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Sales Force Automation: SFA and CRM Vendor Management Models,Pharmaceutical Sales Benchmark Class,Pfizer Merck GlaxoSmithKline Novartis Aventis Eli Lilly AstraZeneca Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmacia J&J,Sales force automation insights are drawn from benchmarking studies and field research conducted inside & outside the pharma sector among mirrored sales organizations. Findings are arranged to give an overview of SFA / CRM management. Key focus areas are Aligning SFA / CRM & CRM with Business Process & Activities, Prioritizing & Focusing IT projects and SFA / CRM Vendor Management.Best Practices, LLCs studies and field research involved the following companies:,Compaq Hewlett Packard Sears Valic TIAA-CREF 3M Aramark Prudential,Sales Force Automation Management: SFA / CRM /CRM Vendor Management Models,An Overview of SFA / CRM /CRM System and Management Options,4,Benchmark research reveals different approaches to the Sales Force Automation (SFA / CRM CRM) solution and system management. These models reflect different views of vendor management and of the competencies critical to sales force success.,OPTION #2,OPTION #3,OPTION #1,SFA / CRM / CRM SOFTWARE SOLUTION,SFA / CRM / CRM SYSTEM MANAGER,Other Vendor,Other Vendor,Manage In-house,Dendrite as System Vendor and Manager,5,OPTION #1,SFA / CRM SYSTEM VENDOR,SFA / CRM SYSTEM MANAGER,Option 1 embraces Dendrite as a strategic partner and allows them to provide the SFA / CRM solution and manage all or key dimensions of the SFA / CRM data system after sale.,Dendrite as System Vendor, Another Vendor as Manager,6,Option 2 uses the Dendrite SFA / CRM software solution but turns to other vendors for after-sale system management. SKB has migrated to this approach after starting with Option 1. SKB felt is could achieve greater value and service by employing another third party system management vendor.,Another Vendor as System Vendor In-house Management,7,SFA / CRM SYSTEM VENDOR,SFA / CRM SYSTEM MANAGER,PROS Cost savings Leverage own knowledge Own rights to change code Exact customization Quick adaptation,CONS Lack of coordination & compatibility Training timeRequires programming expertise in-house Requires SFA / CRM maintenance expertise in house,Company that uses this approach . . .,GlaxoSmithKline,Option 3 turns to a non-Dendrite solution, offering greater flexibility to bring the SFA / CRM solution in-house, have rights to change code and customize the SFA / CRM system to meet internal needs. GlaxoSmithKline has pursued this path.,Focusing Your Competitive Advantage,8,Benchmark research reveals that no option seems inherently superior. Companies expressed different business rationale for pursuing their approaches. Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline both express satiSFA / CRMction with their models. They reach different conclusions regarding what is a competitive advantage for their particular sales systems.,Strategic In-House,Glaxo prefers in-house management so it can manage market changes & maintain internal expertiseGlaxo tries not to outsource capabilities that affect its core business drivers,Vs.,No Clear Winner,9,Benchmark research reveals each option requires fundamental I.T. management skills to ensure the SFA / CRM solution, I.T, and the vendors are all aligned with the needs of the sales organization. Without such skill and business - IT alignment, each approach will likely sub-optimize results.,SUPERIOR APPROACH,Sales Force Automation Management: Aligning SFA / CRM with Business Needs & Operations,Assessing Business Needs,11,One of the most common, yet most costly SFA / CRM mistakes is an inadequate needs assessment prior to SFA / CRM design and implementation. However, top companies often go beyond simple needs analysis to understand how a new SFA / CRM system will help achieve their business objectives and create a source of competitive advantage.,Meeting Sales Force Needs,12,Benchmark partners inside & outside pharma suggest that understanding your own sales system is a critical first step in designing and implementing SFA / CRM. Companies that have built a high performing SFA / CRM systems first review their sales process and activities at both strategic and tactical levels.,Develop a clear profile of your sales systems prior to SFA / CRM design and implementation. Sears Industrial worked with an external sales & marketing consultant to identify areas that had the greatest impact on sales productivity and customer satiSFA / CRMction. This consultant employed:- management interviews - plan reviews- sales trips - focus groups Customize off-the-shelf applications to fit sales force needs. A financial services company used a consultant to customize ACT and Goldmine to speed navigation and ensure that reps follow the same steps for logging each call. These programs offer:- support - improvement through upgrades,Meeting Customers Needs,13,Several benchmark partners in the financial services sector observed that companies often define SFA / CRM requirements based on input from field salespeople and managers. However, they often neglect direct input from the people the sales force serve - customers.,
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