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Lesson 49 Hobbies Are Fun!,汉译英:1) 英语打开了通往世界之门。2) 英语老师经常鼓励我们学好英语。3) 步行上学将要花你十分钟的时间。4) 全世界的人都在学说英语。5) 对我们来说每天使用英语是很重要的。,Our English teacher often encourages us to learn English well.,English opens the door to the world.,It will take you ten minutes to walk to school.,Its very important for us to use English every day.,People all over the world are learning to speak English.,A task: A discussion 1. Can you tell us something about English?, More than 450 million people in the world can speak English. It is the official language of more than forty-five countries. English is the main language used at the United Nations. People all over the world are learning English. It is useful and important.,2. Why is it important for you to learn English well?, English opens the door to the world. Learning English helps people all over the world talk to each other. English can help you use computers and the Internet. It can help you get more information about the world. It can also help you know and communicate with the world. Learning English will help you find a good job in the future. It will help you a lot in the future.,3. How to learn English well?, Overcome(克服) your fears(恐惧) about English. Try to use English every day. Dont be afraid to pronounce difficult words. Dont be afraid that you are wrong. Dont afraid that people will laugh at you. Look new words up in a dictionary and use it often. Ask your teacher or someone to help you out. Learn by reading stories and watching TV and movies. Jump right in and try new words. Dont stop trying.,Think about it!,3. What hobbies do you have?,2. What is a hobby?,4. Look the picture. Can you guess what Dannys hobby is?,1. What do you like to do in your spare(空闲的) time?,A hobby is something you enjoy doing.,Listen and catch the answer: Whats Dannys hobby?,Taking photos.,Read carefully and answer the questions:1. Where is Danny now?2. What would he like to buy?3. Where does Danny want to put photos? 4. What is Danny buying for his hobby? 3. How many boxes does Danny want? 4. What does he also need?5. How many rolls of film will Danny take?,Photo frames.,Language notes:,3. sell sold sold,4. Do you have something I can use?,表示说话人希望有自己想要的东西,希望得到肯定答复,Would you like something to eat?Can I borrow some money from you?,1. a photo shop 名词作定语一般用单数形式,a flower shop a shoe shop,man和woman修饰名词时,要随所修饰名词的单复数变化而变化 a man/woman doctor men/women doctors,2. Im sorry, but ,Language notes:,4. How much (film) do you want?,5. I want to take two rolls of film, please.,take have get buy,2. The instructions are on the box.,3. film 电影 (可数) 胶卷 (不可数),a roll of film two rolls of film,how many + 可数名词复数形式 how much + 不可数名词,1. on the wall in the wall,单项选择 I would like to put these photos _ the tree. A. on B. with C. at D. about 2. _ film do you want? A. How B. How many C. How much D. How long 3. We have _for our trip.A. four films B. four rolls of films C. four rolls of film D. four roll of film 4. Can you put the photos _ the frame?A. on B. inside C. above D behind 5. Different boys have different _.A. hobby B. hobbys C. hobbis D. hobbies,A,C,C,B,D,A task: Say something about yourself. Whats your hobby? Why do you enjoy it?,深圳办公家具厂 http:/www.kuo9.com 深圳办公家具厂 stb36rus 乎是同时病倒了。老妇人的病情更是来势汹汹,头天儿晚上临睡时刚刚感觉有些不舒服,第二天早上就出现了昏迷的症状。好在耿正兄妹三人年轻,身体素质尚好,还没有感觉到有什么不适。看到老梁头夫妇俩如此病况,兄妹三人都急坏了。当时,家里临时周转的银子已经非常有限了。于是,耿正匆匆吃了点儿早饭,就大步流星地去了“盛元酒店”。到酒店后,也顾不上找老板叙话,就直接去柜台上把剩余的一百四十两银子全部取了出来。然后,又马不停蹄地赶去东大街请那位张老郎中去了。尽管知道这老先生的特长是医治跌打损伤的,但耿正并不认识知晓其他的郎中,只好临时抱佛脚,请这位不但人缘极好,而且已经彼此很熟悉了的老郎中来给两位老人医治了。但是,当耿正心急如火地赶到张老郎中的家里时才得知,这位可敬可爱的老郎中自己也已经病倒了。看到耿正急急忙忙赶来,老先生已经猜了个大概。不等耿正开口,他就气喘吁吁地说:“这种流行的热病没,没有特效药物的,年纪大的人,恐怕是,难逃一劫了。你去药店里多,多买些板蓝根吧!记着,是板蓝根,用水煮了,让他们多喝一些也就是了。还有啊,你们兄妹三个也,也要当茶喝,多喝一些才,才好啊!你,快去买吧,去晚了,怕,买不着呢!”看老先生病得不轻,还气喘吁吁地嘱咐了这么多,耿正非常难过,也特别感激。匆匆谢过并默默为老先生祈祷之后,耿正赶快赶往最近的药店买板蓝根。不巧的是,这个药铺早已经断货了。耿正继续一边打听,一边赶路,在几乎跑遍了景德镇上所有的药铺后,最后终于在最偏远的一个小药铺里找到了这种平日里最平常不过的草药。耿正二话没说,花平日里十倍的价格买下了这家药铺里所有的十斤板蓝根。过秤后,又花钱买了一条药铺里采购草药用的大麻袋。这十斤板蓝根分包打包后,居然装了满满一麻袋!过午后,耿正筋疲力尽地背着这一麻袋板蓝根回来了。此时,老梁头还可以气喘吁吁地说话,也可以喝下去水,吃得下半碗米粥,可梁奶奶一点儿也不见好转,依然还在昏睡着。问问弟弟妹妹,都说没事儿,耿正略微放心一些。耿正来不及洗脸喝水,赶快过来对老梁头说:“梁爷爷您放心歇着,我已经买回这个病的药了!”又把弟弟妹妹拉到一边,低声对他们说“张郎中自己也病得不轻,说是这种流行的热病没有特效药物的,只能把板蓝根用水煮了,尽量多喝一些也就是了。还说让咱们也要当茶喝,看来是传染病了。这板蓝根现在紧缺着呢,我跑遍了所有的药铺,只有那家小铺子里还有,就全部买回来了。”耿英兑了一碗温开水递给哥哥,也低声说:“我早知道是传染病了,要不怎么会这么多人同时得病呢!好在买到这药了,我这就煮去!我们已经吃过饭了,你的饭在锅里,估计还不,
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