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,Unit 1 The lion and the mouse (Grammar time & Fun time)执教:如东县袁庄小学 丁云娟,Lets review,Tips,The lion and the mouse,One day, ,There was a lion in the forest.,He was large and strong.,1. We often use past tense to tell a story.,2. The pictures can help us remember the story.,Read and feel,Wait! Wait! I can help you!,Ha! Ha! How can it be?,Help! Help! Who can help me?,Thanks! Thanks! Youre really helpful!,The mouse said quietly:The lion laughed loudly:The lion asked sadly:The lion said happily:,Grammar time,The mouse said quietly. The lion laughed loudly. The lion asked sadly.The lion said happily.,adverbs 副 词,What are the adverbs for?They show more vividly.A things B actions(动作),副词能更生动形象地表现动作。,B,Know more,quiet loud sad excited happy angry ,quietly,loudly,sadly,excitedly,happily,angrily,slowly quickly safely early carefully beautifully .,fearfully (害怕地) worriedly(担心地),形容词变副词变化规则: 1.一般在形容词后+ly 2.以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词变y为i+ly,Imagine and say,Hes a happy boy.,He often laughs happily.,He happily.,He happily.,He reads happily.,He happily.,He happily.,He happily.,Jack is a sad dog.,Jack sadly.,Jack sadly.,Jack sadly.,Jack sadly.,Jack sadly.,Linda is an excited girl.,. The lion was .(sad/sadly) . The lion waited . (sad/sadly) . The old woman is .(quiet/quietly) . The old woman walks .(quiet/quietly) . The students are tallking .(happy/happily) . The students are very at the news.(happy/happily),Read and choose,sad,sadly,quiet,quietly,happy,happily,Fun time,Lion: Im and Animals: Here comes the lion. Run! Lion: What are you doing here, Little Mouse?Im going to ! Mouse: Please dont , Lion. I can some day. Lion: Ha ha! You are so How can you help me?Lion: Help! Help! Please help me! Mouse: Dont be Lion. I can help you! Lion: , Little Mouse!,The lion said excitedly/.,loudly/.,Lion: Im and Animals: Here comes the lion. Run! Lion: What are you doing here, Little Mouse?Im going to ! Mouse: Please dont , Lion. I can some day. Lion: Ha ha! You are so How can you help me?Lion: Help! Help! Please help me! Mouse: Dont be Lion. I can help you! Lion: , Little Mouse!,How can we say and act the story? 三人合作为每句台词选择合适的副词来表现动作或语气。,1,2,3,4,6,5,7,8,Lion: Im and Animals: Here comes the lion. Run! Lion: What are you doing here, Little Mouse?Im going to ! Mouse: Please dont , Lion. I can some day. Lion: Ha ha! You are so How can you help me?Lion: Help! Help! Please help me! Mouse: Dont be Lion. I can help you! Lion: , Little Mouse!,1. The lion said,2. The animals,3. The lion ,4. The mouse ,6. The lion ,5. The lion ,7. The mouse ,8. The lion ,Use adverbs, your actions and tones to act better! 活用副词、动作和语气让你们的表演更出色!,Act in groups of three. 1. Narrator 2. Lion 3. Mouse,Homework,1. Read and copy the adverbs we learned.2. Surf the Internet and learn more adverbs.,
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