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数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing,电子信息工程系 宋丽丽,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,2,Text book for this course,英文影印版(教材) 书名: Signal Processing First 著者: James H. McClellan,Ronald W. Schafer,Mark A. Yoder 出版社:科学出版社 标准书号:7-03-011618-6/TN.488 出版时间:2003-12-30 定价:¥45.00,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,3,Text book for this course,中文翻译版(参考书) 信号处理引论 作者:James H. McClellan 译者:周利清 出版社:电子工业出版社 ISBN书号:7-121-00637-5 出版日期:2005年4月 定价:48.0元,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,4,How to learn DSP?,Preview & Review Do more exercise 数字信号处理 双语学习指导书Do more computer experiments MATLAB 数字信号处理MATLAB实验指导书,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,5,How to learn DSP?,Download from 精品课程网站Do the homework by computer. (Matlab, word, MathType)Send the homework to 网络教学,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,6,COURSE OBJECTIVE,Students will be able to:Understand mathematical descriptions of signal processing algorithms and express those algorithms as computer implementations (MATLAB),9/14/2018 11:03 PM,7,Introduction,Sections What is DSP? Why use DSP? Realization of DSP. Signals and systems. DSP systems.,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,8,Introduction,Reading assignmentsThis lectureChapter 1: Introduction,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,9,What is DSP?,Digital Signal Processing-A method for processing signals.Digital Signal Processor-A special type of microprocessor most suitable to do math, esp. DSP algorithm.,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,10,DSP devices around us,Digital Media Processing,Telematics,Wireless Devices: 802.11, Bluetooth, Others,Military and Government Cellular, Secure Connectivity,Industry-Specific PDAs,Biometrics,Medical Devices,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,11,Why use DSP?,Parameter Analog Signal Digital Signal Processing Processing 容错能力 1-10% .003% 灵敏度(漂移) Temp,Time None Noise Floor 60dB typ 90+dB 灵活性(适应性) Hard, Expensive Easy, Low Cost 增益调节 Hand tuning Auto tuning 重新设计 New Board New Code 布局 Noise Sensitive Digital Immunity 高级功能 Hardware Intensive Additional Software 多种处理能力 Multiple Hardware More MIPS & Software 大小 Larger Smaller 可靠性 Lower Higher,精度高,灵活性强,集成度高,高性能,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,12,Realization of DSP,软件实现:利用现成或自编代码,借助通用计算机易修改、速度慢,不能实时应用于科研、教学硬件实现:运算单元电路(加法器、乘法器、延时器)搭建速度快、不灵活通用、或专用DSP芯片,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,13,Providers of DSP,Analog Device: AD2181,AD21062 Lucent: 16210 Motorola: 56305 Texas Instrument TMS320 serial,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,14,DSPs of TI,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,15,TI 5402 DSP board,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,16,DSP functions,Overview Amplification, Filtering, Transform, Compression/Decompression, Modulation/Demodulation, Coding/Decoding, Key Functions Digital Filtering & Filter Design Signal Transforms & Spectral computation,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,17,DSP Knowledge Structure,Fundamentals Digital Audio Speech signal processing Image processing Video signal processing ,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,18,Signals,Something carries information Patterns of variations that represent or encode informationanalog signal, digital signal continuous-time signal, discrete-time signal,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,19,Continuous-time signal,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,20,Discrete-time signal,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,21,Mathematical Representation of Signals,An example of one-dimensional signal.,x(t),Be represented mathematically as a function of a single independent variable (t).,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,22,Mathematical Representation of Signals,Sample,Sampling period,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,23,Mathematical Representation of Signals,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,24,Systems,Something can manipulate, change, record, or transmit signals. Transforms signals into new signal or different signal representations.Continuous-time system Discrete-time system,continuous-time signal,discrete-time signal,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,25,Systems,x(t),9/14/2018 11:03 PM,26,Systems,y(t),9/14/2018 11:03 PM,27,Mathematical representation of systems,Block diagram representation of a continuous-time system.,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,28,Sampler-another example of system,Take a “snapshot” every Ts.,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,29,DSP systems,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,30,ADC & DAC,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,31,CD audio system,CDC-ideal, infinite-precisionADC-physical approximation, finite-precision,Simplified block diagram.,Continuous-to-discrete,analog-to-digital,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,32,Quiz,是否所有信号都可以用数学表达式表示?如;方波信号、人类语音信号 举例说明:你生活中能够遇到哪些模拟信号和数字信号?各自有什么特点?谈谈它们之间的关系。 举例说明:为什么需要对信号进行处理?信号处理的方式有哪些?怎么设计信号处理系统?如;音频功放。,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,33,Homework,P441 problems A.1-10Review Chapter1Appendix A: Complex NumbersPreview Chapter2,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,34,Sinusoids,Keywords Sections Sinusoidal Signals Complex Exponential Signal Phasor Summary,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,35,Reading assignments,This Lecture Chapter 2,section 2-2,2-3,2-5 Appendix A: Complex Numbers,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,36,Keywords,Sinusoidal signals Function Frequency vs. Period Phase shift vs. Time shift Complex exponential signals复指数信号 Phasor 相量,9/14/2018 11:03 PM,37,Lecture Objectives,The general formula for a “sinusoidal” waveform, or signal From the formula, plot the sinusoid versus time Define Sinusoid Formula from a plot Relate TIME-SHIFT to PHASE-SHIFT Complex exponential signals,
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