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英语四级写作要点,考试要求,大学英语考试大纲中明确规定:四级大学英语写作考试时间为30分钟。要求应试者写出一篇不少于120个词的短文; 写作命题源于日常生活和有关科技、社会文化等方面的一般常识,不涉及知识面过广、专业性太强的内容。 其命题方式有:给出题目、或规定情景、或给出段首句续写、或给出关键词写短文、或看图作文。要求内容切题,文理通顺,表达正确,语义连贯,无重大语言错误。,时间要求:30分钟 1) 审题(3分钟): 2) 写作(25分钟): 3) 检查(2分钟):语法(时态、冠词、主谓一致)、拼写、标点 字数要求:120150词,写作主题:大学校园生活(学习、生活、工作) 命题方式: 段首句、提纲、命题、关键词、情景、图表作文,具体要求:,1) 语言第一位:表达通顺、无重大语言错误 (1) 基础一般:简单原则、安全第一 (2) 基础较好:句子结构词多变 2) 结构第二位: (1) 逻辑性: A. 并列:and/or/but B. 因果:because/in that, since/as, for C. 转折:but/however (2) 关联词: 3) 内容第三位:,英语四种主要文体,I. Narration(记叙文) II. Description(描写文) III. Exposition(说明文) IV. Argumentation(议论文),主要结构模式介绍( Structure of a typical essay ),a) The introduction/ introductory paragraph (导入) b) The body (正文/发展) c) The conclusion/ concluding paragraph(结尾),写作常用逻辑衔接词及套语,根据衔接词本身在文章中起到的作用,主要分为以下四类,即“起”、“承”、“转”、 “合”。,1)表示“起”的词/词组:用于开篇引出拓展句。,at first, at present, currently, first(ly), in the beginning, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, lately, to start with, now, for one thing(for another),recently, in general, on one hand(on the other hand), generally speaking, on the whole, presently, It goes without saying that,2)表示“承”的常用词/词组:用于承接上文。,after/ after that/ afterwards, by this time, after a few days, certainly, after a while, consequently, also/ too, for example, at any rate, for instance, at the same time, for this purpose, besides, from now on, furthermore, in addition, in addition to, in fact, in other words, in particular, in the same way, incidentally, indeed, meanwhile, moreover, no doubt, obviously, of course, particularly, second(ly), similarly, so, soon, still, then, third, thirdly, for another, such as, later, truly, unlike, whats more,3)表示“转”的常用词/词组:用于表示不同或相反的意见。,after all, all the same, anyway, at the same time, but, by this time, conversely, in/ by contrast, even though, nonetheless, still, in fact, as a matter of fact, despite, especially, fortunately, however, in spite of, luckily, nevertheless, though/ although, no doubt, on the contrary, otherwise, unfortunately, unlike, whereas, yet,4)有关“合”的常用词/词组:用于小结上文或结束本段落的内容。,above all, accordingly, as a consequence, as a result, as has been noted, as I have said, at last, at length, by and large, briefly, by doing so, consequently, eventually, finally, hence, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in a word, in sum, in summary, on the whole, therefore, thus, to speak frankly, to sum up, to summarize, surely, to conclude, no doubt, undoubtedly, truly, so, obviously, certainly, all in all,2)根据衔接词本身的意思和文章连接所需要的逻辑意义,可分为:,1) 表示因果关系 as a result, as a result of, accordingly, because (of), due to, owing to, thanks to, now that, so long as, since, on account of, in that, so that, consequently, hence, therefore 2) 表示解释关系 as a matter of fact, as well, frankly speaking, in this case 3) 表示推理关系 or else, otherwise, if so, that implies, to put it more precisely, under no circumstances 4)表示递进关系 additionally, in addition, besides, and moreover, that is to say, furthermore, in other words, equally important, whats more, last but not least,5)表示比较关系 equally, in comparison with, in the same way, in contrast to, instead, on the contrary, in contrast, while, different from, in contrast(to sth.), on the other hand, to, despite, in spite of, yet, but, whereas, unlike, nevertheless, not onlybut also, herethere, years ago today, thisthat, the formerthe latter, thennow, someothers, the first whereas the second, oncenow, on one handon the other hand 6)表示选择关系 alternatively, eitheror, rather than, instead of, notbut, whether or not ,neithernor,7)表示转折关系 although, despite, at the same time, even though, however, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, regardless of, on the contrary, still, though, otherwise, while, yet 8)表示总结关系 all in all, briefly, in conclusion, in summary, to sum up, on the whole, in all, in short, in brief, in a word, in sum, to summarize, to conclude 9)表示次序关系 above all, afterwards, eventually, first(ly)/ first of all, second(ly), furthermore, finally, lastly, in the end 10)表示强调关系 above all, of course, indeed, most important, with great emphasis on,11)表示过渡关系 as regards, as to/ as for, by the way, with reference to, with regard to, regarding, concerning, to get back to the point 12)表示举例关系 as follows, a case in point, for example, for instance, including, to illustrate 13)表示同指关系 that is, in other words, that is to say 14)表示时间关系 after a while, afterwards, as long as, at last, at length, at that time, eventually, finally, in the past, meanwhile, presently, so far, thereafter, until, until now, when ,first, second, etc. soon, in the meantime, then, at the same time, next, after, now, later,15) 表示空间关系 above, before me, here, on the left/ right, across from, below, in the distance, beyond, nearby, opposite to, also, further, next to, on top of, up, down, close to, under, around, near , over 16)表示分析关系 first, second, etc. now, for this purpose, but, furthermore, as a result, at last, finally, moreover, also, consequently, likewise, another, for example, next, yet, for instance, on the contrary, once, in addition, in summary, such, in this case, on the other hand, then, otherwise, in conclusion, thus, therefore,
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