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师大家教http:/www.lzzedu.com,Part III,Extended Activities,Book 2-Unit 4,师大家教http:/www.lzzedu.com,Dictation Read More Grammar and Vocabulary Translation Writing Cultural Information,Extended Activities,Book 2-Unit 4,Return to Menu,Dictation,Book 2-Unit 4,Today, the old attitudes toward how children should be brought up have largely disappeared. For many children, family life has become more relaxed and less strict. Many young people in Britain and the US have a considerable amount of freedom and they can enjoy the things they are interested in: music, sports, television, even money and fashion. Life has become easier and more enjoyable. However, along with an easy life and permissive families, a number of social problems have arisen for the young. For example, some schools have problems with discipline and motivation; and crime and drug taking in some areas have reached serious levels. During the 1980s and early 1990s unemployment among school-dropouts was a particular problem, with many facing a bleak future and having little hope of finding a decent job.,Book 2-Unit 4,Listen and Retell,Listen to the story. You will be allowed to listen twice. Try to get the whole story in the first time. When you listen again, take notes. Then you will be given three minutes to prepare for retelling the story.,Script,Read More,Read “A Father, a Son and an Answer” on page 54, and figure out your answer to the following question.,What can a father do to teach his children to love, wonder at, and appreciate life?,Book 2-Unit 4,The father can teach his kids how to love life by taking them out to see the world. The father can teach his kids how to wonder at the life by talking to them. The father can teach his kids how to appreciate life by playing games with them. The father can teach his kids how to love life by showing them around.,Possible Answers,Book 2-Unit 4,Read the story and do the True/False/Not Mentioned (NM) exercise on page 55.,1. F,2. F,3. F,4. F,5. NM,6. T,7. F,8. T,Book 2-Unit 4,Book 2-Unit 4,Topics for Discussion,An English proverb says: “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” By contrast, the text tells us a story of a loving father. Which, do you think, is the better way in bringing up a child? Give your reasons.,Grammar and Vocabulary,Error Correction,Word formation,Vocabulary Work,Book 2-Unit 4,Book 2-Unit 4,I lived/used to live in Nanjing when I was at primary school. The explorer discovered the ancient cave by accident. This course requires that every student turn in a paper of two pages at least and four pages at most. Debbie is sometimes not responsible for what she does. Nobody knows the exact age of the earth for certain. He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow. The beggar accepted the food and money and gave a performance in return. A stitch in time saves nine. The postman dropped my letter into our neighbors mail box by mistake. He sent his parcel by sea, since airmail was too expensive.,及时的一针顶日后的九针。小洞不补大洞吃苦。,in error,Grammar Work: Error Correction,Book 2-Unit 4,used to vs. would,usage of used to as a modal verb indicating a past habit/state, cf. would would is normally used to indicate a frequent action for a period of time in the past, not a state, e.g. we would go to the beach on weekend when we were young.,Book 2-Unit 4,by sea,表示交通工具的by短语中不用the: by bus, by train, by air, by post,Fill in appropriate preposition: In some countries children usually go to school _ bikes. Were leaving for Shanghai _ Johns car.,on,in,Word Formation (page 56),No one could account for the _ (remove) of the desk from the room. I know you dont like him, but at least have the _ (decent) to be polite to him in public. Of course its _ (moral) to cheat people. What annoys me is her complete _ (regard) for anyone elses opinion. Shed be better at her job as a jailer if she could _ (hard) her heart. We are hoping to _ (final) the arrangements with the members of the committee. When I was at school, we were required to _ (memory) a poem every week. You must _(capital) the first letter of the first word of a sentence in writing.,removal,decency,immoral,disregard,harden,finalise/finalize,memorize /memorise,capitalise/capitalize,American English British Englishmodernize moderniseprivatize privatisefinalize finalise-ise in both American and British English advertise compromise improvise merchandise,Book 2-Unit 4,-ise, -ize,Book 2-Unit 4,Vocabulary Work (page 57),1. Jo and I have a good relationship.a. get on well with each other b. know each other fairly well c. are in love with each other 2. Adrian and Liz dont see eye to eye.a. dont see each other very often. b. are different in height c. often disagree and argue 3. John has fallen out with his parents again. a. has had a fight b. has been beaten by c. has had arguments,Book 2-Unit 4,
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