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My favorite subject is science.,Section A,broomstick subject,wand subject,potion subject,science,P.E.,music,What subjects do we study at school?,art,Chinese,math,and more,computer,politics,geography,English,politics,历史,history,生物,biology,biology,What subject is it?,Game- then;what subject do you like? 1b listen,Listen and circle the subjects you hear(1b) P71.,.,A:Whats her/his favorite subject?B:Her/his favorite subject is P.E,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E,computer,history,English art Chinese science music P.E.,P.E. science art music,Whats his / her favorite subject? His/Her favorite subject is.,Groupwork(in three ),A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E. C:Whats her/his favorite subject? A:Her/his favorite subject is P.E.,Whats his favorite subject?,guess,His favorite subject is,art,Whats her favorite subject?,science,A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is,A: Why do you like?,B: Because its fun / interesting /boring / difficult / relaxing.,pairwork,Listen and match the subjects you hear with the description words. 2b,Listen and put the conversation in order 2a,P.E. exciting,Scienceinteresting,math interesting,artfun.,musicrelaxing,historyexciting.,Whats his/her favorite subject? Why does he/she like ?,teacher,A: What is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is A: Why do you like ? B: Because I think its A: Who is your teacher? B: My teacher is Mr. / Mrs. /Miss ,Ask and answer in pairs:,Survey:,Report:My favorite subject is , because its . My teacher is Mrs/Mr/Miss .I dont like, because its. Toms favorite subject is,he thinksits,Whats your favorite subject? Why?,Design your favorite timetable for one day and fill in the chart.Then tell your members why you like a timetable like this. (设计自己最喜欢的一天的课表,并陈述理由),In the morning I have an English class, a math class and a P.E. class. I can learn about English and math,theyre interesting. P.E.class is relaxing and fun. In the afternoon,interview,Groupwork(先角色扮演,后汇报),Zhang ziyifavorite city is Shanghai. Her favorite color is blue.Her favorite subject is ,Cool : Hi, Im Cool. Can I chat(聊天) with you? Happy Apple: Hi!,Task 5: Looking for a friend on net(找网友) Finish the dialogue with your partner (编对话). Useful Whats your favorite subject? Why?Who is your teacher? expressions:Does your father /mother like ? Whats his/her favourite city/color/food? (有用的句子) Whats your favorite sports/color/? Why?Whos your favorite singer/ player/? ,Homework,Ask your parent about his/herfavorite.Then write a passage.,survey,Report: My mothers favorite city is Shanghai,her favorite color is blue.Her favourite TV show is,1.根据调查写一个短文,并准备下堂课做报告,2.查找自己最喜欢的明星档案,爱好,Homework:,回家问问父母的爱好,并记下来,完成页表格,Homework:,A: What is _ favorite _? B: My favorite _ is art. A: Who is _ art _? B: My art _ is Mrs Jones.,your,subject,subject,your,teacher,teacher,teacher my subject your,Discuss:Whats his/her favorite subject? Why?,interview,Groupwork(先角色扮演,后汇报),
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