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Grammar,Unit 5 Wild animals,Homework correcting,Lets correct our homework first.,may die,may become,Try to guess,She .,may have nothing to eat,Try to guess,may have no place to live,may ,Self-learning 1,(1)自学内容Page61 PartA(2)自学方法 a.仔细观察句子,了解情态动词may的用法。b.小组讨论情态动词may的用法。c. 完成P61PartA。d. 划出重要的短语和句子。知者加速:Make up new sentences with “may”,We use may to say that something is possible.,If we do nothing, soon there may be none left.,In the future, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat.,He is busy today. He may not come to the party.,If we do nothing, soon there may be none left.,Make up new sentences with “may”,We use can or could to say that something is possible. Could talks about a smaller chance than can.,Using can / could to talk about possibility,We also use can or could to say that something is possible.,I left my key at school. I couldnt open the door. 2. It will be warm tomorrow, so we can wear T-shirts. 3. We cant live without air or water.,We also use can or could to say that something is possible.,What is happening in the zoo?,The elephant is going towards the water.It (need) a bath. 2. The little boy is crying because he saw the tigers.He (be) afraid of them. 3. I cant go near the lions and tigers.They (hurt) me.,may need,may be,may hurt,What is happening in the zoo?,4. The baby panda is not drinking its mums milk.It (not be) hungry.5. The monkeys are jumping around.They (be playing) with each other.6. The horse is standing with its eyes closed.It (be sleeping) .,may not be,may be playing,may be sleeping,May表示“可能”时,相当于perhaps, maybe,1. He may not be at home now.,=Perhaps he isnt at home now.,=Maybe he isnt at home now.,2. The baby may have something nice to eat.,=Perhaps the baby has something nice to eat.,=Maybe the baby has something nice to eat.,Practice,他可能非常喜欢熊猫。我们可能明天要去参观动物园。可能她想现在去锻炼。你可能需要好好照顾自己。,He may like pandas very much.,We may go to visit the zoo tomorrow.,She may want to go to exercise now.,You may need to look after yourself well.,B Using verbs + to-infinitives,Self-learning 2,1. 阅读“自学提示” (1)自学内容 Page62PartB (2)自学方法 a. 仔细观察例句,了解动词不定式的用法。 b. 小组讨论并归纳动词不定式祈使句的构成。 c. 小组讨论并归纳:有哪些动词后接动词不定式。 d. 完成PartB e. 划出对话中的重要短语和句子。 知者加速:有些动词不定式的一些特殊用法。,We also use to -infinitives after these words.,would like /need / wait/ to do sth. begin/start/forget/remember to do sth. try / try ones best to do sth. tell sb. (not) to do sth. ask sb. (not) to do sth. wish sb. (not) to do sth. teach sb. to do sth / invite sb. to do sth. help sb. (to ) do sth. Its + adj+ to do sth. be able / be willing / be ready to do sth how/what/ where + to do,1.They are preparing _(have) a sports meeting. 2.Jim agreed _(go) to the West Lake. 3.Its easy _(play) softball. 4. What made you_ (feel) sad? 5.Mr White learned _(ride) a horse last year. 6. We will try our best _(read) more books. 7. Lets _(share) our joys together. 8. I dont know where_(visit ) next year? 9.Max wondered how_(start) a campfire. 10. Are you ready_(drive) me home? 11. Last week, we chose _ (visit) Tianmuhu to enjoy ourselves.,to have,to go,to play,feel,to ride,to read,share,to visit,to start,to drive,Have a try:,to visit,agree to do sth. 同意干 begin to do sth. 开始干 decide to do sth 决定干 fail to do sth. 做某事失败 forget to do sth. 忘记干 hope to do sth 希望干,1. 在英语中某些及物动词后接动词不定式作宾语, 常用的此类动词有:,learn to do sth 学着干 plan to do sth 计划干 prepare to do sth. 准备干 remember to do. 记得干 try to do sth 尝试干 want to do. 想要干,e.g. Where will you plan to visit this summer holiday?今年暑假你打算去哪儿玩?,I hope to watch the sunset 我想看日落。 I want to take some photos of the sunrise. 我想拍几张日出的照片。,more verbs + to do (作宾语): need promise seem start pretend refuse would like cant wait try ones best,ask sb. to do tell sb. to do invite sb. to do want sb. to do would like sb. to do teach sb. to do advise sb. to do,2. to do 做宾语补足语,hear sb. do see sb. do watch sb. do make sb. do let sb. do help sb. do,但有的动词后跟不带to的不定式作宾补,如:,More about wild animals,Finish the exercises on Page 62.,1.learn to work out 2.decide to fly 3.remember to come back4.begin to save,remember to do sth. 记得去做某事remember doing sth. 记得做过某事,区别,forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事,e.g. Tom, 记得课后和我们一起打篮球。 Tom, remember to play basketball with us after class. 我记得上个月写了一封信给你。 I remembered writing a letter to you last month.,stop to do sth. 停下(正在做的)事去做 (另一件)事 stop doing sth. 停止做(正在做的)事,e.g. 让我们停下来休息一下。Lets stop to have a rest.不要说话, 老师来了。Stop talking. The teacher is coming.,
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