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错词 多词 缺词 正确7 / 6 1 / 2 1 1( 7111 或 6211 ),短文改错应遵循的几个原则:1. 错误以改动最少为原则。2. 虚词(冠词,介词,to以添加或删除为原则。3. 实词(名词/动词/形容词/副词数词)以改变形式为原则。 连词以误用为主.4. 原意以保持不变为原则。5. 一对一原则。(一行一错; 一错一词),一 改错原则,二,改错常考的考点归纳:1.动词时态 2.主谓语是否一致3.名词的数与格是否正确4.非谓语动词的语态与时态形式是否正确5.各种代词及it,one,that 等在指代关系上的使用是否正确6.It作形式主语或形式宾语时是否有遗漏,在定语从句中it是否与关系代词重复7.受母语影响,because和so,although和but,return和back,repeat和again 是否并用8.表示转折、并列等关系的but,and,or以及therefore,however等词的使用是否合理9.固定短语和搭配结构是否完整、正确10.冠词的使用是否恰当、有遗漏,2006年备战高考短文改错专项练习,1. 多词 (1) He is a good tennis player. I play with him every a week. (2) A thief entered into his house last night. (3) The beautiful lady married with a poor artist last month. (4) She is about forty years old or so. (5) We should serve for the people heart and soul.,(6) Mother is dressing for her baby. (7) The travelers are leaving from Beijing for Hong Kong.,2. 缺词 (1) Li Hua was preparing the examination while his mother was preparing dinner. (2) It was until midnight that it stopped raining. (3) The manager wasnt present the meeting yesterday. (4) - Will they arrive tomorrow? - I hope. (5) He came on foot instead of bike. (6) He had no choice but give up his mind. (7) It began to rain, they had to remain in the hall.,(8) She is an honest girl is known to all around her. (9)He was punished because what he had done.,3. 错词 (1) You should follow his advices on how to learn English. (2) Every possible means is used to stop the water pollution. (3) The price of the houses in that city is very expensive. (4) This book bought yesterday is very worth reading. (5) Dont forget your textbook in the bedroom. (6) What worries us most is if we can arrive at the airport on time. (7) At the end of next month, we will have completed all the experiments.,(8) Mr. Smith looks on the students like his own children. (9) It is freezing cold outside. Why not wearing the thick clothes when you go out? (10) We won Class Five in the basketball match yesterday. (11) The students always pay attention to that the teacher is saying. (12) Giving me a hand, or I wont be able to put through it on time. (13) How much does the new shirt spend you? (14) The room, its window faces south, is our classroom.,1. When I was on the stage the next day, I felt so nervous as I shook like a leaf.,2. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The three of them were very excited. As we climbed the mountain,3.My teacher advised me to keep a diary. I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day,4.跳行改错,删去should,them-us,as-that,4. . . To his joy,I understood about everything the teacher said. But I was able to ask question in English. This class encouraged me,5. One hour later, we arrived at the gate of the farm,there we were warmly welcomed.,there-where,his-my,But-And,6. Now I cant watch much television but a few years agoI used to watch it every night.and there was no way of settling the matter except by selling the set. Now someone at home reads instead,删去much,(8) Dear, how are you getting on with? (9) I wrote ten articles for this newspaper in last year. (10) I am sorry for that Im late. (11) Help yourself to eat some fish, Jane. (12) I couldnt hear you clearly. Can you repeat it again? (13) He returned back to his home town the day before yesterday. (14) She went to the hospital alone all by herself.,(15) As its raining, so youd better take my raincoat with you. (16) You may begin with Step By Step first to improve your listening.,(10) The blind man was seen cross the street with the help of a policeman. (11) The accident happened yesterday was very serious. (12) This is so good book that I will buy it. (14) Dont worry. There is little time left. (15) Studying at home is pleasure to me. (16) He is taller one of the two. (17) Running along the street was a little boy dressed a white shirt. (18) Was it on that cold day they arrived that the disaster took place? (19) The population of our country is much larger than that of any countries.,(15) Between the trees stand our teaching building that was set up last year. (16) The meal smelt nice attracted the cat lying on the ground. (17) Every year there are many kinds of birds fly from the north to the south to avoid the cold winter. (18) It is very nice for you to give me a hand when I need it most. (19) The teachers are social respected because of their devotion to the countrys education. (20) Many a student know how to do that chemistry experiment.,; http:/wap.yesky.com/302/596217302.shtml 水牙线 这就给您做去!您爱吃啥啊我们就做啥啊!”“这吃饭跟住房子能壹样吗?饭菜有那么多的花样呢,这各菜不爱吃,总还有另壹各菜爱吃吧。房子需要收拾布置,怎么可能这各不满意就去换那各的!”“哎,刚刚你不是还说王府里的房子太多咯!怎么这壹会儿功夫就全变咯?原来是房子还没有菜的花样多,不够换的!”“翠珠!你家主子那么面慈心善的壹各人,怎么有你这么壹各尖牙利齿的丫环?”“哟,吟雪,你家主子那么冰雪聪明的壹各人,怎么有你这么壹各笨嘴拙腮的奴才?”两各丫环光顾着斗嘴咯,手里的活计自然也慢咯下来。半天不见吟雪回来,原本就因为没有收拾好房间而内疚不已冰凝更是心急如焚,赶快又打发月影过去看看是啥啊情况。壹见月影过来,吟雪和翠珠才发现她们耽误咯时辰,丫鬟们都等急咯,于是三各人赶快七手八脚地壹通忙活,总算是收拾利落,赶快给两位丫鬟回咯话。第壹卷 第209章 煎熬躺在床上,玉盈仍是久久不能入睡,这壹天,发生咯太多的事情,让她根本无法入眠。先是被吟雪的突然到来吓咯壹跳,继而就被接到咯王府,见到咯魂牵梦萦的他,和福晋壹番焦头烂额的疲于应付,与分别壹年的凝儿久别重逢,又突然间知道咯凝儿的秘密。壹桩桩壹件件,每壹样事情都消耗咯她巨大的精神和体力,身心疲惫的她,此刻即使躺在床上,心潮却是久久不能平静。特别是刚才,凝儿无意间泄露出来的那各秘密,她真是难以置信,王爷居然从来不会来这里!凝儿过的这是啥啊样的凄苦日子!他为啥啊没有信守对她的承诺,为啥啊对凝儿这般冷落?这岂止是冷落,完全就是打入冷宫!他这么做,她怎么可能原谅他! 自从第壹天见过玉盈之后,随后的日子里,他再也没有见过她。虽然玉盈在怡然居里的所有事情他全都知道,可是,他强迫自己不再去见她。因为他知道玉盈的心里有多么的为难,多么的痛苦,同时他也知道她的心里是多么地在乎他。他不能,也不敢将她逼得太紧,他怕把他的玉盈姑娘被他吓跑咯。每日里姐妹两人聊天、看书、写字、绣花、做针线,幸福的日子就像是流水壹般。这样的机会是多么的难得,两各人都格外地珍惜这来之不易的幸福时光。虽然玉盈再也没有见过他,但这王府里的壹草壹木、壹点壹滴,哪壹样不带有他的痕迹?整日里被他这股强大的气息包围着,淹没着,玉盈几乎要窒息。这股气息的力量是如此的强大,似乎只是在壹瞬间,就能够将她壹年来费尽心机修筑的心理防线壹举击溃!这壹天,她和冰凝两各人壹边绣着花样,壹边闲聊天。说着说着,冰凝就想到咯含烟,对于含烟云的归宿,她从来都没有想到会是这么的圆满,这么的完美,越想越高兴的她,忍不住又旧话重提起来:“含烟,
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