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The past participle,过去分词作宾补,及物动词的过去分词作补语表示被动的意义;vi的过分词只表示完成。宾语补足语说明宾语所处的状态。,1).感官动词:see / watch / notice / look at/observe/ hear / listen to / feel+o.,do doing Done (动宾关系),+oc.,1. I often hear him sing this English song. 2.I heard him singing this English song. 3. I often hear this English song sung by him .,Eg.1. Soon you will see many problems settled this way.,2.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see carried out the next day.,3.I was sleeping when I heard my name called.,4. He was disappointed to find his suggestions turned down.,2).表示“致使”意义的词:have / make / get ,have+o+oc,do doing done (动宾关系),The boss often has him do the dirty work. The boss had him working the whole day.The boss often has the dirty work done by him.,make+o+o.c,do done(动宾关系),get+o+o.c,to do doing done,1.I cant get the carstarted.,2. Jane got her bad tooth pulled out at the dentists.,3).keep / leave +o +o.c,doing(主动关系) done(被动关系),4).find +o +o.c,doing done,Sb be found,doing done,1. Please keep us informed of the latest news.,2. Please leave the door unlocked.,The door was found broken.,Her bag was found stolen when she woke up.,Sb. found her bag stolen when.,3. When he woke up,he found himself lying in the hospital.,4.The next morning people found the word outside completely changed.,5).with +n./pron.+p.p,Eg.1. With the work finished, they went to the seaside for a holiday.,2. She usually works in her study with the door locked.,6). catch sb doing / sb be caught doing,Eg: I caught a thief stealing on my home.,The salesman scolded the girl caught stealing and let her off.,The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_the next year.A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out,2.Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had_went wrong again. A.it B. it repaired C.repaired D. to be repaired,3.With a lot of difficult problems_,the newly-elected president is havinga hard time. A.settled B.settling C.to settle D.being settled,4.With trees,flowers and grass_everywhere, my native town had taken a new look. A.planting B.planted C.to plant D.to be planted,5. She was glad to see her child well_ care of. A. take B. to be taken C. taken D. taking,6.The result of the entrance exams was not made _to the public until last Thursday. A.knowing B. known C.to know D.to be known,7. I can make you _what I say,but you cant make yourself_in English. A.understand; understand B.understand, understood C.to understand, understand D.understand; to be understood,8.He found them_at a table_ A.sat; to play chess B.sitting; to play chess C.seated; playing chess D.seat; play the chess,9. John rushed out in a hurry,_the door_. A.leaving; unlocked B.leaving;unlocking C.left, unlocked D.to leave;unlocking,10.We are pleased to see the problem_ so quickly. A .settled B .settling C.be settled D .having been settled,11.I could feel the wind _on my face from an open window. A. to blow B.blowing C. to be blowing D. blown,; http:/www.7qpw.com/ 棋牌评测网 ioq728fgk 错了,把眼镜取下来,从口袋里拿出另外一副眼镜戴上,然后,再从口袋里掏出一副放大镜,对着发票看。他当时吓瘫了、吃惊地盯着发票说道:“你你一顿吃了8800元,倒是个吉利数,几乎吃掉了老朽一年薪水。”牛主任就像他姓一样:牛。他毫不客气地说:“区区几千元有什么可为难的,以前厂里没有多少钱,现在厂里有的是钱,我偶尔潇洒享受一下有什么不行?”财务总监几乎被雷倒,一时不知如何应对,考虑了很久才艰难地在发票上写道:同意报销。实际上,老牛吃饭只花了880元,他给发票舔了个“0”,简单至极。其二:人浮于事,闲杂人多。单位虽然撤了一部分科室,却增加了工程队。厂内常年驻扎着三个外包工程组和两个瓦工组。每天只要一上班,各个部门、车间办公室,首先来报道的是外包工程组和瓦工组的头儿。他们傻笑着,先是发烟,后是倒茶,然后询问今天有什么活要他们干,真像生产队派活一样,热闹异常,领到任务后立刻大张旗鼓、轰轰烈烈地干起来。与此同时,单位内部维修班的维修人员手里捧着茶杯站在旁边看,还悠然自得地说:“赶紧干,要不然,我们要抢你们的饭碗了。”令人莞尔。其三:采购设备没有整体规划。化验室要购一台全自动分析仪,结果来了2台一模一样的进口全自动分析仪,说是采购竞标,结果到最后,两台仪器都耐着不走了。中国啤酒界就这么大,一家有什么怪事,大家都晓得了。一次,马启明到某地参加全国啤酒界会议,在吃饭时,大家正在议论怎么用小木桶盛米饭,有人大笑:“饭桶!”正说着,又端上来炒鸡蛋,我们又大笑:“炒蛋。”一个同行又揶揄道:“你们厂真有钱,每台十几万美元的全自动分析仪你们连眼睛都不眨一下,一下子就买了两台,厉害!厉害!真厉害!”这还不是最厉害的,最厉害的是,采购的进口糖化压滤设备、进口酵母压榨机、进口桶啤设备买回来以后,与现有设备不配套,或有的根本就没必要买,结果放在单位院子那儿当作免费展览品。时间长了,又像废品一样长时间地丢在露天风吹日晒,变成一堆破铜烂铁。后来有人看见,在废品收购站有不少进口设备的零部件。花开啤酒单位就如同一头飞不起来的老鹰,被几个穷凶极恶的豺狼虎豹连血带肉地吞食着,老鹰在无力的挣扎着很快外方投入的资金被消耗殆尽。随着啤酒市场竞争加剧和花开啤酒经营日渐衰落,花开啤酒单位又走向了下坡路,开始出现亏损了,双方矛盾也逐渐增大。这叫马启明想起了“强弩之末”这个成语。就在这个时候,谷仕昊马上就要退休了,总经理人选摆到了花开啤酒单位的议事日程上。外方要派总经理,中方坚持说,董事长永远是外方的,总经理永远是中方的,是合资时就确定下来的大事,按照既定方针办,不能董事长和总经理都由外,
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