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Endometriosis and adenomyosis,一、concept Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial tissue (glands and stroma) outside the uterus. The most frequent sites of implantation are the pelvic viscera and the peritoneum,二、Epidemiology,The number of women with endometriosis at between 5% and 20% of women of reproductive age. About 30% to 40% of women with endometriosis are infertile, making it one of the leading causes of infertility.,Most endometriosis is found on structures in the pelvic cavity: Ovaries Fallopian tubes The back of the uterus and the posterior culdesac The front of the uterus and the anterior culdesac Uterine ligaments such as the broad or round ligament of the uterus Intestines, particularly the appendix Urinary bladder Endometriosis may spread to the cervix and vagina or to sites of a surgical abdominal incision. In extremely rare cases, endometriosis areas can grow in the lungs or other parts of the body.,三、Etiology,Transplantation theory1)经血逆流2)医源性种植3)淋巴及静脉播散体腔上皮化生学说免疫学说遗传学说诱导学说,四、pathology,基本病理变化:异位内膜随性激素变化发生周期性出血,形成紫褐色紫兰色斑点、结节乃至包块,同时伴周围纤维组织增生、粘连形成。,Macroscopical :,1) 色素灶:腹膜表面紫蓝色、褐色斑点或结节,最常见。卵巢 卵巢巧克力囊肿 宫骶韧带 直肠子宫陷窝 粘连直肠子宫陷窝变浅甚至消失 子宫/后壁下段 包块凸向阴道或直肠,Endometriosis Cyst,Endometriosis Cyst,2)无色素灶:这是一种腹膜早期病变。 白色浑浊腹膜灶、火焰状红色灶、腺样息 肉灶和卵巢下粘连。 热色试验:将可疑病变部位加热,其内的含铁血黄素则呈现出棕褐色,Microscopical :1)典型: 病灶中可见子宫内膜上皮、内 膜腺体或腺样结构、内膜间质及出血。2)不典型:仅见少量内膜间质细胞或含铁血黄素颗粒。,五、symptoms,Painful, sometimes disabling menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea); pain may get worse over time (progressive pain) Chronic pain (typically lower back pain and pelvic pain, also abdominal) Painful sex (dyspareunia) Painful bowel movements (dyschezia) or painful urination (dysuria) Heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia) Infertility and subfertility.,六、Signs,子宫后倾固定,直肠子宫陷窝或宫骶韧带或子宫后壁下段等部位扪及触痛性结节 一侧或双侧附件区扪及与子宫相连的不活动囊性偏实包块,往往有轻压痛。 少数患者后穹隆可见紫蓝色结节或斑点,七、Diagnosis,Symptoms + signs + Ultrasound(or CT, MRI):发现卵巢囊肿:壁厚、与子宫粘连、囊内有光点反射;laparoscope:最佳手段,特别是对早期的盆腔异位症 CA-125 :监测疗效和复发较诊断更有价值,八、Treatment,1、对症治疗:缓解痛经消炎痛 25-50mg 3/日;奈普生 1粒 3/日 2、激素治疗1)假孕疗法(pseudo pregnancy therapy) 原理:长期服用大量高效孕激素,并辅以小量雌激素造成类似妊娠的人工闭经; 方法: 甲羟孕酮2050mg/日 X 6月疗效: 受孕率为20%-40%,复发率高达68%,副反应:恶心、呕吐、原有肌瘤增大等。,2)假绝经疗法(pseudomenopause therapy):,达那唑:原理:人工合成的17-乙炔睾酮衍生物,能 阻断下丘脑促性腺激素释放激素和垂体促性腺激素的合成和释放,抑制卵巢甾体激素的合成;直接和雌孕激素受体结合,抑制子宫内膜细胞增生。方法:400-800mg/日 6个月加服联苯双脂滴丸15mg 3/日保肝疗效:受孕率为50%-70%副反应:痤疮、多毛、体重增加、水肿潮热、性欲减退、肝功能受损等。,3)促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRH-a)原理:竞争性抑制GnRH受体卵巢功能药物性卵巢切除(medical oophorectomy)。方法:亮丙瑞林3.75mg 或 戈舍瑞林3.6mg 月经第5天开始皮下注射1/28天 3-6个月。,3、手术治疗:,1)保留生育功能的手术: 病灶清除,保持生殖器完整适用年轻有生育要求者,复发率:40%左右, 2)保留卵巢功能的手术:病灶清除+子宫切除适用45岁以下重症者,复发率:5% 3)根治性手术 A)去势手术:双卵巢切除复发率:0%B)全 子宫切除+双附件切除+病灶清除腹腔镜是子宫内膜异位症首选的治疗方式手术+药物是子宫内膜异位症的金标准治疗,Adenomyosis,Adenomyosis is a medical condition characterized by the presence of ectopic endometrial tissue (the inner lining of the uterus) within the myometrium (the thick, muscular layer of the uterus).,Pathology子宫内膜腺体及间质侵入子宫肌层.50%合并子宫肌瘤,15%合并子宫内膜异位症Clinical manifestation 1、继发性进行性痛经 2、月经增多、经期延长 3、子宫球形增大,质硬,压痛,Treatment,1、激素治疗基本无效; 2、对症治疗同内异症; 3、手术是治疗的主要手段:次全子宫切除 4、血管介入治疗?,子宫腺肌瘤(adenomyoma):少数子宫内膜在子宫肌层中呈局限性生长形成结节或团块,形似肌壁间肌瘤,但其周围无假包膜存在。,endometriosis主要症状和体征激素治疗的机理手术方式的选择adenomyosis三大临床表现,复习与思考:,
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