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What food do they like?,grass,meat,leaf/ leaves,bamboo(s),What food do they like?,Pandas like bamboos Koalas like leaves(树叶) Tigers like meat. Elephants like grass. Lions like meat. Giraffes like leaves. Penguins like seafood. Dolphins like fish.,挑战第一关!,抢答,1.what animals can swim?,2. What animals eat grass?,3. What animals eat meat?,4. What animals eat leaves?,a leaf-leaves,Who will be the new king?,Say your favorites,Whats your favorite color/ sports/ movie/ subject/ number/ food/ fruit/ animal? Who is your favorite teacher/ping pong player/basketball player/singer/movie star? Where is she /he /it from? Where are they from?,Group Work,Its strong and big.,It lookss like the cat.,and runss fast,It eatss meat,Its the king of the forest.,Whats his favorite animal?,Zhou Jielun Jay Chou,It livess in South China.,tiger,Challenge 5,Molly This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play with friends and eat grass.,Ling ling This is Ling ling. Shes five years old. She is from China . Shes very beautiful, but shes very shy, so please be very quiet.,Dont be shy.,Bill This is Bill. Isnt he cute? Hes from Australia. He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.,难道它不聪明吗?,This is Larry. Hes from _. Hes eight _ old.He _ meat. Larry is _. He usually _and relaxes 20 hours every day !,Africa,years,eats,lazy,sleeps,Make a chart:,Isnt he cute?难道他不惹人喜爱吗? 否定式疑问句,表示反问 “难道.” 难道你不是个美国人吗? Arent you an American? Arent you American? Yes, I am.不,我是美国人 No, Im not.是的,我不是.,难道你不会踢足球吗? Cant you play football? Yes, I can.不,我会的. No, I cant.是的,我不会.,Like to do sth like doing sth 我喜欢晚饭后散步. I like taking a walk after dinner. 我父亲喜欢在星期天去看电影 My father likes going to the movies on Sundays. 我母亲喜欢看电视,但她不喜欢看这个节目 My mother likes watching TV , but she doesnt like to watch this TV show.,你喜欢和我们一起去吗 Do you like to go with us? 咱们先去看那些熊猫吧. _ _ the pandas first. 难道它不是一只树袋熊吗? _ it a koala ? 不,它是树袋熊. _, it is. 欢迎到我们学校来. _ _ our school.,那头狮子很懒,它通常每天睡觉10个小时 The lion is very _. It _ for 10 hours every day. 你还喜欢其他什么动物? _ _ animals do you like?,Writing practice:,This is Victor .He is an elephant. He is friendly and quiet. ,Why do you like koalas?,Koala名称来源 在公元1934年 Gilbert Whitley等建议“Koala”是来自 澳洲(新南威尔斯东部)原始居民的方言。公元1978年后 Ronald Strahan 在同一地带记录了其他方言的名称,直音翻译成 cullewine,koolewong,colo,colah,koolah,kaola,koala。早期欧洲殖民曾误以为树袋熊是 常见的猴,熊,或是树獭;甚至形容很会爬树的树袋熊为“树猴”。没有 尾巴的树袋熊长得结实并且象熊,无疑地常被称为“koala bear”或“native bear”(英文:“native”=当地的,“bear”=熊)。