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Alphabet song 字母歌,Unit 1 Whats he like ? A Lets try Lets talk,new classmates新同学,Meet some friends,Do you know who Olivers English teacher is ?,知道,Yes, I do . No, I dont .,Miss White,称呼未婚女性或教师,Mr Jones,称呼男性,art teacher,A Lets try P 4Whos Mr Li ?,Hes the maths teacher .,Whos your _?,Who is,who is he?,Is he .?,funny,friendly,strong,old,young,kind,strict,Oliver will have a new music teacher ?Whos he ? Listen and answer .,Mr Young,Q 1: Is Mr Young young ?,No, he isnt .Hes old .,Q 2: Whats he like ?他怎么样?,Hes old and funny .,say,Talk about your teachers .说一说你的老师,A: Whos your _?,B: _,A: Is he she _ ?,B: Yes No,_,
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