降低射壓,料溫必須升得很高,這樣又會引起塑料裂解。 When injection speed is lower, melt temperature goes down very fast, injection pressure has to be increased, residual stress is increased and the possibility getting warppage becomes higher. If one would like to increase barrel temperature to reduce the required injection pressure, the barrel temperature has to be increased to a quite high level and polymer degradation would be induced.,排氣 Vent,有了適當的排氣,射速可以提高,充填和保壓可達良好狀態,不須過度增加料管和噴嘴的溫度。,With proper venting, the injection speed could be increased to achieve good fill and pack conditions, without having to raise the barrel and nozzle heats, improperly.,排氣 Vent,深度(depth) : 1. 0.075 mm易流塑料(easy-flow mat.)2. 0.125 mm難流塑料(stiffer-flow mat.)3. 深度深到流道末端見毛邊為準(deep enough to feel flash at runner end) 寬度(width) : 和流道同寬(as wide as runner dia.) 排氣唇部(vent lip): 1.5mm A1拋光(finish) 排氣通道通大氣(vent channel to atmosphere): 1mm深(deep),流道排氣 Runner Vents,流道排氣 Runner Vents,深度(depth) : 參照廠商建議 (refer to manufacturers recommendation)寬度(width) : 全圓周長(whole perimeter) or5mm/25mm長度(length) : 1.5mm or 1mm A1拋光(finish)排氣通道通大氣(vent channel to atmosphere): 1mm深(deep),分模面排氣 Parting Line Vents,分模面排氣 Parting Line Vents,Material: PC-GF,深度(depth) : 參照廠商建議 (refer to manufacturers recommendation)寬度(width) : 全圓周長(whole perimeter)長度(length) : 1.5mm排氣溝(vent groove): 1mm深(deep),頂出銷或心型銷排氣 Ejector and Core Pin Vents,噴流 Jetting,噴流 Jetting,噴流(Jetting)的定義:自一受限區域(例如噴嘴或是澆口),到一較厚和開闊的區域,形成的彎曲摺疊似蛇的流痕。,模 具1. 澆口位置不當 澆口位置不當時,塑流在型腔有自薄流向厚的情形,若薄厚斷差大,流速又快,則流動不穩,可能產生噴流。 2. 澆口非沖擊型 沖擊型澆口將進澆的熔膠導向一金屬面,以釋除應力,可穩定塑流,避免噴流。 重疊式澆口(overlap gate)和潛伏式澆口(submarine gate)即沖擊型澆口之二例。,噴流 Jetting,使用重疊澆口以避免噴流 Avoid Jetting by Using Overlap Gate,重疊式澆口設計 Overlap Gate Design,L1 = 0.50.75,L2 = h+( w/2 ),潛伏式澆口設計 Subgate Design,W= w= 澆口寬度 mmgate width in mm A= 型腔表面積 mm surface area of cavity in mm n= 材料常數 material constant 0.6 for PE, PS0.7 for POM, PP0.75 for ABS0.8 for CA, PMMA, PA , PC0.9 for PVC 澆口厚度 gate thick. in mm = nt t= 零件壁厚 wall thick. in mm ,2,2,噴流 Jetting,充填時間短時會產生噴流痕和銀線Jetting Mark and Silver Streak due to Short Fill Time,幫浦零件(Part, Pump) 塑料(Polymer): POM 進澆處(Polymer entrance): 澆口厚(Gate thickness) 1.2mm,模穴厚(Cavity thickness) 3.2mm 問題 (Problem): 噴流(Jetting),氣輔成型冰箱把手,凸耳澆口設計 Tab Gate Design,L= 0.50.75mm W= w= 澆口寬度 mmgate width in mm A= 型腔表面積 mm surface area of cavity in mm n= 材料常數 material constant 0.6 for PE, PS0.7 for POM, PP0.75 for ABS0.8 for CA, PMMA, PA , PC0.9 for PVC 澆口厚度 gate thick. in mm t= 零件壁厚 wall thick. in mm ,2,2,h1 = n t,h2 = 0.9 t,扇形澆口設計 Fan Gate Design,L= 1.3mm W= w= 澆口寬度 mmgate width in mm A= 型腔表面積 mm surface area of cavity in mm n= 材料常數 material constant 0.6 for PE, PS0.7 for POM, PP0.75 for ABS0.8 for CA, PMMA, PA , PC0.9 for PVC 澆口厚度 gate thick. in mmt= 零件壁厚 wall thick. in mm ,2,2,h1 = n t,h2 = wh1/D,手機前殼問題點,A,A處印刷薄膜片在充填過程中遭沖蝕,PC 公稱厚度:1.4 mm 澆口厚度:0.6 mm,波前推進圖(原始設計一) Melt Front Advancement , Original Design 1,澆口剪切應力, 原始設計一 Shear Stress at Gate, Original Design 1,澆口剪切速率, 原始設計一 Shear Rate at Gate, Original Design 1,波前推進圖(原始設計二) Melt Front Advancement , Original Design 2,
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