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工业设计专业英语,主讲:丁剑飞 Email:dingjf06163.com 中原工学院机电学院,Confucianism, one of the major thoughts of china, which has largely influenced the Chinese attitude towards life, set the pattern of living and standards of social value. As a designer, how would you discard the dross and select essential from it ?Confucianism n. 儒家思想,孔子学说 dross n. 渣滓,碎屑essential n. 精华,本质,要素作为中国主要思想流派,儒学对中国人的生活态度产生了巨大的影响,它建立了一套生活方式和社会价值标准。作为一个设计师,你该如何弃其糟粕,取其精华呢?,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,Confucianism is the complex system of moral, social, political, and religious teaching build up by Confucius and the ancient Chinese traditions. Confucianism goal is making not only the man virtuous, but also making him the man of learning and good manners. The perfect man must combine the qualities of saint, scholar, and gentleman. The notion of duty is extended beyond the boundaries and embraces the detail of daily life.religious adj. 宗教的,虔诚的 virtuous adj. 善良的,有道德,正直的 embraces vt. 包含,拥抱,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,儒学是由孔子和古代中国传统建立起来的一套复杂的道德、社会、政治和宗教教义体系。儒学的宗旨是教育人不但要具有高尚的道德品质,而且要有渊博的学识和良好的修养。一个完美的人必须同时具备圣人的品质,学者的知识以及绅士的修养。责任的概念已经远远超出了道德的范围,它体现在生活的方方面面。,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,Confucius held the traditional view that all men are born good. In his view, what spoiled men was bad environment, evil example and yield to evil appetites that everyone could and ought to control. Moral downfall caused by suggestions of spirits had no place in Confuciuss system.yield to 屈服,让步 appetite n. 食欲,嗜好suggestion n. 建议,微量,细微的迹象孔子赞同传统的观点,认为人在出生之初性格都是善良的。在他看来,使人变坏的原因在于不良的环境,罪恶的榜样以及邪恶的欲望。精神的细微变化引起的道德败坏在孔子的理论体系中没有提及。,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,In Confucianism the pursuit of virtue is natural and fortunate. But in this pursuit of moral perfection Confucius sought to give others the enthusiastic love of virtue that he felt himself. To make oneself as good as possible was the main business of life. Everything that was conducive to the practice of goodness was to be eagerly sought and made use of knowledge was held as an indispensable treasure. The knowledge which he taught to be pursued was not purely scientific, but was the study of the sacred texts and the rules of virtue and propriety.enthusiastic adj. 热心的,热情的 be conducive to 有利于sacred text 宗教经典 propriety n. 礼节,适当 pursuit n. 追求,职业 virtue n. 美德,优点 fortunate n. 幸运的,吉祥的,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,在儒学思想中,对美德的追求是自然的、幸运的。在对完美道德的追求中,孔子试图给其他的人对美德的热爱。使自己尽可能的完美是一个人一生中主要的事业。一切有助于养成良好习惯的东西都应该热心地去寻找,并且要利知识财富。他所传授的知识不是单纯的科学知识,而是对典籍、道德规范和礼仪的学习。,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,Another factor which he stressed was the influence of good example. The hero and sages of past and saying he sought to promote. He did this by insisting on the study of ancient classic. Many of his recorded saying are eulogies of these men of virtue. Confucius taught his followers the importance of always welcoming the correction of ones faults. Also, the daily examination of conscience was enforced. To further aid to the formation of virtuous character, he valued a certain amount of self-discipline. He recognized the danger, especially in the young, of falling into bad habits, so he insisted on eliminating the urge for unnecessary comforts.sage n. 圣贤,圣人 promote vt. 发扬,促进 eulogy n. 颂扬,悼词 conscience n. 良心,道德 eliminate vt. 消除,排除,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,他强调的另外一个因素是好的典范的影响。他大力宣扬古代的英雄和圣贤以及格言名句。他坚持学习古代典籍。他的很多论语就是对先贤的颂词。孔子教育他的弟子接受别人改过自新的重要性。另外,每日的自省是必须要的。为了进一步帮助形成良好的道德品质,他衡量了很多自我修养的规范。他认识到了养成坏习惯的危险性,尤其是在青少年时期,所以他强调不能贪图安逸。,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,As a foundation for the life of perfect goodness, Confucius insisted mainly on the four virtue of sincerity, benevolence, filial piety, and propriety. sincerity was a cardinal virtue. It meant more than a mere social relation. Sincerity also meant to be truthful and straightforward in speech, faithful to ones promises and to be conscientious in the discharge of ones duties to others. The sincere man in Confuciuss eye was the man whose conduct was based on the love of virtue, and who sought to observe the rules of right conduct in his heart as well as in outward actions.sincerity n. 真实,诚挚 benevolence n. 仁慈,善行filial piety 孝道 propriety n. 礼节,适当 cardinal adj. 主要的,基本的 straightforward adj. 坦率的 faithful adj. 忠实的,忠诚的 conscientious adj. 认真的,善良的 sincere adj. 真诚的,诚挚的,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,作为完美生活的基础,孔子主要强调四种美德:诚信、仁爱、孝道、礼仪。诚信是最重要的美德。它的含义超出了纯粹的社会关系。诚信也意味着说话诚实坦率,信守自己的诺言,认真履行自己的职责。在孔子的眼中,诚信的人他的行为建立在对美德的热爱基础上,他在内心和外在行动上都努力遵循适当的行为规范。,A Brief Summary of Confucianism,Showing a kindly regard for the welfare of others and in a readiness to help them in times of need, was also a fundamental element in Confuciuss teaching. These things were viewed as the traits of the good man. In the saying of Confucius, he states many things that can be compared to the Golden Rule. For example, when a disciple asked him for a guiding principle for all conduct, Confucius answered :”Is not mutual goodwill such a principle? What you do not want done to yourself , do not do to others.”regard for 对的注意,尊重 welfare n. 幸福,福利be viewed as 被看成,看作是 trait n. 特征,品质disciple n. 门徒,弟子,
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