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The Bones of Limbs 附 肢 骨,down,贺 细 菊 Department of Anatomy,目的和要求,1. 掌握上肢带骨、自由上肢骨、下肢带骨、自由下肢骨的位置和形态及上、下肢骨的重要体表标志 2.了解腕骨、掌骨、指骨及跗骨、跖骨、趾骨的位置和排列,The appendicular skeleton(附肢骨),the brief introduction Include the bones of upper limbs and lower limbs. Because of the erect standing ,the upper limbs are released from weight bearing and become the organs of labour with greater and delicated mobility . so that the bones of upper limbs are lighter and smaller in shape and size. the bones of lower limbs are very heavy and strong.,Bones of upper limbs(上肢骨),Composition: Should girdle clavicle 锁骨 scapula 肩胛骨 Bones of free upper limb In arm Humerus 肱骨 In forearm ulna尺骨 Radius 桡骨 In hand Carpal 腕骨 metacarpals 掌骨 Phalanges 指骨,Clavicle (锁骨),“S” shaped, medial 2/3 convex forward and lateral 1/3 convex backward Sternal end胸骨端 medially and acromial end肩峰端 laterally,上面观,下面观,The weakest part of the clavicle is at the junction of the middle and lateral thirds,骨折部位,Scapula (肩胛骨),The scapula is a triangular flat bone on the posterolateral of the thorax between the second and seventh ribs . Two surfaces: Anterior (or costal) surface: subscapular fossa 肩胛下窝 Posterior (or dorsal) surface: spine of scapula 肩胛冈 supra- and infraspinous fossa 冈上/下窝 acromion 肩峰,Three borders:,Superior border : (上缘) scapular notch 肩胛切迹 coracoid process 喙突 Medial (vertebral) border 脊柱缘 Lateral (axillary) border 腋缘,Superior: opposite to the 2nd rib Inferior: opposite to the 7th rib or 7th intercostals space Lateral: glenoid cavity关节盂 supra- and infraglenoid tubercles 盂上、下结节,Three angles:,Superior,Inferior,Lateral,The humerus is the longest and largest bone of the upper limb. It has a body and two ends Upper end: head of humerus 肱骨头 anatomical neck 解剖颈 greater and lesser tubercles 大、小结节 surgical neck 外科颈(易骨折),The humerus( 肱骨),Shaft: 1.deltoid tuberosity 三角肌粗隆 on lateral surface 2.a sulcus for radial nerve 桡神经沟 on posterior surface (肱骨中断骨折容易伤及桡神经引起垂腕),capitulum 肱骨小头 Trochlea 肱骨滑车 coronoid fossa 冠突窝 radial fossa 桡窝 olecranon fossa 鹰嘴窝 lateral and medial epicondyles内、外上髁 sulcus for ulnar nerve 尺神经沟,Lower end:,Radius ( 桡骨),Upper end: head of radius 桡骨头 neck of radius 桡骨颈 radial tuberosity 桡骨粗隆 Shaft interosseous border 骨间缘 Lower end: styloid process 桡骨茎突 ulnar notch 尺切迹 carpal articular surface 腕关节面,Fracture of the distal end of the radius,Ulnar 尺骨,Upper end: olecranon 鹰嘴 coronoid process 冠突 trochlear notch 滑车切迹 radial notch 桡切迹 ulnar tuberosity 尺骨粗隆 Lower end : styloid process 尺骨茎突 head of ulna 尺骨头,Carpal bones 腕骨(8) :(lateral to medial) 舟月三角豆;大小头状钩 Metacarpal bones掌骨(5): base (proximally) 底 shaft 体 head (distally) 头 Phalanges of fingers 指骨(14): base (proximally) 底 shaft 体 trochlea of phalanx (distally) 滑车,Bones of Lower Limb,Composition: Pelvic girdle: hip bone 髋骨 Bones of free lower limb: in thigh Femur股骨 ( patella髌骨) in leg Tibia胫骨 and fibula腓骨 in foot Tarsals跗骨, metatarsals 跖骨, phalanges of toes趾骨,three components: ilium 髂骨 Ischium 坐骨 pubis 耻骨,Hip bone (髋骨),Ala of ilium 髂骨翼 iliac crest 髂嵴 anterior superior iliac spine 髂前上棘 anterior inferior iliac spine 髂前下棘 tubercle of iliac crest 髂结节 posterior superior iliac spine 髂后上棘 posterior inferior iliac spine 髂后下棘 greater sciatic notch 坐骨大切迹 iliac fossa 髂窝 arcuate line弓状线,The ischium (坐骨) Body of ischium 坐骨体 to form posterior and inferior 2/5 of acetabulum ischial spine坐骨棘 lesser sciatic notch 坐骨小切迹 Ramus of ischium 坐骨支 ischial tuberosity 坐骨结节,Pubis (耻骨) Body of pubis 耻骨体to form anterior and inferior 1/5 of acetabulum, iliopubic eminence 髂耻隆起 Superior ramus of pubis 耻骨上支: pecten of pubis 耻骨梳 pubic tubercle 耻骨结节 pubic crest 耻骨嵴 symphysial surface耻骨联合面 Inferior ramus of pubis耻骨下支: obturator foramen 闭孔,Acetabulum (髋臼) formed by bodies of ischium, ilium and pubis Lunate surface 月状面 acetabular fossa 髋臼窝 acetabular notch 髋臼切迹,The femur is the longest and heaviest bone in the body and consists of a shaft and two ends,The femur (股骨),femoral head 股骨头 fovea of femoral head 股骨头凹 neck of femur 股骨颈(易骨折) greater trochanter 大转子 lesser trochanter 小转子 intertrochanteric line 转子间线 intertrochanteric crest 转子间嵴,Upper end:,Fracture of the femoral neck,linea aspera 粗线 gluteal tuberosity 臀肌粗隆 pectineal line 耻骨肌线 popliteal surface 腘面,Shaft,medial condyles 内侧髁 lateral condyles 外侧髁 medial epicondyle 内上髁 lateral epicondyle 外上髁 adductor tubercle 收肌结节 intercondylar fossa 髁间窝 patellar surface 髌面,Lower end,Tibia 胫骨,Upper end: medial and lateral condyles 内外侧髁 intercondylar eminence 髁间隆起 fibular articular surface 腓关节面 tuberosity of tibia 胫骨粗隆 Shaft: interosseous border 骨间缘 soleal line 比目鱼肌线 Lower end: fibular notch 腓切迹 medial malleolus 内踝,Fibula (腓骨),Upper end: fibular head 腓骨头 neck of fibula 腓骨颈 Shaft: interosseous border 骨间缘 Lower end: lateral malleolus 外踝 Patella 髌骨 triangular sesamoid bone,腓骨颈骨折损伤腓神经引起的“马蹄内翻足”,
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