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3.3 谱线加宽和线型函数,基本概念 均匀加宽 自然加宽 碰撞加宽 晶格振动加宽 非均匀加宽 多普勒加宽 晶格缺陷加宽,由于各种因素的影响,自发辐射并不是单色的,即光谱不是单一频率的光波,而包含有一个频率范围,称为谱线加宽。 P()是描述自发辐射功率按频率分布的函数。在总功率P中,分布在+d范围内的光功率为P()d ,数学表示为,P()的量纲?,谱线加宽与线型函数基本概念,引入谱线的线型函数 满足归一化条件 线型函数在=0时有最大值,并在 时下降到最大值的一半,即 按上式定义的称为谱线宽度。,量纲为s,0表示线型函数的中心频率,即,Lineshape function,If one performs a spectral analysis of the radiation emitted by spontaneous 21 transitions, one finds that the radiation is not strictly monochromatic (that is, of one frequency) but occupies a finite frequency bandwidth. The function describing the distribution of emitted intensity versus the frequency is referred to as the lineshape function (of the transition 21) and its arbitrary scale factor is usually chosen so that the function is normalized according to,We can consequently view as the a priori probability that a given spontaneous emission from level 2 to level 1 will result in a photon whose frequency is between and +d. The separation between the two frequencies at which the lineshape function is down to half its peak value is referred to as the linewidth.,Another method of determining is to apply an electromagnetic field to the sample containing the atoms and then plot the amount of energy absorbed by 12 transitions as a function of the frequency. This function is again . The fact that both the emission and the absorption are described by the same lineshape function can be verified experimentally, follows from basic quantum mechanical considerations.,加宽机制之一均匀加宽 homogeneous broadening,如果引起加宽的物理因素对每个原子都是等同的,则这种加宽称作均匀加宽 每个原子都以整个线型发射,不能把线型函数上的某一特定频率和某些特定原子联系起来,即每一发光原子对光谱线内任一频率都有贡献。 自然加宽、碰撞加宽和晶格振动加宽属于均匀加宽,1 自然加宽(natural broadening),在不受外界影响时,受激原子并非永远处于激发态,会自发地向低能级跃迁,因而受激原子在激发态上具有有限的寿命。这一因素造成原子跃迁谱线的自然加宽。,在经典模型中,原子中作简谐运动的电子由于自发辐射而不断消耗能量,因而电子振动的振幅服从阻尼振动规律 其中,0是原子作无阻尼简谐振动的频率,即原子发光的中心频率,为阻尼系数。这种阻尼运动不再是频率为0的单一频率(简谐)振动,而是包含有许多频率的光波,即谱线加宽了,此即形成自然加宽的原因。,对x(t)作傅立叶变换,可求得它的频谱 辐射功率正比于电子振动振幅的平方,频率在+d区间内的自发辐射功率为,设在初始时刻t=0时能级E2上有n20个原子,则自发辐射功率随时间的变化规律可写为,=?,另一方面, E2能级上原子数随时间的变化规律为 求得自发辐射功率为 比较两式可得,洛仑兹线型(Lorentzian lineshape) 当=0时, 自然线宽N=1/(2s),唯一地由原子在能级E2的自发辐射寿命s决定。 自然加宽线型函数表示为 原子谱线的宽度以及辐射持续时间都反映了原子能级的性质。,2 碰撞加宽(collision broadening),大量原子(分子)之间的无规“碰撞”是引起谱线加宽的另一重要原因。由于粒子之间的碰撞(相互作用)引起的谱线加宽称为碰撞加宽。 在气体工作物质中:大量原子(分子)处于无规则热运动状态,当两个原子相遇而处于足够接近的位置时(或原子与器壁相碰时),原子间的相互作用足以改变原子原来的运动状态。认为两原子发生了碰撞,在晶体中:虽然原子基本是不动的,但每个原子也受到相邻原子的偶极相互作用,因而一个原子也可能在无规的时刻由于这种相互作用而改变自己的运动状态,也称为“碰撞” 碰撞过程:分为弹性碰撞和非弹性碰撞 弹性碰撞: A*+AA+A*, A*+B 属于横向弛豫过程,虽不会使激发态原子减少,却会使原子发出的自发辐射波列发生无规的相位突变,相位突变引起的波列时间的缩短等效于原子寿命的缩短。,非弹性碰撞: 激发态原子和其它原子或器壁碰撞而将自己的内能变为其它原子的动能或给予器壁,而自己回到基态 称作无辐射跃迁,同自发辐射过程一样,也会引起激发态寿命的缩短。 在晶体中,无辐射跃迁起因于原子和晶格振动相互作用,原子释放的内能转化为声子能量。