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Unit5 Main task,vegetables,comic book,Walkman,shoes,skirt,volleyball,I want to buy different kinds of things.,It is easy to find. near the bus stop and taxi rank,1.How many floors are there in it? What shops can you find? 2. Whats on the top floor? 3.What else can you do there?,Simon is planning an article about,The school newsletter is inviting students to,write about their favourite malls in Beijing.,A:,Sunnyside Shopping Mall.,Simon,1.Where is the shopping mall?Is it in a good location? 2.How many floors of shops are there?What shops are good for girls?What does he think of only one sports shop? 3.Where are the restaurants? 4.Is there a good cinema? 5.What does he think of Computer games center?,There are lots of restaurants on the _. You can,easy to find It is near the bus_ and the _ rank.,There is a new shopping mall near my school. It is very,The mall is very big. There are _ floors of shops and,each floor is very big.There are lots of _.,This is great for girls. However, there are not many,shops for boys. There is only one _.I think,the mall needs some more.,eat different kinds food from different _. I,stop,taxi,five,clothes shops,sports shop,top floor,countries,B:,The mall is a really fun place to go. It is a good place,like Chongqing Restaurant best. It has great food,from Sichuan.,I go shopping.,I like the big _. I like watching a film before,I do not like the computer games centre. It is _,and there are _ people.,to meet friends.,cinema,small,too many,Shopping Mall,商 贸 大 厦,Writing Task:,3)How many floors?,4)Kinds of shops,Some clues :1)Name of the mall 2)Location :Where is it ? How to get there ?,5)The reason that you like/dislike , etc .,Whats your favourite shopping mall ?,Please write an article.,(there is/ are shop(s)on the floor.),
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