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,Unit two Lessons from Jefferson,1. How many of the presidents can you recognize?,2. What do you know about Thomas Jefferson?,Theodore Roosevelt(1901-1909),John F. Kennedy(1961-1963),Thomas Jefferson(1801-1809),Ronal Reagan(1981-1989),Abraham Lincoln(1861-1865),1,2,3,4,5,6,George Washington(1789-1797),1,Mount Rushmore National Memorial,拉什莫尔山国家纪念公园It is located in the South Dakota.,(United States President Memorial or President Mo-unt ),George Washington,Thomas Jefferson,Theodore Roosevelt,Abraham Lincoln,About Thomas Jefferson (3rd),1. Born in 1743, died in 1826, when he was 83 years old.,2. Presidency time of Jefferson:,3. Family background:,He drafted the Declaration of Independence, which made him world famous.,5. He was a many-sided man/a talent in many fields: Besides being a statesman, he was,18011809.,by birth and by education, he belonged to the highest social class.,4. The most significant thing he has done for the USA:,a writer,a thinker,a diplomat,an architect,a musician,a scientist,and an inventor.,Structure division,Part I,(1-2),A brief introduction to Thomas Jefferson.,Part II,(3-8),Some ideas and principles given by Thomas Jefferson.,Part III,(9-11),His talents in many fields and his contribution to the USA.,Part one,1.What is Jefferson famous for?,The Declaration of Independence,adopted in July 4, 1776 National birthday,Philadelphia,Part Two- para.3,1.How do you obtain knowledge?,2.What can we learn from Jefferson?,Go and see,When still a young man, he was appointed,以”when, where, what, whether, unless, if, while, although, though, no matter“ 等引导的从句中,如果谓语动词是be动词,且主语与主句的主语相同,那么从句中的主语和be 动词可以省略。,e.g. 1. When living in the countryside, he went to work by train everyday.,2. Although 22 years old, she is still dependent on her parents.,1.appoint,appoint sb. as appoint sb. (to do) sth. appoint sb. to (a job, post, position, etc.),put sb. in a position,The school authority has appointed a new teacher to teach class two.,例:学校给二班安排了一位新老师。,2.on the spot,at the place of action,1.Whenever shes needed, shes quickly on the spot.,2.The police were called and they were on the spot within three minutes.,4. 现场报道,an on-the-spot report,3.一辆救护车在几分钟内赶到。,An ambulance was on the spot within minutes.,Para. 4,What is his attitude to learning?,You can learn from everyone.,humble,noble,3.by birth,As far as family origin or nationality is concerned.,e.g.1.My parents are both Indian by birth, but they have American citizenship.,Anne was French by birth but lived most of her life in Italy.,2.安妮在血统上是法国人,但大部份时间住在意大利。,我父母在印度出生,但现在是美国国籍。,4.go out of ones way,make a special effort,1. It was good of you to go out of your way to meet us at the station.,2 .简对新来的人表现得格外友好。,Jane went out of her way to be nice to the newcomers.,Para.5-6,What is his opinion on judgment?,Judge for yourself.,No,Were it left to me to decide,如果虚拟条件中包含有were, had, should或could, 有时可以吧if省略掉,但要将were, had, should或could 放在主语前面。,If we had made enough preparations, we might have succeeded.,1. 如果我们做了足够的准备,我们可能会成功。,Had we made enough preparations, we might have succeeded.,If I were you, I wouldnt lose heart.,2. 如果我是你,我不会失去信心。,Were I you, I wouldnt lose heart.,3. 如果不是你的帮助,我们就会陷入困境了。,Were it not for your assistance, we would be in serious difficulty.,If it were not for your assistance, we would be in serious difficulty.,5.hesitate,Hesitate to do sth. Hesitate about doing sth., If you have any problem, do not hesitate to contact us., She is hesitating about accepting his invitation.,6.prefer,prefer sth. (to sth.) prefer sb. to do sth prefer doing sth. to doing sth. prefer to do rather than do,He usually prefers classical music to rock.,Which do you prefer, black coffee or tea?,They prefer to die rather than surrender.,1. 相对于摇滚乐来说,她通常更喜欢古典音乐。,2. 你更喜欢纯咖啡还是茶?,3. 他们宁死也不肯投降。,Para7.,What is his way of doing things?,Do what you believe is right.,7.act on,act according to,1.如果你按照医生的建议去做,你现在就会好多了。,If you had acted on the doctors advice, you would be better now.,2.You would not have made such a mistake if you had acted on his advice.,Para.8,What is his attitude to the future and the young?Trust the future; trust the young.,Tomorrow,agriculture,archeology,medicine,architecture,writer,Thomas Jefferson,8.be superior to,这本书要比那本书好。,Of the two books, this one is superior to that one.,9.owe.to,The industrial revolution owed a great deal to the invention of the steam engine.,工业革命在很大程度上归功于蒸汽机的出现.,be indebted to,Assignment,1.Preparation for the quiz of unit one and two. 2.Finish the exercise of unit two.,stairs,After Reading_2.1,Spot Dictation,Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing words.,From the West Lawn, Thomas Jefferson, family, and guests could walk up the on the West Portico to reach the Parlor, one of three rooms in Monticello that were part of Jeffersons plan for the home in 1769. The Parlor was a public room, for conversation, music, games, and reading.Jefferson wrote that music “furnishes a delightful for the hours of respite from the cares of the day, and lasts us through life.” The Parlor was the for many of these hours of “delightful recreation.” Jefferson himself played the and his wife, daughters, and granddaughters played several , including the piano, harpsichord (大键琴), and guitar. Jeffersons namesake grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, recalled that before his grandfather “lost his for the violin, he would play on it, having his children dancing around him. ”,
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