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Module 5 Unit 1 Can I write to her?,Teaching aims:(教学目标),知识目标:1.学习含有can的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及肯定回答与否定回答。2.短语:write to 3.句式:Pleased to meet you.Pleased to meet you, too. 能力目标:能够说出含有can的句子。 情感目标:讲文明,懂礼貌,见到师长要问好。,Pleased to meet you. 是人们第一次见面时的问候语。 答语一般用Pleased to meet you, too. = Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you ,too.,swim,sing,dance,run,I can HeShe can I cant. HeShe cant,Guess words,play the piano,play basketball,play football,play ping-pong,ride a bike,fly a kite,Say the phrases,play the piano,play basketball,play football,play ping-pong,ride a bike,fly a kite,A: can ? B: Yes, can. No, can t.,you he she,I he she,I he she,Say a sentence: I can. I cant.,I can read.,I can write.,I cant dance.,I cant ride a horse.,情态动词can的用法:情态动词是一类表示说话人语气和情态的助动词。常表示命令、请求、拒绝、 义务、可能和需要等。情态动词没有人称和数的变化,他们后面必须接动词原形。can 表示有能力做某事,意为“能;会”。如:1. I can swim. 我会游泳。2. Can you sing English songs? 你会唱英语歌吗?3. I cant play the piano. 我不会弹钢琴。can 的否定句:在can的后面加not,通常写成缩写形式cant.如:You cant go there. 你不能去那里。He cant ride a horse. 他不会骑马。can 的疑问句:把can提前。如: Can you help me ? 你能帮助我吗?Can she dance?,Read and answer,1.Where is Daming from?2. Who is Damings cousin?3. What does Laura really want ?4. Who is Damings Chinese friend?5. What can she do ?6. Does Laura want to write to Damings friend?,China.,Simon.,She really wants a Chinese pen pal.,Lingling.,She can speak some English. She can tell you about China.,Yes, she does.,Can I write to her ?,Yes, you can.,Can I write to him ?,No, you cant.,Can I write to him ?,Yes, you can.,Important points:,1. Pleased to meet you. 很高兴认识你。= Nice to meet you.= Good to meet you.2. Can I heshethey?Yes, youheshethey can.(肯定回答)No, youheshethey cant.(否定回答)3. write to sb. 给某人写信sb.为人称代词的宾格形式 (如 me, him, her, us, them),一、根据汉语句子,完成英语句子。1.亲爱的朋友,我可以进来吗?Dear friend, _ I _ in ?2. 你会打篮球吗,汤姆?_ you _ basketball ?3.你会拼写这个单词吗?_ you _ the word?4. 他不会写他的名字。He _ _ his name. 二、按要求转换下列句型。1.I can dance.( 改为一般疑问句 )_.2.She can play chess.( 改为否定句)_.3.Can you sing the song ?( 作肯定回答)_.,exercise,can come,Can play,Can spell,cant write,Can you dance ?,She cant play chess.,Yes, I can. Yes, We can.,口语专练,Wang Hui: Hello, Mike. (1)_Mike: Hello, Uncle Wang. My name is Mike.(2)_ Mr Wang: Hello, Mike. Pleased to meet you, too.(3)_Mike: Yes, I am. Mr Wang: Can you speak Chinese ?Mike: No, I cant. Mr Wang: (4)_Mike: He is an English teacher. Mr Wang: (5)_Mike: Yes, he can, but only a little. Wang Hui: Dont worry. I can help you .Mike: Thank you very much. Wang Hui: You are welcome.,A. Are you from England? B. What does your father do ? C. Can he speak Chinese ? D. Pleased to meet you. E. This is my father.,E,D,A,B,C,Homework:1. 熟读课文。2. 整理笔记 资源与评价目标导航3和43. 完成 资源与评价module 5 unit 1 的练习。,
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