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第三节课 让对方等待,单 词 学 习,单 词 学 习,单 词 学 习,Voice mailpolicysir,单 词 学 习,Budget reportexperience item,单 词 学 习,File cabinetmomentarilytransfer,短语表,At the moment 此刻 call sb. back 回电话(某人) call volume 通话量 Can I help you? 我能帮您吗? check on (sth.) 检查(某事) didnt think so 本来就不这样认为 direct (a call) 直拔(电话) final number 最终数据 for a moment 片刻 ,一会儿 give sb. a run over (of sth.) 允许某人分使用(某物),获准充分使用(某物) give me a holler 喊我一声/叫我一声 I think Ill. 我想我会,短语表,have (figures/numbers) in 已有/存有(数据/数字) I was wondering if 我想知道如果 leave a message (on voice mail) 留言(通过语音信箱) put sb. on hold 让某人候听 Speak to sb. about 和某人谈有关 Sorry about that. 对此深表歉意 take your time 慢慢来,不必着钯 take a look 看一下 Would you mind (doing sth.)? 您是否介意. with a client 和客户在一起 You mean 您的意思是.,Image of dialogueRead with me,A:Thank you for calling Medford Insurance, this is Marcie Stevens. Would you please hold? B: Uh, okay. A:Thank you. (Puts callers on hold). A:Sorry about that Sir. We are experiencing a high volume of calls at the moment. What can I do for you today?,B:Yes. My name is Bill Smith andIm calling about a specific insurance policy package. I have a few questions, and A: Im sorry, I need to answer theother line. Would you mind holdingmomentarily? B: Uh. I suppose A: Thank you. (Puts caller on hold).,A: Yes, Sir. Thank you for holding. Soyou have some questions about a policy? I can transfer you to one of our agents B: Actually, I would like to talk to Mr. Samuels. Hes the agent I originally spoke to about the matter. A: Ill take a look and see if Mr. Samuels is available to take your call. Would you like to hold for a moment, please?,B: Okay. A: (Puts caller on hold) Hello, is Mrs Samuels at his desk? C: Hes with a client now. He should be a few minutes more. A: Okay, thank you. (Takes caller off hold) Mr. Samuels is meeting with aclient at the moment. Would you prefer to leave a message on his voice mail? Or I can put you on hold?,B: Well I think Ill just leave amessage. A: Very well. Please hold for a moment while I transfer you to Mr Samuelss voice mail.,10月30日作业: 1、计算机常用词汇每个单词抄三遍(012页) 2、下节课默写单词; 3、练习实景对话(048-049页) ,下节课各小组背诵对话。 4、这节课单词默写错误的同学,要复习,下节课随机抽查拼写。,同学们辛苦啦!,
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