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,Dont eat in class.,writing & revision,Dos and Donts,T says some rules and you should act accordingly(根据). Act out Dos and dont act out Donts.,Whats the rule?,Do my homework first when I get home.,Whats the rule?,I must read a book before I can watch TV.,Whats the rule?,Play basketball only on weekends.,on weekends,Whats the rule?,make dinner, every day,I have to help mom make diner every day.,Whats the rule?,I have to practice the violin for an hour after dinner.,after dinner, for an hour,Whats the rule?,Dont see friends on weekends.,see friends, on weekends,on weekends,make dinner, every day,after dinner, for an hour,see friends, on weekends,What does he/she have to do? Does he/she have to? What do they have to do? Do they have to?,What are our school rules?,arrive late/ class _ 2. listen/ teacher_,Dont arrive late for class. We cant arrive late for class.,We must/ have to listen to our teachers at school.,Self Check,3. be noisy/ library_ 4. speak English/ English class_ _ 5. eat/ dining hall _,We must/can speak English in the English class.,We cant be noisy in the library. Dont be noisy in the library.,We must/can eat in the dining hall.,Can you think of more school rules?,1.We must get up early in the morning. 2. We have to read English and Chinese early at morning. . .,1.We cant fight others. 2. We cant listen to the music in the classroom. . .,What are the rules in Mollys family?,She,Get up; make bed Dirty dishes Be late Be noisy,Eat play basketball read a book; watch TV go to bed,Dear Dr. Know, _ you help me? Im not happy because there are too many rules at home. Every morning, I _ get up at six oclock. At school, I _ wear a school uniform, and I _ keep my hair short. After school, I _ play with my friends or watch TV because I _ do my homework. I _ relax on weekends either because I _ learn to play the piano. I never have fun, what _ I do? Zhao Pei,have to,Can,have to,must,must,cant,cant,must,can,3a Complete Zhao Peis letters to Dr. Know using have to / must, can / cant.,Suppose you are Dr. Know, what will you say to Zhao Pei? What can she do?,Think about it, Zhao Pei. There are a lot of things you can do. You can,Rats also have rules in their lives.,My name is Timmy the Mouse. I must get up early at 6:30 a.m. every morning. Then I have to go to the kitchen to get food for Grandpa. I never _ to the kitchen because I have to get there before the cat gets up. My grandpa always tells me I cant _. I _ him because I dont want the cat to get me! My grandpa _ with me, but I think its best to _.,listen to,isnt strict,be noisy,arrive late,follow the rules,Suppose you are the little mouse. Retell your story to your partners.,My names Timmy the Mouse. I must,get up, 6:30,go to the kitchen,arrive late, get up,Suppose you are the little mouse. Retell your story to your partners.,grandpa, be noisy,listen to, get me,strict with, follow,I cant go out on school nights.,I must do the homework first after school.,I cant watch TV before I practice the piano.,I have to wear the uniform at school.,I have to keep my hair short.,I cant see friends on school days.,I must get up before 6:30 and practice English.,I cant be noisy or eat in class.,Do you have rules in your lives?,Write a letter to Dr. Know. Tell him about all the rules and how you feel about them.,Dear Dr. Know, _ Li Yan,Can you help me? Im not happy because therere too many rules in my life. I must get up before 6:30 and practice English every morning. I cant go out on school nights. I cant meet friends on school days. I must do my homework first after school. I cant watch TV before I practice the piano.I have to wear the school uniform at school. I have to keep my hair short. I cant be noisy or eat in class. What can I do?,One possible version,Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.,没有规矩,不成方圆。,We have to follow the rules because we need rules.,Homework,Review key words and structures in this unit and prepare for the dictation;Finish exercise in exercise books;Ask and answer with your deskmates and write a short passage about rules in your deskmates lives.,
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