,由于碰撞的发生完全是随机的,只能了解它们的统计平均性质。 设任一原子与其它原子发生碰撞的平均时间间隔为L,它描述碰撞的频繁程度并称为平均碰撞时间。可以证明,平均长度为cL的波列可以等效为振幅呈指数变化的波列,其衰减常数为L 。碰撞过程和自发辐射过程同样引起谱线加宽。,洛仑兹线型函数, L =1/(L)-碰撞线宽 对于气体工作物质,在气压不太高时,实验证明L与气压p成正比: L=p。,从物理概念出发预见到碰撞加宽的线型函数和自然加宽一样,在气体工作物质中,均匀加宽来源于自然加宽和碰撞加宽,合并后,得到均匀加宽线型函数 对于一般气体激光介质,均匀加宽主要由碰撞加宽决定。只有当气压极低时,自然加宽才会显示出来。,固体工作物质中,若激发态自发辐射跃迁寿命为s,无辐射跃迁寿命为nr,则激发态的寿命 激发态的有限寿命导致谱线的均匀加宽,可用洛伦兹线型函数描述,原子在能级上的有限寿命所引起的均匀加宽也是量子力学测不准原理的直接结果。 设原子在能级上的寿命为,可理解为原子的时间测不准,原子的能量测不准量E为 若跃迁上、下能级的寿命分别为2与1,则原子发光具有频率不确定量或谱线宽度,当下能级为基态时,1为无穷大,有 前述的表达式(书中4.3.9式)中线宽只与上能级寿命有关,与下能级寿命无关,这是经典模型的局限性带来的结果。,3 晶格振动加宽,对于固体激光物质,均匀加宽主要是由晶格热振动引起的,自发辐射和无辐射跃迁造成的谱线加宽是很小的。 固体工作物质中,激活离子镶嵌在晶体中,周围的晶格场将影响其能级的位置。由于晶格振动使激活离子处于随时间变化的晶格场中,激活离子的能级所对应的能量在某一范围内变化,因而引起谱线加宽。温度越高,振动越剧烈,谱线越宽。由于晶格振动对于所有激活离子的影响基本相同,所以这种加宽属于均匀加宽。,Curves with the function dependence of (4.3.5) are called Lorentzian. They occur often in physics and engineering, since they characterize the response of damped resonate systems. The type of broadening (that is, the finite width of the emitted spectrum) describes above is called homogeneous broadening. It is characterized by the fact the the spread of the response over a band is characteristic of each atom in the sample. The function thus describes the response of any of the atoms which are indistinguishable.,Homogenous broadening is due most often to the finite interaction lifetime of the emitting or absorbing atoms. Some of the most common mechanisms are: 1 The spontaneous lifetime of the excited state 2 Collision of an atom embedded in a crystal with a phonon. This may involve the emission or absorption of acoustic energy. Such a collision does not terminate the lifetime of the atom in its absorbing or emitting state.,It does interrupt, however, the relative phase between the atomic oscillation and that of the field, thus causing a broadening of the response where now represents the mean uninterrupted interaction time. 3 Pressure broadening of atoms in a gas. At sufficiently high atomic densities the collisions between atoms become frequent enough that lifetime termination and phase interruption as in the preceding mechanism dominate the broadening mechanism.,There are, however, many physical situations in which the individual atoms are distinguishable, each having a slightly different transition frequency 0. If one observes, in this case, the spectrum of the spontaneous emission, its spectral distribution will reflect the spread in the individual transition frequencies and not the broadening due to the finite lifetime of the excited state. This type of broadening, referred to as inhomogeneous.,
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