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快速了解英语基本文法,主讲 梁海苏,第一节 词类与句子词是构句的最小单位。英语的词根据其位置分为10大类。句子是由词和词组组成的,其主要成分有六个,为主,谓,宾表,定,状,补。而所组成的句子又分为单句和合句。下面我们通过实例来理解一下它们。,EXAMPLES: 1. He drives a car.主语 谓语 宾语 often purple 状语 定语 2. The car crashed into a lamp-post.purple which I bought last year that I didnt seewhen I was driving in the rain,More examples: Drinking too much fluid when exercising vigorously which is often recommended in training can actually kill you. Temples in Luang Prabang, beautiful mountain and jungle scenery and traditional Asian culture are among the main attractions of Laos. Students at Renmin University refused to eat in university-run canteens on Friday because they were not satisfied with the schools decision to raise the price of showers. Yao Ming claims that the stress of basketball and the continuous media attention he faces-both in America and China- is taking a toll on him both physically and psychologically.,第二节 动词的使用 无动词即难以成句子。动词是把两个物体或两个概念连起来的桥梁。我们所学习的时间观念的表达,语气和语态的表达都是通过动词来完成的。动词在句子中是谓语位置,但很多时候它放在其它的位置上来用,这时我们把它们称非谓语动词。没有在谓语位置上的动词在英语中是不能用原型的。它们要变成两种形式,即加-ed形式和加-ing形式,分别表示与所修饰词的主动和被动关系。下面我们通过例子来了解一下。,第一部分:谓语位置上的动词谓语位置上的动词有两种,即实意动词和联系动词。 实意动词以 do 为例就是有具体意思的动词,象 climb, Eat, carry, touch, organize, manage, spread, etc. 联系动词就是本身没什么意思,而只起连接作用的动词,象 Be。另外,为了体现句子发生动作的时间,语态和语气, 动词要进行相应的变化。 Examples:1. He climbs up the stairs to his flat on the 8th flooreveryday.2. Tom ate a big meal at the dinner party.加相应的助动词:3. My father was carrying the box into the gardenwhen it began to rain.,I had organized the barbecue when he suggested a tour of the museum. The cat had been chasing the mouse when the earthquake happened. The office head would see me if my report was ready. The president would be visiting our village during his stay in our country. The team would have completed the work on the stadium by the time of inspection. 以上是表示过去时间段,表示现在只有现在完成时较难用。 将来时间段也一样加上助动词来表示不同时间。The new comer will manage the work of the purchase department. The band will be giving its performance at the new club next Friday.,I will have established my work process in the company by the end of this year. 助动词用来组成语态和语气 Human beings would not exist when the temperature became too low. The conflicts would not have happened if either of them had conceded. The good contact was broken after he moved to a far place. The speech had been made many times till every one was bored with it. A regular meeting is held every week just to have every one checked. A new film will be put on in the Globe in a few days. Do you think the problem will have been solved when the new manager take over the work next month.,第二部分 非谓语位置上的动词非谓语动词有动名词、分词和不定式。并且也有时态和语态的变化。下面我们根据其位置来了解一下。1。主语位置上的动词-Waiting here is no use.-Exploring the psychology of young people is a main subject to research now.-To forget the past experience is a fatal mistake.-To decide whether to stay or go made him agitated. 2。宾语位置上和表语位置上的动词-I enjoy working with him.-We had to take training during the probation.,-my father was very disappointed at my not selecting the university he used to study. -The situation is very encouraging . -the door was locked during his tour.定语位置上的动词 -I will have a report to write tomorrow for the weekly meeting. -His eagerness to leave is shown on his face. -That is not the food to be eaten by children. -do you want to attend the boxing class? -everybody has become alert to the pressing dangers. -it is almost impossible to recover the broken friendship since neither wants to concede first. -she is the first woman defending champion five times this year.,The foreign visitors were surprised at the clayed figures made 2,000 years ago.状语位置上的动词 -He is kind to help us. -I come here only to say goodbye to you. -Not receiving any letter from him, the manager gave him a call. -Asked where Id like to have my holiday, I suddenly realized I should have my days off. -Given anther chance, he will surely make it. -While getting ready for the sightseeing, we heard the spot was under construction. -When painted white, the room will look much better.,试比较 -Being ill, I couldnt go to school. -Mother being ill, I couldnt go to school. -Considering the present situation,we decided to delay the plan. -The consultant considering the little feasibility , we decided to delay the plan.补语位置上的动词 -I found the car missing. -when will you have your computer repaired? -We consider the work as settled. -We chose her as the beauty of the year. -Our teacher doesnt allow us to skip the class.,
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