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Alimak Hek Sales Seminar Value Based Selling Step 2 安利马赫销售培训 价值销售 第二轮,Alimak Hek Sales Seminar, Step 2 安利马赫销售培训,第二轮,Objective目标 Develop a Value Proposition and close a deal by using the Value Based Selling process通过价值销售学习,来把握客户的价值取向以及完成交易,Project definition 明确项目,Value Quantifi- Cation 价值量化,Customer Confirmation 客户确认,Quote Communi-cation 报价交流,Follow-up 跟踪,Value: Differen- Tiation 价值差异,NOTE 笔记,Agenda February 25 日程,2月25日,Agenda February 26 日程,2月26日,Agenda February 27 日程,2月27日,Defining Value Based Selling 价值销售的定义,NOTE 笔记,Value Based Selling 价值销售,The art of getting paid for theValue delivered 通过传递价值而获得收益,rather than getting a contribution for cost-covering 远胜于其他成本补偿的贡献,NOTE 笔记,Why and how 为什么和怎么样,.shall the customers buy from us? .客户会从我们这里买吗?and on top of that 除此以外 .pay a higher price for our products and services compared to the competitions? .与我们的竞争对手相比,客户购买我们 的产品和维护要支付更多的钱吗?,NOTE 笔记,Value Based Selling 价值销售,Competitive situation: Perceived and/or real?竞争状况:直觉和或现实?,我们,竞争对手,NOTE 笔记,Value Based Selling 价值销售,Competitor needs to add additional竞争对手需要增加附加条件 Features + Services = ValueCost特色+服务价值成本 to match the value in our offer才能够和我们提供的价值相匹配,NOTE 笔记,Value Based Selling 价值销售,A potential for higher pricing based on value is identified一个潜在的高定价是基于价值的确定,0,20,40,60,80,100,120,“We“ 我们,Competition 竞争对手,Potential/潜在,ValueCost 价值成本,Price/价格,NOTE 笔记,Find a better way to: 寻找更好的途径: Understand the Customer needs/ 了解客户的需求 Identify the Customer Values/ 确定客户的价值 Differentiate from the competition竞争中的差异性 Sell the Values销售价值 Get paid for our Values从我们的价值中获得回报,Value Based Selling 价值销售,NOTE 笔记,Leveraging our Value Base 通过价值基础的杠杆,will help us to get there 将帮助我们实现,NOTE 笔记,The Value Base 价值基础,The set of values that for a given business situation, that in the eyes of the Customer, differentiates us from the competition/alternative对一个已知的业务状况的一套价值观,客户看在眼里,并将我们和竞争对手/参与者区别开来,NOTE 笔记,Identifying the Value Base 鉴别价值基础,Decision Base 决策基础,Value Base 价值基础,Importance 重要性,Performance vs. Competition 性能/竞争力,Low/低,Medium/中等,High/高,Better than Competition 高竞争力,Lower than Competition 低竞争力,NOTE 笔记,The Value Base 价值基础,differs from customer to customer 区别不同的客户 differs from project to project 区别不同的项目 differs from person to person 区别不同的人,NOTE 笔记,Implementation status 执行情况,Success stories成功事例 Number of projects using the Value Based Selling process一些通过价值销售实现的项目 Experiences经验 Good好 Bad差 Lessons learned吸取的教训,NOTE 笔记,Value Based Selling Process 价值销售的过程,Project definition 明确项目,Value Quantifi- Cation 价值量化,Customer Confirmation 客户确认,Quote Communi-cation 报价沟通,Follow-up 跟踪,Value: Differen- Tiation 价值:差异,Customer meeting # 1 客户会议#1,Customer meeting # 2 客户会议#2,Customer meeting # 3 客户会议#3,Preparation for Customer meeting客户会议的准备,NOTE 笔记,What does preparation mean? 准备的含义是什么?,Good understanding of the real Customer needs很好的理解客户的真正需求 Main challenges to overcome主要需征服的挑战 Good understanding of the competitive scenario很好的理解竞争力 Relations, past business etc关系,以往业务等 Strength and Weaknesses强项和弱点 Good understanding of our own capabilities很好的理解自身的潜能 Product knowledge产品知识,NOTE 笔记,Value Based Selling Process 价值销售的过程,Project definition 明确项目,Value Quantifi- Cation 价值量化,Customer Confirmation 客户确认,Quote Communi-cation 报价沟通,Follow-up 跟踪,Value: Differen- Tiation 价值:差异,Customer meeting # 1 客户会议#1,Customer meeting # 2 客户会议#2,Customer meeting # 3 客户会议#3,Preparation for Customer meeting客户会议的准备,NOTE 笔记,Project definition 明确项目,Objective/目标: To spend the right resources and right amount of them on the projects which best benefit the organization合理配制资源以及把握项目关键的决策者,达到最优化管理Challenge/挑战: How do we find the “right” projects andthe “right” information about these projects?在这些项目中我们怎么去发掘“合适”的项目和“有用”的信息,NOTE 笔记,Project identification 明确项目,Why should we identify projects as early as possible?为什么要尽可能早的明确项目? To be the best informed !了解越多! To be able to influence specifications at early stage!在项目初始阶段能够影响产品规格! How often does it happen that we didnt know about the project?经常发生我们不知道的项目该怎么办? Never从不 Sometimes有时 Always经常,NOTE 笔记,Project presentation 项目准备,NOTE 笔记,Workshop #1: Project Definition 小组讨论#1:明确项目,Customer:/ 客户: Who is the customer? New/Existing customer? Our “Customer share”? Potential business volume?谁是客户?新的/老客户?我们的“客户份额”?潜在业务量? Decision makers? Other persons involved in the decision?决策者?其他参与决策人? Overall objective with the project? Main needs? Main challenges to overcome? 项目总的目标?主要需求?主要征服的挑战? Scope of delivery: Number of machines, sizes needed?供货范围:机器数量,大小? Additional services, support, financing needed?额外的服务,支持,财务需求? Competitive situation:/ 竞争力状况: Main competitors/alternatives? Their previous situation with the customer?主要竞争对手/参与者?他们先前与客户的状况? Their strengths and weaknesses?他们的优势与弱点? Price:/ 价格: What is our estimated price?/ 我们预估的价格是多少? What price do we expect for the competition/alternative?预估竞争对手/参与者的价格,
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