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Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands,Section B,Talk about the question and say something.,What are you supposed to do when you are invited to a party? For example, time, coat, present, greetings and so on.,What are the table manners in China?,Table Manners,There are many table manners around the world. But different countries have different culture. ,Table Manners,You are supposedto pick up your bowl of rice.,Youre not supposed to eat with your hands,Table Manners,Youre not supposed to talk at the table.,The youngest person is not supposed to start eating first.,How much do you know about table manners around the world?,In the United States, youre not supposed to eat with your hands. 2.In Peru, you are not supposed to talk at the table. 3.In China, youre not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice. 4.In Korea, the youngest person is supposed to start eating first. 5.In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.,F,F,F,F,T,In Japan,make a noise whileeating noodles,eat or drink while walking down the street,In Japan,stick your chopsticksinto your food,point at anyone with your chopsticks,Number the pictures in the order Satoshi talks about them.,4,2,3,1,You arent supposed toIts politeIts rudeYou shouldnt,b. to stick your chopsticks into your food.,a. to make noise while eating noodles.,d. eat or drink while walking down the street.,c. point at anyone with your chopsticks.,Listen and match these sentence parts.,b,a,d,c,PAIRWORK,A: Were supposed to B: Yes, and its rude to ,Revise the phrases,1.餐桌礼仪 2.端起碗吃饭 3.用擦 4.喝饮料 5.喝面条时发出声音 6.把插入 7.用指着 8.做粗鲁 9.做有礼貌 10.用手吃东西,10.eat with ones hands,2. pick up ones bowl to eat,3. wipewith,4. take a drink,5. make a noise while eating noodles,6.stickinto,7. point at with,8. Its rude to do,9. Its polite to do,1. table manners,选择题 1.There is a coin on the floor. Please _. pick it B. pick it up C. pick up it D. put away it 2. In Peru, you shouldnt talk _ table. A. on B. in C. at D. to 3. We go to school _ foot and eat meals _ chopsticks. A. by; by B. with, by C. on, with D. on, use 4. You arent supposed to eat or drink while _ down the street. A. to walk B. walking C. walks D. walked 5. Its not polite to point _ anyone _ your chopstick. to, on B. in, at C. at, with D. with, of,BCCBC,6.把筷子插入食物中是粗鲁的。 _ _ to _ your _ _ the food. 7.你不应用筷子指人。 You _ _ _ _ _ anyone _ your chopsticks. 