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Loading,1、 如今不少学生在英语中不重视拼写 2、出现这种现象的原因 3、为改变这种状况,我认为,Directions:For,this part,you are,allowed 30 minutes,to write a short essay,on the topic of Due Attention,English composition,Should Be Given to spelling.,You should write at least 120 words,following the outline given below.,Quite a few students now neglect spelling in English study.Take the simple word “trouble”,for example.Only a few students can spell“trouble” without troubleothers may spell it as truble,touble or something else. For various reasons,spelling is now becoming a neglected art.First of all,many students dont care about spelling.Some say theyre going to have a secretary when they get a job,and he or she will correct their spelling.Second ,most word processors and email programs come with a built-in spell checker,which discourages students to spell well.Last but not the least,teachers appear not to be overly concerned about studentsspelling errors. To change this situation,I think both students and teachers should make effort.On one hand,students should give spelling due attention.Its necessary that they change the way they see spelling and avoid relying too much on computers or somebody else.On the other hand,to make better spellers of the students,every teacher,especially the one who teaches English,should be concerned about students poor spelling.,用”忽视”而没有用”不重视“,更符合英语习惯,形象而生动,层次分明,三个不同的角度,分析全面,主语从句,结构清晰,定语从句,Thank you!,
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