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20090422 CJ,1,Severe Sepsis 抗生素应用策略,中山大学附属第一医院SICU 陈娟,20090422 CJ,2,内容提要,SEPSIS概念 合理使用抗生素的概念 Severe Sepsis抗生素治疗原则 根据PK/PD用药 根据本院/本科室流行病学监测资料用药 知己知彼掌握病情,熟悉药物 联合用药,20090422 CJ,3,SEPSIS,SEPSIS(脓毒症)一词源于希腊文,意“腐烂、腐败”(Decay) Sepsis国内原翻译为 “败血症”1991年ACCP/SCCM新定义:Sepsis是感染引起的系统性炎症反应综合征(SIRS),20090422 CJ,4,Sepsis相关概念,Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) Two or more of the following: Temperature of 38oC or 90 Respiratory rate of 20 WBC count 12 x 109/L or 4 x 109/L or 10% immature forms (bands),20090422 CJ,5,Sepsis相关概念,Sepsis SIRS plus a culture-documented infection Severe Sepsis Sepsis plus organ dysfunction, hypotension, or hypoperfusion Septic Shock Sepsis plus Hypotension (despite fluid resuscitation) or hypoperfusion,有证据的感染+感染导致的全身性反应,Sepsis+SBP5.3kPa, 排除其他原因的导致低血压,20090422 CJ,6,严重脓毒症,Sepsis+ 低血压:除外其他原因,包括低血容量性, 心源性或梗阻性疾病 组织低灌注:如尿量0.5ml/kg.h, 精神症状,肢端湿冷、花斑,血乳酸升高, 组织二氧化碳分压升高 Sepsis相关的器官功能不全如:肺-低氧血症 肾-血肌酐升高凝血-血小板降低,DIC肝-高胆红素血症 中枢神经-精神症状,20090422 CJ,7,内容提要,SEPSIS概念 合理使用抗生素的概念 SEVERE SEPSIS抗生素治疗原则 根据PK/PD用药 根据本院/本科室流行病学监测资料用药 知己知彼掌握病情,熟悉药物 联合用药,20090422 CJ,8,合理用药的概念,WHO, 1985 Patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period of time, and at the lowest cost to them and their community.,20090422 CJ,9,合理使用抗菌药物的定义,戴自英实用抗菌药物学在明确指征下,选用适宜的抗菌药物,采用适当的剂量与疗程,达到杀灭致病微生物和/或控制感染的目的;同时采用各种相应措施增强患者的免疫力和防止各种不良反应的发生。,20090422 CJ,10,合理使用抗生素治疗,选择正确抗生素 使用最佳的抗生素剂量 给药途径及方法正确 必要时联合用药,20090422 CJ,11,1抗生素应用指征太松 2过度应用 重复使用 过大剂量使用 过长时间使用 过多联合使用,常见不合理用药,20090422 CJ,12,3对抗生素了解不足 抗菌活性 抗菌谱 药代药效特征 毒副反应 4受不良社会风气影响,常见不合理用药,20090422 CJ,13,病例分享,胃癌术后 伊米配能/西司他丁 0.5 g稀释后iv drip qd+三代头孢头孢哌酮/舒巴坦 1g 稀释后iv drip bid,20090422 CJ,14,内容提要,SEPSIS概念 合理使用抗生素的概念 SEVERE SEPSIS抗生素治疗原则 根据PK/PD用药 根据本院/本科室流行病学监测资料用药 知己知彼掌握病情,熟悉药物 联合用药,20090422 CJ,15,PK/PD,20090422 CJ,16,0,浓度,时间 (小时),药效学参数,20090422 CJ,17,Clin Infect Dis 2001 Sep 15;33 Suppl 3:S233-7,各种抗菌药物的 PK / PD parameters,20090422 CJ,18,PK / PD parameters,20090422 CJ,19,时间,B/A Time above MIC 与给药间隔时间比值 如4h / 8h=50%,20090422 CJ,20,Scand J Infect Dis Suppl 96:11-16,1995,抗菌药物发挥作用所必需的 Time above MIC,B/A(%) B : Time above MIC 时间 A: 给药间隔时间,20090422 CJ,21,B/A Time above MIC 与给药间隔时间比值 如4h / 8h=50% 5h / 8h=62%,20090422 CJ,22,A,B/A Time above MIC 与给药间隔时间比值 如4h / 6h=67%,20090422 CJ,23,B/A Time above MIC 与给药间隔时间比值 如6h / 8h=75%,20090422 CJ,24,内容提要,SEPSIS概念 合理使用抗生素的概念 SEVERE SEPSIS抗生素治疗原则 根据PK/PD用药 根据本院/本科室流行病学监测资料用药 知己知彼掌握病情,熟悉药物 联合用药,20090422 CJ,25,2006年CHINET各医院产ESBL菌株发生率,20090422 