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Unit 2 Civil Rights Heroes,Tasks,Language Study Pre-reading tasks Cultural Background Text Analysis Extensions Role Play,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Slender: 1)thin in an attractive or graceful way She is slender and stylish. slender legs/arms/fingers etc 2) small or very limited in amount or size The company only has a slender hope of survival.译:那个年轻女子站在大树下,亭亭玉立,楚楚动人。 共和党人以微弱优势赢得大选。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,thin, slim, skinny, slender, lean Thin is a general word meaning that someone has little fat on their body. It is usually, but not always, disapproving. Slim means thin in an attractive way Skinny is a fairly informal word meaning very thin, which is usually disapproving Slender, lean, and slight are used mostly in written English. Lean means thin and looking strong and fit,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Ironically: it seems ironic (that) Ironically, his cold got better on the last day of his holiday. Ironically it is often the poorer people who give the most.译:她正向朋友吹嘘她的婚姻如何幸福,与此同时,颇具讽刺意味的是,她的丈夫正与另一个女人约会。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Stand up for (for sb./sth.) : speak, work, etc. in favour of sb./sth.; support sb./sth.You have to be prepared to stand up for the things you believe in.Dont be afraid to stand up for yourself. 译: 在朋友遇到为难的时候,你应该为他挺身而出。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Historic: famous or important history In his book, Churchill recalls that historic first meeting with Roosevelt. More money is needed for the preservation of historic buildings and monuments. ancient historic sites/ historic monuments译: 杨立伟的太空旅行具有重要历史意义。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,c.f. historical: of or about things in the past Historical指不管重要与否而在过去存在的所有事物:e.g. a historical character Historical也指与历史或对过去的研究有关的事物:e.g. a historical novel (历史小说)e.g. historical discoveries (历史发现) 但这两个词并不是截然不同的。它们经常可换用:e.g. historic times或 historical times,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Site: place where a building, town, etc. was, is or will be situated The local government hasnt yet chosen the site for the new skyscraper. There are many archaeological sites in southern England. 译: 救援工人急忙赶往飞机坠毁现场。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Intent: 1) to be determined to do something or achieve something be intent on/upon (doing) something She was intent on pursuing a career in business giving careful attention his intent gaze Intent upon her work, she didnt notice the cold. 译:你是不是存心要破坏我的声誉?他目不转睛地看着她。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,On the side: as an additional job or source of income; secretly Some teachers have to find ways of making some money on the side.译: 为了挣足够的钱让孩子上学,他利用空余时间通过擦窗户另获得一笔微薄的收入,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Close in (on/ around): come near to, esp. in order to attack from several directions; surround Hitler committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin. Right after the suicide exploration, Israel troops began to close in on the Palestinian city. 译: 狮子向猎物一点点逼近。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Impose: 1) place a (penalty, tax, etc.) officially on sb./sth. The government has made a decision to impose a further tax on wines and spirits. 2) try to make sb. Accept (an opinion or a belief) I wouldnt want to impose my religious conviction on anyone.译: 父母把自己的趣味和价值观强加于孩子并非明智之举。 政府决定对那些把未经处理的垃圾排入河流的工厂课以罚金。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,As for: with regard to As for your request for a free sample, we will send it to you in about ten days. Some people have complained, but as for me Im perfectly satisfied with the working conditions here.译: 许多上班族女士需要着正装,但是对我们老师来说,我们穿着较为随意。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Disguise: give sb./sth. a false appearance (used in the pattern disguise sb./sth. as) The soldiers disguised themselves by wearing white garments in the snow. Jack escaped across the border disguised as a Catholic priest. 译: 花木兰女扮男装替父从军。in disguise/ in the disguise of/ under the disguise of His illness became a blessing in disguise, when he married his nurse.,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Abolish: end the existence of (a law, custom, system, etc.) Slavery was not finally abolished in the British Empire until 1833. Their mission is to abolish the global fur industry permanently by utilizing appropriate legal and non-violent methods. 译: 这些迷信做法应尽早取消。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Make the best of: accept an unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and try to manage as well as you canI know its cold and raining but were here now, so lets just make the best of it. The living conditions in the village were very poor, but we had to make the best of it. 译: 如果没有更好的, 就充分利用现有的。,Language Study 1,Words and Expressions,Compel: make (sb.) do sth.; force In the past children were frequently compelled to work from an early age. A large debt burden compelled many developing countries to undertake stabilization and adjustment policies. 译:父母早亡使得他很早就独立谋生。,Language Study 1,
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