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NoC 低功耗技术参考文献,www.kasong-kaisong.com,www.sanlvyiqingniaosuanna.com,www.shuichuliji.cn,www.erlvyiqingniaosuanna.com,www.youlvjing-qianglvjing.com,www.youyongchixiaoduji.com,www.shajunji.net,www.jubingxixianan.net,www.shajunji.cn,www.kasongfangfuji.com,www.sdbta.cn,www.shajunji1227.com,www.a-yisai.cn,www.a-chem.cn,www.shajunmiezaoji.com, 1 Hemani A ,J ant sch A ,Kumar S ,et al . Network on a Chip :An Architecture for Billion Transistor Era C Proc of t he IEEE NorChip Conf ,2000. 2 高明伦,杜高明. NoC:下一代集成电路主流设计技术J . 微 电子学,2006 ,36 (4) :4612466. 3 Lee S E. pNePA : A High Level Power Model for an Adap2 tive Router in NoC R . UC Irvine Report ,2008. 4 Kim J S , Taylor M B , Miller J , et al . Energy Characteriza2 tion of a Tiled Architecture Processor wit h On2Chip Net2 works C Proc of t he 8t h Intl Symp on Low Power Elec2 t ronics and Design ,2003 :4242427. 5 Intel Corp. From a Few Cores to Many : A Terascale Compu2 ting Research Overview R . 2006., 6 Lee K, et al . A 51 mW 1. 6G Hz On2Chip Network for Low2 Power Heterogeneous SoC PlatformC Proc of IEEE Intl Solid2State Circuit s Conf Dig Tech Papers , 2004 :1522153. 7 Yoo Hoi2J un , Lee Kangmin , Kim J un Kyoung. Low2Power NoC for High2Performance SoC Design Z . Taylor & Fran2 cis Group , LLC ,2008. 8 Bjerregaard T , Mahadevan S. A Survey of Research and Practices of Network2on2ChipJ . ACM Computing Surveys , 2006 , 38 (1) . 9 谭耀东,刘有耀. NoC 系统研究综述 J . 西安邮电学院学 报. 2008 ,13 (1) :529. 10 Lu Zhonghai , Thid R ,Millberg M , et al . NNSE: Nost rum Network2on2chip Simulation Environment C Proc of Swedish Systern2on2Chip Conf ,2005 :124., 11 http :/ / www. imit . kt h. se/ info/ FOFU/ NOC/ . 12 Bertozzi D , Benini L. Xpipes : A Network2on2Chip Architec2 ture for Gigascale Systems2on2Chip J . IEEE Magazine of Circuit s and Systems , 2004 ,18231. 13 Murali S , de Micheli G. SUNMAP : A Tool for Automatic Topology Selection and Generation for NoCs C Proc of DAC04 , 2004. 14 Bainbridge W J , Furber S B. CHAIN :A Delay Insensitive Chip Area Interconnect J . IEEE Micro Special Issue on Design and Test of System on Chip ,2002 ,142 (4) :16223. 15 Wang Hangsheng , Zhu Xinping , Peh Li2Shiuan ,et al . Ori2 on : A Power2Performance Simulator for Interconnection Networks C Proc of MICRO02 , 2002.,16 Kahng A , Li Bin , Peh Li2Shiuan , et al . ORION 2. 0 : A Fast and Accurate NoC Power and Area Model for Early2 Stage Design Space ExplorationC Proc of Design Auto2 mation and Test in Europe , 2009. 17 Chen Xuning ,Peh Li2Shiuan. Leakage Power Modeling and Optimization in Interconnection Networks C Proc of t he Intl Symp on Low Power and Elect ronics Design , 2003. 18 徐宁仪,冷祥纶,周祖成. 基于SvstemC 的支持异源通信实 体的NoC 仿真架构J . 半导体技术,2006 ,31 (4) :3052309. 19 王宏伟,陆俊林,佟冬,等. 层次化的片上网络设计方法J . 北京大学学报(自然科学版) 网络版. 2007 ,2 (1) :128. 20 周文彪,张岩,毛志刚. 片上网络的低功耗自适应数据保护 J . 计算机工程. 2006 ,32 (22) :28230.,www.kasong-kaisong.com,www.sanlvyiqingniaosuanna.com,www.shuichuliji.cn,www.erlvyiqingniaosuanna.com,www.youlvjing-qianglvjing.com,www.youyongchixiaoduji.com,www.shajunji.net,www.jubingxixianan.net,www.shajunji.cn,www.kasongfangfuji.com,www.sdbta.cn,www.shajunji1227.com,www.a-yisai.cn,www.a-chem.cn,www.shajunmiezaoji.com,Thank You!,
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