CJ,26,01-04 中山一院SICU,陈娟,等,中华外科杂志,2006,44(17):1189-1192,20090422 CJ,27,中山一院SICU感染部位,陈娟,等,中华外科杂志,2006,44(17):1189-1192,20090422 CJ,28,中山一院SICU主要病原菌,陈娟,等,中华外科杂志,2006,44(17):1189-1192,20090422 CJ,29,呼吸道感染主要病原菌,陈娟,等,中华外科杂志,2006,44(17):1189-1192,20090422 CJ,30,腹腔感染主要病原菌,陈娟,等,中华外科杂志,2006,44(17):1189-1192,20090422 CJ,31,中国10家教学医院大肠杆菌的耐药性(CMSS,2006年),% S,20090422 CJ,32,CARES 2006-2007:284株大肠杆菌,20090422 CJ,33,SICU:大肠埃希氏菌,陈娟,等,中华外科杂志,2006,44(17):1189-1192,20090422 CJ,34,中国10家教学医院铜绿假单胞菌的耐药性 (CMSS,2006年),S%,20090422 CJ,35,CARES 2006-2007:148株铜绿假单胞,20090422 CJ,36,SICU:铜绿假单胞菌,陈娟,等,中华外科杂志,2006,44(17):1189-1192,20090422 CJ,37,% S,中国10家教学医院克雷伯菌的耐药性(CMSS,2006年),20090422 CJ,38,CARES 2006-2007:149株肺克,20090422 CJ,39,SICU:肺炎克雷伯菌,陈娟,等,中华外科杂志,2006,44(17):1189-1192,20090422 CJ,40,Recommendations (with ratings) for management of antimicrobial agent resistance,High levelb of carbapenem-resistant P. eruginosa Reducec fluoroquinolone and or carbapenem use BIII 2. High level of fluoroquinolone resistant P.eruginosa Reduce fluoroquinolone use and change primary drug to ciprofloxacin AI 3. High level of carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii Reduce carbapenem use and assess for clonal problem AII,L. R. Peterson, Clin Microbiol Infect 2005; 11 (Suppl. 5): 416,20090422 CJ,41,Recommendations (with ratings) for management of antimicrobial agent resistance,4. High level of b-lactam resistance in P. aeruginosa Reduce extended-spectrum cephalosporin use and replace with piperacillintazobactam BIII 5. High level of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae Reduce extended-spectrum cephalosporin useand replace with piperacillintazobactam or imipenemcilastatin or ampicillinsulbactam AI 6. High level of gentamicintobramycin resistance in Enterobacteriaceae Replace with amikacin AI,L. R. Peterson, Clin Microbiol Infect 2005; 11 (Suppl. 5): 416,20090422 CJ,42,Recommendations (with ratings) for management of antimicrobial agent resistance,7. Concern over presence of VRE Reduce cephalosporin and fluoroquinolone use and replace with piperacillintazobactam AI 8. Concern over presence of MRSA Reduce cephalosporin and fluoroquinolone use, and replace with a b-lactamase inhibitor drug BIII 9. Concern over presence of C. difficile Reduce cephalosporin, clindamycin and fluoroquinolone use and replace with: (a) piperacillintazobactam or(b) ticarcillinclavulanate AI and BIII respectivelyfor (a) or (b),
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