8.在巴西,你每次喝完饮料都要用餐巾把嘴巴擦干净。 In Brazil, you _ wipe your mouth _ your napkin every time you _ _ _.,Its rude stick chopsticks intoarent supposed to point at withshould withtake a drink,9.在日本,吃面条时发出声音是礼貌的。 In Japan _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ noodles.,its polite make a noise while eating,10.He should arrive there at 7:00.(同义句) He _ _ _ _ there at 7:00.,is supposed to arrive,HOMEWORK,Imagine that you are Steve from 2b. Write an e-mail message to a friend About the table manners in Japan.,In Japan,eat with your hands,In Japan,make noise while eating noodles,In Japan,stick your chopsticks into your food,In Japan,talk at the table,In Japan,point at anyone with your chopsticks,In Japan,eat or drink while walking down the street,Here are some things you need to know about table manners when you visit Japan. First of all, you ,http:/www.wxdiy.cn/ 老时彩计划软件 要给予她真真正正,除咯排字琦以外,比任何诸人都高荣宠和待遇。那是他首要原则和基本立场。解决咯水清在园子里住处问题,那仅仅只是万事开头难,刚刚完成咯第壹步,此时王爷还有壹件同样重要事情要办,那就是为他捐献给水清那各院子命名。那各院子别是已经有咯壹各名字,叫做“清心斋”吗?为啥啊还要命名呢?因为以前它可以叫做“清心斋”,因为那是王爷自己地盘,是他那各壹家之主领地。现在它换咯壹各新主人,还是壹位女眷,那里就别可能再继续挂着“清心斋”牌匾。第壹卷 第663章 命名清心斋是王爷为自己修建壹处修心养性、避世离居之所,清心斋三各字代表着那各地界是他势力范围。作为壹家之主,别仅是享壹家之主名分,更是要在时时刻刻处处都体现着男主人至高无上权威。所以他名下势力范围,也是女眷们禁区,任谁都别能轻易涉足踏入之地。别管是在王府还是园子,也别管是任何壹各女眷,假设想要到他住处找他,首先要禀报,只有得到他许可才能进入。相反对于女眷们院子,他是想来就来,想走就走,随随便便,畅通无阻。正所谓,只许州官放火,别许百姓点灯。假设清心斋还叫清心斋,那就是犯咯女眷入住男主人住处大忌。那在格外讲究规矩、礼制王府,简直就是大逆别道行径。他无论如何喜欢水清,也别可能为她而犯咯祖宗家法。壹时半会儿盖别成壹座新院子,舍别得水清委屈地住客房,别能违咯礼制女入男房、鸠占鹊巢,种种现实问题摆在他面前。但是那些都难别倒王爷大人!因为他天生就是壹各勤于思考、善于动脑之人。他总是说水清“诡计多端”,其实平心而论,他“诡计”应该是只多别少。水清“诡计”仅限于如何解决壹各难题,他“诡计”技高壹筹,更是体现在如何规避制度、逃脱限制,如何冲破条条框框束缚,以期达到他自己别合情理要求和目。现在他千方百计地想要规避就是如何改变女眷入主男主人住处别合理问题。于是,地界还是那各地界,但是名字却别能再叫“清心斋”那各名字。改头换面壹番,有咯新名字可就大别壹样咯,那就相当于将那各院子赏赐给咯她,变成咯水清名下住处,既合情又合理,前面那壹堆所有问题统统都别再是问题,全部迎刃而解。换各啥啊名字呢?当初王府院子,他之所以起名为“怡然居”,那是希望婉然嫁到他王府,能够还像在年府里当闺女那样,依旧怡然自得。没想到,虽然娶到手是水清,虽然他们两人闹得别可开交,但是水清确实如他所愿壹般,过得确实怡然自得,怡然自得到将他那各夫君都忘到咯脑后边。现在园子里那各院子,取各啥啊名字呢?既然他们两各人都有浓重隐士情结,都无限向往自由自在、无拘无束田园生活,而她又来自湖广那片世外桃源般仙境之地,那何别壹想到那里,他压抑别住心中喜悦和激动,即刻朝书案走去,同时将秦顺唤咯进来。秦顺儿见他站在书案前,晓得爷那是要写字儿,于是极有眼力劲儿地研墨、铺纸。而他则精心地挑选着手中“兵器”,选来选去,终于选定壹支特大号狼毫,此刻墨已研好,纸已铺就,他提起笔来,蘸饱墨汁,挥毫而就,心之所想,跃然纸上。望着刚刚写就,还散发着墨香院名,他脸上轻轻地洋溢起壹各微笑,然后立即吩咐秦顺儿,赶快让苏培盛去制匾。第壹卷 第664章 陶源两天以后,众人如期搬至园子里来。水清望着眼前那座院子,并没什么急于进去,而是望着那各全新地方,别禁暗自问道:那就她另外壹各牢笼吗?王府那座牢笼已经让她很别开心,很别愉快,现在,面前那座新牢笼又将带给她啥啊样伤心和痛苦?就在她踟蹰良久,还没什么调整好心情,别晓得啥啊时候踏进那座院子时候,她随意抬头看咯壹眼门楣,那遒劲“陶源”二字即刻映入她眼帘,而那两各字居然有那么大力量,她心仿佛是被啥啊撬动咯壹下。她当然壹眼就认出来,毋庸置疑,那是他,
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