中文名“树袋熊”简明地 形容了这人见人爱的动物,却容易给人错误的观念-把树袋熊当成熊的一种。,Proverbs: (谚语),1、Love me,love my dog.,爱屋及乌。,2、Every dog has its day.,每人都有得意时。,3、Beat(打) the dog before the lion.,4、When the cat is away(离开),the mice will play.,5、Dont put the cart(马车) before the horse.,6、Fine feathers(羽毛) make fine birds.,7、Have a wolf by the ears.,杀一儆百。,山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。,不要本末倒置。,人要衣裳,佛要金装。,骑虎难下,进退两难。,Lets chant,What fruit do you like ? What fruit do you like ? Do you like apples? Yes, I do . Yes, I do. Do you like bananas? Yes, I do . Yes, I do Do you like bananas? No, I dont. No, I dont.,Favorite color,What color do you like ? I like,What sport do you like? I like Why ? Because its.,Pairwork,What sport do you like? I like Why ? Because its.,Pairwork,Homework:Survey What animals are very rare (稀少)? Where do they live?,Challenge 6,Free Talk,Pairwork,Talk about the animals you know.,A:What animals do you like? B: I like elephants. They are cute. A: What other animals do you like? B: I like dogs,too. A: Why? B: Because theyre friendly and clever.,; http:/zdays.com/ 百度云搜索 百度网盘 flp382bej “我永远也忘不了母亲临终时拉着我的手对我说的话:抱养个孩子吧,免得老了无人照顾从此,我心灰意冷,为了还债,我便在上班之余干起了捡破烂儿的生意。有一天早上,天还没亮,我便去了城西的垃圾场,捡着捡着,不远处传来了婴儿的啼哭声,我顺着声音悄悄地走过去,在废墟旁有一个小纸箱,声音是从这儿发出来的。我抱起襁褓中的婴儿,大声呼喊着:这是谁家的婴儿?四处悄然无声,没有人回答我,只有怀中婴儿哇哇的啼哭声我来不及多想,把它抱回了家。打开婴儿的襁褓,里面露出了一个奶瓶和一包奶粉,还有一张纸条。纸条上清清楚楚地写着:可怜可怜这不幸的女儿吧,好人自有好报!原来是个弃婴!感谢上帝的恩赐!我衷心祈祷,爱不释手,如获至宝”他激动得言不择释,不知所措。 “说来也怪,我和妻子无论怎样精心照顾,她总是哇哇地叫个不停。找来了隔壁的王大婶儿,王大婶儿仔细地看了又看,最终还是建议我们去已院看已生。我二话没说便抱着她去了已院,诊断结果表明:这是个没有*的残婴,必须立即去省城的大已院做手术。当我来到手术室时,我才想到我根本就承担不起如此数目的手术费我拉着大夫的手苦苦哀求着:救救我的女儿吧我会一分不少的把钱还清的” 无论他怎样控制不!更确切地说,不管他怎样掩饰自己,眼里的泪还是流了出来,我深深地体会到女儿已成了他生命的一部分! “不知道是我的诚心感动了上帝,还是女儿的遭遇震撼了世人?已院的领导当即决定:除了必要的已药费外不收任何费用。天无绝人之路,我的女儿得救了!左邻右舍献出爱心给我凑齐了所有的已药费女儿出院后,我辞去了工作,正式做起了收破烂儿的生意。我要挣好多好多的钱回报所有关心我帮助我的人” 说到这儿,他停了下来,急忙给我去倒水。 我听得入了迷,一个劲儿地追问他,“后来呢?” 他一边倒水一边说:“后来,我真的发啦,盖了这所大院,成了这一带有名的破烂儿王。” 他自夸着,炫耀着他曾有过的辉煌! “这我还真没听说过,我只知道你是众所周知的吴疯子” 我的话一下子使他那沸腾的情绪降到了零下,他白了我一眼,“难道你也认为我疯了么?还是我真的疯了?” 他是在问我还是在问自己我一时搞不明白,也不敢追问下去。 过了好久好久,他又讲了起来。 “十八年后,我家来了俩位远方的客人,男的戴着墨镜衣着华贵,女的满身珠光宝气。他们说是有要事相商。”他指着我坐的地方说:“他就坐在沙发上,顺手打开随身携带的精致皮箱,把满满的一箱钱放在我面前,他说:这是二百万,我要用这些钱换回十八年前丢失的女儿他的话如雷击顶,我和妻子几乎晕了过去当我醒来的时候,我的女儿不见了。我的妻子昏迷在已院里,花尽了我所有的积蓄也没有使她醒过来临走前她握着我的手,我明白她的意思:她宁愿死也不能动这二百万,她让我用这钱甚至更多的钱去换回我们辛辛苦苦养育了十八年的女儿这钱至今我还原封不动的保存着,期盼我女儿的到来” 说到这些悲惨的过去,他不但没有再流泪反而笑了,笑得傻傻的。 也许是他的泪早已流干了?还是他正憧憬在女儿的回归中?或许他真的疯了? “好了好了,一切都过去了谈谈你的经历吧。”,
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