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作 者:唐納薩爾 譯 者:李田樹/李芳齡 出版日:2003/ 08/ 05,成功不墜最適者再生,變革在成功高峰時 哈佛商學院新世代管理大師-唐納薩爾來台演講,引起各界熱烈迴響,超過三千位企業人士參與演講,暢談台灣面對未來的致勝關鍵,掌握關鍵機會。演講內容精彩摘要,與讀者分享大師的前瞻洞見。,Why do good companies go bad?卓越企業為何盛極而衰?,Reality: Trapped by commitments 陷入承諾的陷阱,To succeed managers must make commitments 成功不墜領導人必須做出承諾,How do managers commit? 承諾的類型,Invest 投資 (R&D, acquisitions, advertising) Disinvest 撤資 (exit business, kill product) Promise publicly 公開保證 (earnings guidance, goal) Assert publicly公開主張 (define market, declare enemy) Forge partnerships 形成合作夥伴 (large investor, major customer) Personnel decisions 人事決策 (hire, fire, promote) Define metrics 界定衡量標準 (success measures, compensation),詳見本書P54,What do managers commit to? 領導人做哪些承諾?,詳見本書P84,Provide focus 聚焦 Confer efficiency 效率 Build competitive advantage 建立競爭優勢 Deter competitors 嚇阻競爭對手 Inspire the troops 鼓舞士氣,Benefits of commitments 承諾的效益,COMMITMENTS HARDEN 僵化的承諾 會導致行動慣性,ACTIVE INERTIA 行動慣性,ENVIRONMENT 環境改變,詳見本書P90,Common traps 常見的行動慣性陷阱,We are a growth company (Siebel Systems) 我們是成長公司 Our competitors are our enemies (Compaq vs IBM)我們對競爭者瞭如指掌 Bigger is better (National Westminster) 我們是業界第一 Our brand is the product (Lego) 我們的品牌就代表產品 We do it all in house (Laura Ashley) 重要事情都自己做 Our technology is a fortress (Xerox) 我們的技術無人能及 We have a “bible” for critical processes (Banc One)我們已將重要流程寫成聖經 We hire and promote people like us (Daewoo)我們晉用、提拔和我們一樣的人 We all agree on everything (Compaq) 我們以共識決做成決策,詳見本書P138,How can you break free of active inertia? 如何跳脫行動慣性?,SELECT AN ANCHOR 選擇固定樁著力點,SECURE IT 釘牢固定樁著力點,ALIGN THE REST 重整組織其餘部分,The Three Steps of Transforming Commitments 轉型承諾三階段,SECURE IT,ALIGN THE REST,1) SELECT AN ANCHOR,SELECT AN ANCHOR 選擇固定樁著力點,Project-based processes 專案導向流程 particularly new product development新產品研發 memo described “day in the life” 強調轉型 presented clear alternative to current functional fiefdoms 提供明確替代方案 one focal commitment versus many單一VS多目標,SELECT AN ANCHOR 選擇著力點,Processes: 流程 Oticon “project-based processes” 奧迪康專案導向流程 Allied-Signal “six sigma” 聯合訊號六標準差 Frames: 架構 IBM “integrated customer solutions” IBM客戶整合解決方案 Relationship: 關係 Lloyds-TSB “shareholders come first”英國駿懋銀行股東價值 Resources: 資源 Samsung “world-class technology and brand” 三星領導品牌 Values: 價值 McKinsey “professional values” 麥肯錫專業價值,CHOICE OF ANCHORS 可能的著力點選項,3) ALIGN THE REST,ALIGN THE REST 重整組織其餘部分,SELECT AN ANCHOR 選擇固定樁著力點,SECURE IT 釘牢固定樁著力點,Seven deadly sins 七個致命過失,1.Repeat what worked last time (Sunbeam)重複過去奏效的方法 2.Fail to run the numbers (AT&T) 忽略盤算財務數字 3.Dont sweat the details不注重細節 4.Delegate the hard work 把艱難的工作交給他人 5.Slow exit (Firestone) 半調子 6.Ignore core values (Arthur Andersen)忽視核心價值 7.Hold on to commitments too long (Lloyds-TSB)執著於已經過期的承諾,成功不墜最適者再生 延伸閱讀,唐納薩爾越洋專訪 唐納薩爾來台演講內容 成功不墜書籍專題報導,
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