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Module3 unit1,The sun is shining.,叶县实验学校韩迎贞,reading books,playing basketball,going shopping,swimming,watching TV,Please say the activities,crying,自学指导一:请同学们自读活动2中的这封信,边读边找出不认识的单词。2分钟后,比一比谁能跟着录音读得最好!要求:1 不会读的单词问老师或同桌2 坐姿端正,Dear,Lingling. How are you? I had a very interesting day on Saturday. We had a picnic in the park. I am sending some photos. I miss everyone in China. Please write to me soon.Love Daming,every+one=everyone,1.Did Daming have a very interesting day on Saturday? Yes,he did. 2.What did they do?They had a picnic. 3.What is Daming sending?He is sending some photos.,Answer the questions:,Look!Here are the photos.,请同学们认真看活动二的三幅图片和图下的英语表达,找出含有“ing”的句子并划下来,重点读你划的句子。,含有“ing”的句子:1 In this photo, the sun is shining.2 The birds are singing in the trees.3 We are looking at some ducks.4 In this photo, it is starting to rain and the birds are flying away.5 The ducks are eating our sandwiches.,同学们,你们发现上面这些句子 什么特点吗?,现在进行时句子主要结构:主语+be(am/is/are)+Ving温馨提示:be动词的形式要随主语人称的变化而变化;be动词和动词ing形式是现在进行时的两个重要组成部分,二者缺一不可。,The sun _ The birds _ We _ The ducks_,It_,The birds_,It _ The ducks _,In this photo,its raining.The ducks are swimming on the pond.,一.选择正确的答案:,1.The bird_singing in the trees.A. is B. am C. are 2.Im_some photosA. send B. sending C. sendding 3.The ducks_our picnic.A. is eating B. are eating C. eating,A,B,B,Homework,1.将所学课文读给家人听。 2.从家中选两张照片进行描述,并将其写在练习本上。,Thanks for your listening !,Goodbye !,
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