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Unit 7 Safety is Everyones Responsibility,2,Warm-Up,Do you know the meanings of these symbols?,Warm-up,RED + circle = prohibition signRED + square/rectangle = fire informationBLUE + circle = direction signYELLOW + triangle = warning signGREEN + square/rectangle = information sign,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,injury n. 伤害 injure v. injuryinjured adj. 受伤的 n. 伤者rethink v. 重新考虑,再想 re + thinkworkspace n. 工作场所 = work placeIts not like were doing heavy lifting every day. 我们并不是每天都要干重活。,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,没人像他那样拉小提琴。 No one plays violin like he does.尽管这个部门有十几个人,但首席工程师承担了最重的活。 Though there are more than a dozen people in this department, the chief engineer did the heavy lifting.,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,Look at how youre slouching over your keyboard. 你看你,就这样松松垮垮地趴在键盘上。 slouch v. 没精打采地站(坐、走),低头垂肩地站(坐、走)。例如:他们没精打采地靠在墙上。 They are slouching against the wall.,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,poor adj. 差的 ,穷的,可怜的He is a poor man who is in poor health and live in a poor area.他是一个身体不好的、住在贫困地区的可怜人。over time 随着时间的过去,久而久之随着时间的流逝,他终于成功发明了灯泡。Over time,he finally managed to invent bulb.,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,monitor n. 监察员,班长,显示器,屏幕v. 监控,监听,检查Our monitor is always ready to help us.For the next two weeks, Id like you to monitor what you eat.As I turned on his office monitor, I found something unusual.,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,suffer vi. (因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦vt. 遭受,忍受,容忍她患感冒了。 She was suffering from the cold.大部分中国城市遭受了严重的交通拥堵。 Most Chinese cities suffer terrible traffic jams.,9/16/2018,Useful Expressions,trip over bump into bend, unstable strike against slip lifting storage,9/16/2018,Useful Expressions,be carefullook outwatch out 小心!注意!be cautionstake care,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,Maria: Hey Rick! Could you give me a hand with this box of books? Its way too heavy for one person to lift.give sb. a hand/give a hand 帮助某人,帮忙我想感谢所有曾经帮助过我的人。 I want to thank all those people who have given me a hand.,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,(be)way too + adj./adv. 简直太way adv. 很远,大量n. 道路,方法这太麻烦了,所以我放弃了。 It was way too much trouble, so I gave it up.他爱情片看得太多了。 He has watched way too many romance movies.,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,Rick: No way! Not even two of us should lift that thing. Well hurt our backs for sure.No way! 绝不!没门!not even 连也不,甚至不 1. not even + sb./sth. (+ 情态动词/助动词) + v. 连也不2. 情态动词/助动词 + not even + do sth. 甚至不,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,连大人也不明白发生了什么事。 Not even adults know what has been going on/what has happened.他甚至没告诉我这个消息。 He did not even tell me the news.,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,for sure 肯定地,确切地,毫无疑问地没人确切知道外星人是否存在。 No one knows for sure whether/if there are aliens.我们死定了! Were dead for sure!,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,Maria: But, you know the boss wants it on the shelf by 5:00. What should I do?Rick: Maria, youd better get a trolley to move this thing. Remember the training we had about back safety?Maria: Oh yes, right. That was where they told us we should always lift things properly. I remember they warned us not to pick up stuff thats too heavy.,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人(不要)做某事我警告你不要玩火。 I warn you not to play fire.他试图警告我避免和别人不一样。 He tried to warn me to avoid being unlike others.,9/16/2018,Listening & Speaking,Rick: Right. And this one is definitely too heavy. Wait here and Ill get the trolley. Maria: Thanks, Rick. Ill finish up here while youre getting the trolley.finish up 完成,吃光,用尽,结束(=finish)他将在一周后完成任务,返回伦敦。 Hell finish up his task in a week and return to London.,9/16/2018,Reading,Every job offers the potential for getting hurt, even working within the office. 每份工作都可能造成伤害,即使在办公室内工作也是如此。potential n. 可能性,潜在性。这提供了改变的可能性。 It offers the potential for change.,9/16/2018,Reading,Most accidents are due to common things seen on the job every day 大多数意外是因为日常工作中常见的小事引起的。(be) due to 由于,因为我们的成功很大程度上是她努力的结果。 Our success was largely due to her efforts.,9/16/2018,Reading,never think about what they could possibly become in the long run. 从没考虑过从长远来看,它们可能成为什么样的问题。in the long run 从长远来看从长远来看,我们的社会将会发展得更美好。 Our society will be better in the long run.,9/16/2018,Reading,Get additional manpower, equipment and support on a task that is too hard for a single person. 对于个人而言无法完成的工作应该争取获得更多的人力、设备和保障。manpower n. 人力,人手,劳动力现在我们面临人手短缺的状况。 Now we face a manpower shortage.,9/16/2018,Reading,To use a worn-out phrase, “Safety on the job is everyones responsibility.” “to use a worn-out phrase” 是一个带to的不定式,属于固定短语,在句子中是独立的结构。类似的短语还有:to be honest; to tell you the truth; to be frank; to cut a long story short; to make the matter worse等等。说实话,我在会上说的不是真的。 To tell you de truth, what I said at the meeting was not true.,9/16/2018,Reading,To use a worn-out phrase, “Safety on the job is everyones responsibility.” 2. worn-out 陈腐的,陈旧的,陈词滥调的如果你的作文没有那些陈词滥调的表达会更好。 Your composition would be better if there are no worn-out phrases.,9/16/2018,Reading,Taking it lightly could lead to injury. 对小的安全隐患掉以轻心就有可能导致伤害的发生。takelightly 对草率对待,掉以轻心。在本句中taking it lightly是动名词短语作主语。 我们知道会发生什么情况,我们不会草率对待的。 We know what will happen, we wont take that lightly.,
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