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.单词聚焦 1_ n 饮食;日常食物 2_ adj. 稀少的,罕有的 3_ n. 牙痛 4_ adj. 不健康的;有碍健康的 5_ adj. 富裕的;有钱的 6_ adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的,diet,rare,toothache,unhealthy,wealthy,anxious,7_ vt. 伤害 8_ adj. 疼痛的 9_ n. 生活方式 10_ adj. 正常的;一般的 11_ vi. 朝方向前进 12_ vt. 注视;观看 13 _adj. (人)太胖的;超重的,overweight,eye,head,normal,lifestyle,painful,injure,14_ n. 肺 15_ n. 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子 16_ vi. 呼吸 17_ n. 症状 18_ adj. 可怕的,吓人的 19_ n. 保险 20_ n. 问卷;问卷调查;调查 表,lung,throat,breathe,symptom,awful,insurance,questionnaire,.短语扫描 1be _about 对着迷 2_ with 以开始 3_ exercise 锻炼 4have a _ 发烧 5would _ 宁愿,rather,temperature/fever,take,begin,crazy,6_ sure 确保 7_ weight 减肥 8head _ 朝前进 9take _ 轮流 10be _work 休假,off,turns,for,lose,make,.原句突破 1When Zhou Kais mother saw him _ _ _ _ _(朝前门走去) without a jacket on,she eyed him anxiously. 【答案】 heading towards the front door 2Take more exercise _ _ _ _ _ (你会真正健康的) 【答案】 and youll get/become really fit,3So _ _ _ _(正如你所理解的一样),from what I said Im a normal kind of person. 【答案】 as you can see 4Thats _ _ _ _ _ _(因为政府没有投入)enough money into the health service. 【答案】 because the government has not put 5Early to bed,early to rise _ _ _ _(使人健康),wealthy and wise. 【答案】 makes a man healthy,diet n.日常饮食;日常食物;规定饮食,Many young girls are on a diet to stay slim. 许多年轻女孩为了保持苗条而节食。 If you have stomach trouble,you have to follow a strict diet. 如果你有胃病,你必须遵照医生的规定进餐。 Your daily diet should include vegetables and fruit. 你的日常饮食中应含有蔬菜和水果。,diet v节食;吃限定食物 The doctor has dieted the patient strictly. 医生严格限定病人的饮食。 No sugar in my coffee,please;Im dieting. 请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。 She is too fat.She wants to diet and take more exercise. 她太胖了。她想节食并多做运动。,1.Would you like some chocolate? Id like some,but Im _. Aon diet Bin a diet Con a diet Din diet 【解析】 be on a diet或go on a diet表示“节食,按规定进食”。 【答案】 C,keep/stay fit保持健康 be fit for适合;胜任 be fit (for sb.) to do sth.适合(某人)干,fit adj.健康的,强健的;适合的,合适的,In order to keep fit,you should have a balanced diet. 为使身体健康,你应该均衡饮食。 She is not fit to take care of little children. 她不是照顾孩子的合适人选。 He is very fit for the job.他非常适合这项工作。,match,suit,go with,agree with与fit用法比较: (1)match和匹配;适合。多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。 The curtains and the carpets match perfectly. 窗帘和地毯十分协调。,(2)suit适合(常指衣服颜色、样式适合某人);适宜。 suitable adj.合适的;适宜的。 It doesnt suit you to have your hair cut short. 你不适合剪短发。 (3)go with和相配;相称,相当于match的用法。 Do you think this hat would go with my new dress? 你觉得这帽子和我的新衣服相配吗?,(4)agree with适合(常用于否定句);相一致。 Your story doesnt agree with what the police have told us. 你说的和警察告诉我们的不一致。 (5)fit适合(常指衣服尺寸适合某人);称职。 The shirt does not fit me well.这件衬衫不太合我的身。,2.(2008年天津卷)Her shoes_her dress;they look very well together. Asuit Bfit Ccompare Dmatch,【解析】 句意为:她的鞋和她的裙子很匹配,搭配得很好。本题考查一组近义词辨析。suit是指颜色、花样或款式等相配,fit是大小、尺寸等正合适;compare比较;match指两个东西相称、匹配。 【答案】 D,3(2004年全国卷)How about eight oclock outside the cinema? That _me fine. Afits Bmeets Csatisfies Dsuits,【解析】 that指发话人的提议:(meeting at) eight oclock outside the cinema八点钟在电影院外(见面)。答话人表示的意思:这个提议正好适合我。fit指某物在大小、形状上适合某人或某物;suit指某种情况对某人来说是可接受的或方便的,而且常常用very well或fine (very well) 修饰来加强程度。 【答案】 D,4I dont think this jacket_you and that your hat_this jacket perfectly. Asuits;fits Bfits;matches Cmatches;suits Dmeets;fits 【解析】 fit表示大小尺寸的适合,物作主语;match表示相匹配。 【答案】 B,I am very anxious about my sons health. 我非常担心我儿子的健康。 An anxious mother was searching for her lost daughter everywhere.一位焦急的母亲正在四处寻找她迷路的女儿。,anxious adj.焦虑的,渴望的(常与for和about搭配,We are anxious for your safe return.我们盼望你平安归来。 We are anxious to know the result of the College Entrance Exam. 我们急于知道高考成绩。 She was anxious that he (should) come with her. She was anxious for him to come with her. 她渴望能与他同行。,(1)anxiety n担心,忧虑 feel anxiety for/about为担心 with anxiety焦虑地 I feel anxiety for/about his safety when I heard the news of the train accident.当我听到火车事故的消息时,我很担心他的安全。,His anxiety for success/to succeed in life led him to work hard. 他渴望成功之心促使他努力工作。 He got sick with anxiety他因忧虑而生病了。 (2)anxiously adv.忧虑地,担心地 They kept waiting for the bus anxiously. 他们一直焦急地等公共汽车。,5.Our parents always get a little bit_if we dont manage to arrive when we say we will. Aeager Banxious Cpatient Dearnest,【解析】 句意为:当我们没有在我们说的时间到达时,我们的父母总是会有点担心。eager渴望的,热情的,anxious担心的,渴望的,焦虑的,patient耐心的,earnest诚实的,真诚的。 【答案】 B,Your remark may injure her pride. 你的话也许会伤害她的自尊心。 The injured were later discharged from hospital. 受伤的人后来全部出了院。 Smoking will injure your health.吸烟会损害你的健康。,injure vt.损害;伤害,injure,hurt与wound用法比较: (1)injure意义较广,着重指偶然事故对人的“损害”。名词为injury伤害。 She was badly injured in the car accident.她在车祸中严重受伤。 The injured (people) were taken to hospital. 受伤者被送入医院。,
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