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Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Writing Practice,Period 6,What have we learnt?,妨碍 实践某人的爱好 实现某人的梦想 他的每场比赛 不反对 反对 最终成为一名,get in the way of practice ones hobby achieve ones dream every one of his races have nothing against be against end up as a ,What have we learnt?,对认真 练习做某事 关心某人 做选择 解决问题 保持关机 放在首位 鼓励某人做某事,be serious about practice doing sth. care about sb. make a choice solve the problem keep off put first encourage sb. to do sth.,What to learn?,Learn to write a passage about your family rules.,学习目标,Warm up,自主感知,Pre-writing,Topic 1 Do you agree that students must wear school uniforms?,Yes, I agree,No, I do not agree,Topic 2 Do you agree that students should be allowed to use mobile phones?,Yes, we agree,No, we do not agree,Topic 3 Do you agree that students are allowed to have part-time jobs?,Yes, I agree,No, I do not agree,Topic 4 Do you agree that students are allowed to have puppy love?,Yes, I agree,No, I do not agree,3a With a partner, discuss some rules at home that you agree or disagree. Make some notes in the chart.,Rules at home,合作探究,cant watch TV cant play computer games cant use mobile phones cant hang out with friends ,get up before 6:30 a.m. wash hands before meals finish homework before 22:00 go to bed before 23:00 ,Group-work,What sentence structures can we use?,Rules at home,There are many rules dont allow me to I am not allowed to They think . must be put first. I dont agree with it because In my opinion, some of the rules should be changed.,内容包括: 介绍你的家规(至少三条) 简要谈谈你的看法,提出哪条家规需要改变的,为什么? 你的愿望(至少一个),Write a passage about your family rules.,While-writing,Outline,: _: _ : _,Introduction (what),Opinion (which rule; why),Hope,Beginning,Body,Ending,There are many rules in my ,In my opinion, we should have rules at home.,However, we should because ,It is a good way to ,my parents will agree with me and ,Post-writing,Rewrite and edit the composition by yourself. Exchange the composition with your partner. Read and find out the good words and sentences. Then help your partner to improve his or her composition.,成果交流,范文,My Family rulesEvery family has its own rule. So does my family. There are many rules in my family. For example, my parents dont allow me to watch TV at night. I am not allowed to use my mobile phone. Whats worse, I cant go out with my friends on weekends.,成果交流,In my opinion, although we have to have rules at home, some of them should be changed. We should be allowed to go out with friends on weekends. Because we need to spend time together to have fun and share our thoughts. Only in this way can we make friends!I hope my parents will agree with me and make some changes.,Homework,1. 检测 作文不写 2. 背诵并默写Unit 7 短语,
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