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5b unit7 A busy day,响水县海安集实验学校 任红平,1.复习数字160,2. My timetable事 时间 Get up at six (例如) Have lunch Have breakfast Come home Go to school Do homework Classes begin Go to bed,quarter,一刻钟;四分之一,C Ask and answer,A: What time is it? B:It is quarter past nine.It is time for class.,C Ask and answer,A:What time is it? B:It is half past six.It is time for breakfast .,C Ask and answer,A:What time is it? B:It is ten past six.It is time for dinner.,C Ask and answer,A:What time is it? B:It is twenty to nine. It is time for bed.,D Work in pairs,A:I want to play cards .Do you want to join me? B:NO,Im doing my homework.,D Work in pairs,A:I want to fly the kite. B:NO.Im watering the flower.,D Work in pairs,A:I wantto play volleyball.Do you want to join me? B:No,Im making a model ship.,D Work in pairs,A:I want play Table Tennis.Do you want to join me? B:No,Im doing the exercise.,练一练,What time is it? It is It is time for( ). A.do my homework B.doing my homework C.My homework,Lilys timetable,Homework,Write the time Model:6:05 five past six 7:10 9:30 12:50 8:15 10:40 1:55 2:45 3:29 4:31,
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