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2009年英语中考试卷,中考特训系1,VI.完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。 Heres.a good way to find out/where you need the most improvement: check your report card. Dont just look at the41.Check the comments your teachers write about each 42.Very often when students 43report cards, they check their mark.svery quickly.Then they stop 44an/put/them away.However,this*is*not*right.Your/report/cards/may 45comments from each teacher.These comments are more useful than thegrades. Notal comments/by teachers/are/useful. 41.A.grades B.colors C.appointmentsD.decisions 42.A.model B.behavior C.interview D.subject 43.A.discuss B.receive C.count D.expect 44.A.annoying B.confusingC.raising D.reading 45.A.express B.include C.increase D.invent,Some have a common(46)of how the class has studied in the(47)term.There may be only a*few (48)on your own work, and sometimes such comments are mainly written*about*which Sometimes teachers comments are written in a*kind ofsecretcode(代码)that I(50)“report-speak”For example,“George has a good understanding of ” It(51)good. But in fact, a“good” understanding may be the*third,or*fourth bestresultbelow “excelent” and “very good”.52you realizethis, “good understanding” isnt so good any more. Because comments on the report*card dont (53) have the information*youre looking for, the 54way to*discover*where you most*need to improve is to ask your teachers55if*you want to use your report card*better46.A.description B.advertisement C.competition D.entertainment 47.A.back B.past C.next D.last 48.A.words B.membersC.lectures D.researches 49.A.terrible B.politeC.nice D.silent 50.A.advise B.offerC.remember D.cal 51.A.reminds B.sounds C.succeeds D.displays 52.A.Since B.Until C.Although D.After 53.A.already B.normaly C.always D.truly 54.A.best B.publicC.modern D.single 55.A.recently B.actualyC.directly D.perfectly,Saving money gives*you freedom.If*you have enough savings*you*may be*able*to give*up your*job.I*know a couple*who saved upenough money that*they were able to*leave*their*jobs*for*a*year,and travel*a*cross*the country.You could see the*wonder*ful*experiences they had because*they were able to enjoy that time*together. Saving money is*improving your*future life. It is important to realize*that by saving money now you will*be able to do so many more things*in your later years. You can retireearly and spend time traveling around*the world. By saving money now,you will be able to do as many*things*as*you like and enjoy a good*life. Saving money wil bring you*peace of*mind.Every dolar*that*you*have in the bank is*a dolar,which*stands*between you and disaster(灾难).People who have savings are not*worried when a car*breaks*down,or*someone becomes sick. They know*that they wil be okay if*they lose*a job,and it*takes*time to find a*new one. Saving money sets*an example for*your children. By teaching your children to save*money and plan for*the*future,you are in controlof(掌控)where you spend your money, and*what you do with it. It may be*one of*the most*important*ideas*that*you teach your*children.,56.According to paragraph(段落)1,if*you want to give up your job,_.A.you can travelacrossthe country B.you must*have*enough savings C.you can stay with yourfamily D.you wil have wonderfulexperiences 57.Paragraph 2 tells us that by*saving money _. A.you should do more things in*the*future B.it is easier for you to retire*whenever*you wish to C.it*wil be possible for you to*have*abetterfuturelife D.you wil never do the things*you dont*like 58.Paragraph 3 mainly tels us_. A.not*to lose*a*job if*you dont*have*savings B.to put*the money in the bank*when you have*savings C.not to worry if a car breaks*down or*someone*is*ilL D.to save money if*you want*to*have*a*peace*ful*mind 59.Paragraph 4 mainly talks about_. A.the*plan for*future*life B.the importance of*childrens*education C.the influence of saving money*on children D.the skils of saving money for*children 60.Thebesttitle(标题)forthispassagemay be_. A.Money saving importance B.Money saving purpose C.Money saving skils D.Money saving experience,ANSWER,B When*he*was16,his*father*seriously*said*to*him,“Il*give*you*whatever*you*want*before*you*are18.But*after*that,I*wont*care*much*about*you,and*you*should*give*mewhatever*I*want.”When*his18th*birthday*was*coming,theyoung*man*began*thinking*about*looking*for*a*job.So*he*sen*tresumes(历)to*many*companies*he*liked*on*the*internet.“But,most*got*noreply,”he*said.“May*be*they*were*surprised*about*my*primaryschool*education.” By*chance,one*of*his*friends*was*looking*for*someone,who*could*work*as*an*eggporter(搬运工)in*the*supermarket,for*0.5yuan*a*box.Facing*lots*of*difficult*iesin*getting*a*job,he*said,“Il*take*this*job.At*least*I*can*make*so*memoney*form*ypetrol(汽油).”Then*every*day,he*drove*his*car,his18th*birthday*gift,to*work*in*the*supermarket.He*did*that*for*three*months. Later,he*heard*that*a*newspaper*was*looking*for*anetworktechnician(网络技术员),so*he*asked*forit.But*they*were*a*lsoworried about*his*schoole*ducation.Hepracticedhisskil*right*infront*of*the*computer,and*showed*he*man*a*gerswebpages*he*had*designed.He*started*to*work*the*next*day,and*became*the*directorofnetwork*depart*ment*in*less*than*a*year. Andnow,the23*year*old*man*is*a*boss.In*January2005,he*started*amagazine*for*children,with*himself*as*thee*ditorinchief(主编).And*the*only*writer*was*his*father.,
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