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外研版小学英语五年级下册,Module 2,Unit 2 Mr. Li was a teacher.,Listen and chant.,Listen and chant.,Li Wei was six then. He liked going to school. He learnt Math and Science, and Art and Chinese too.,Li Wei was thirty now. He liked working at school. He teaches Math and Science, and Art and Chinese too.,你能说出下列动词的过去式吗?,am, is,do,buy,go,eat,have,run,meet,was,met,ran,had,ate,went,bought,did,dance,danced,learn,learnt,Look and say,He read a book.,What did he do yesterday?,Look and say,What did he do yesterday?,He made a cake.,Look and say,She did homework.,What did she do yesterday?,Look and say,They watched TV.,What did they do yesterday?,Ten years ago, she was a little girl.,Now, she is a teacher.,Lead in,Listen and read,New words,pupil,n.小学生,She was a good pupil. 她是一名好学生。,teach,v.教,过去式:taught,He taught Chinese. 他教语文。,New words,study,v.学习,class,n.班级,Chen Hai was in his class. 陈海在他的班级里。,过去式:studied,He studied very hard. 他学习非常的努力。,pupil,studied,study,teach,pupil,class,taught,teach,study,Missing Game,Match and say,study,class,pupil,teach,班级,小学生,学习,教,Listen and answer,What did Mr Li do twenty years ago ?2. What did Mr Li teach ?3. What is Chen Hai doing ?,听录音,回答问题。,Twenty years ago , Mr Li was a teacher .,He taught Chinese .,Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li .,Twenty years ago, Mr Li was a teacher.,二十年前,李先生是一名老师。,years ago,几年前,Language Point,例子:three years ago 三年前thirty years ago 三十年前a few years ago 几年前,Retell the story,Twenty years ago,Mr Li a teacher. He Chinese. Chen Hai in his class. He a good pupil. He very hard.,was,taught,was,was,studied,Twenty years ago,Retell the story,Now Mr Li doesnt _. Hes _English. Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes _ Mr Li.,work,learning,teaching,Now,Mr Li,Mr Li,Chen Hai,Chen Hai,was a teacher,taught Chinese,doesnt work,is learning English,was a good pupil,studied very hard,is an English teacher,is teaching Mr Li,Complete the table,Look and say,A : Five years ago, he walked to school.,Five years ago,Now,B : Now he goes to school by school bus.,Look and say,Five years ago,A : Five years ago, he lived in a small house.,B : Now he lives in a big house.,Now,Look and say,B : Now There are computers .,Five years ago,Now,A : Five years ago, Three was no computer.,Ten years ago,Now ,Have a try,go to school by bike,go to school by bus,write a letter,send an email,同桌之间讨论十年前和现在的变化,Listen and read. Then say the poem.,Listen and read. Then say the poem.,Who saw the wind? Not I or you.But when the leaves are moving, the wind is passing through.,Who saw the wind? Not you or I.But when the threes are shaking, the wind is passing by.,Look, ask and answer,What did he do?,He drank some water. What did she do?,She danced.,模仿给出的例子,同学四人一小组进行你表演我猜的游戏。,A: What did he/she do? B: He/ She ,Do and say,Write about a famous person and tell the class about him/ her.,This is Yao Ming. I like him very much. He was a basketball star. He played in China and the US,模仿上面的例子,简单介绍一个你喜欢的名人。,Listen and say,分类,重点单词:,study teach pupil class,重点句子:,Twenty years ago, Mr Li was a teacher.,Summary,谈一谈自己或父母,朋友在过去和现在在学习、工作、生活等各方面的变化。,Homework,Unit 2 Mr. Li was a teacher,Module2,words: study teachpupil class sentences: Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li.,
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