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Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,A Test of True Love,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,Watch and Discuss Cultural differences Fun Time Listen and answer TextCompound Dictation Enjoy a poem,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,Is there any love at first sight? Why?,Yes. The factors for such love can be analyzed as follows:1) It is the human nature to love anything beautiful;2) Physical attraction is the first seed of love;3) Love in ones heart is like a hidden fire; 4) Love, whatever form it takes, is usually blind; ,Watch & Discuss,key,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,No. The reasons for absence of such love can be deduced as follows:1) Looks can be deceitful;2) It takes time for true love to grow;3) Love is an integration of two minds into one;4) Such love is like a flash in the pan; ,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,Q: Can true love grow between pen pals or net friends who have never met each other? Why?,(Please watch a piece of video clip and then come up with your opinions.),Watch & Discuss,key,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,For reference Yes. 1) Love is a product of communication. It is through lines of communication that both sides know what insight they can get into each others inner world, how much they can have in common, and what their unity will hold for either of them. 2) Love feeds on mystery about each other. To any of us, what attracts is just something mysterious about others.,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,The same holds true for lovers, because correspondence like this is often characteristic of mystery about each other. 3) Love is born of beauty in the distance. As an old Chinese saying goes, distance produces beauty. A case in point is the popular poemYou live at the head of the Yangtze River while I live at its end; I miss you day and night without seeing you ever; but the truth is we drink water from the same river.,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,No. 1) Love does not grow without contact between two minds. It is well said that sparks of love shine with frequent clashes of two hearts. No collision of their ideas, no birth of true love. 2) True love depends on acceptance of each others demerits as well as on hunger for each others merits. But such correspondence almost never reflects the weaknesses of lovers.,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,3) True love is based on the ups and downs of lovers in daily life. Deprived of such rises and falls in everyday life, lovers find no way to know, understand, and respect each other from all sides, thus making it impossible for both to be sure whether they are a good match.,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,Directions: Watch this film clip and then answer the following questions.,Lyrics,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,1.Do you think love will arise between beauty and beast in reality? Why and why not?2.What do you think are the conditions for love?3.It is said that love is a businessbetween two persons and marriage is between two families. Do you agree?Why and why not?,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,Beauty and the beast By Celine Dion,Tale as old as time true as it can be barely even friends then somebody bends unexpectedly,Just a little change small, to say the least both a little scared neither one prepared beauty and the beast,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will arise,Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will arise,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,Tale as old as time Tune as old as song Bitter sweet and strange finding you can change learning you were wrong,Certain as the sun Rising in the east Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast.,Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,The History of Valentines Day (情人节on Feb. 14),St. Valentines Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite?,Cultural differences,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young menhis crop of potential soldiers.,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentines actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.,Book 2 Unit 4,New Horizon College English,Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured. According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first valentine greeting himself.,
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