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Unit 1 Will people have robots?,Period 3,3a Look at the pictures of Sally. Then fill in the blanks in the sentences.,1. Five years ago, Sally was .2. She played .3. She had .,in high school,soccer,a cat,一般过去时:be动词、行为动词都用过去式。,4. Today Sally is .5. She plays .6. She has .,7. In five years, Sally will be .8. She will play .9. She will have .,in college,the guitar,a dog,一般现在时:动词用现在式,但当主语为第三人称单数时,动词要有相应的变化。,a mother / wife,tennis,a baby,一般将来时:动词在will后面必须用原形。,3b PAIRWORK Look at activity 3a. Make predictions about Sally.,A: What do you think Sally will be in five years? B: I think shell be a doctor. A: What sport will she play? B: Shell play,(= she will),3c Now write about yourself.,Five years ago, I was . I played . I had .Today, I am . I play . I have .In five years, I will be . I will play . I will have .,4 GROUPWORK Draw a picture of the city of tomorrow. Then describe it to your class.,A: I think there will be more tall buildings. And there will be fewer cars and more buses.,建筑物,房屋,A: I think there will be,Exercises: 根据句意及所给首字母,写出句中所缺单词:,1.I hope my r_ can help me with my housework.,2.Will kids go to s_?,chool,3.There are many c_ in Asia.,ountries,4.There isnt f_ dinner in the world.,ree,obot,Section B 1a Write each word in the correct column below.,astronaut house apartment computer programmer train rocket space station,宇航员,公寓,火箭,太空站,房子,电脑程序师,火车,astronaut,computer programmer,train,rocket,space station,house,apartment,1b PAIRWORKThink of other words and write them in the chart.,2a Listen to Alexis and Joe. Number the pictures1-3.,1,2,3,想一想其他单词,2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs from the box.,ll live am ll fly took work ll be lived live,1. I in an apartment. 2. I near here. 3. I a computer programmer. 4. We in a house. 5. I the train to school. 6. I an astronaut. 7. I rockets to the moon. 8. I on a space station.,live,work,am,lived,took,ll be,ll fly,ll live,飞行,take的过去式,月亮,月球,2c PAIRWORK Role play the conversation between Alexis and Joe. Talk about Joes life now, ten years ago, and ten years from now.,A: Where do you live? B: I live in an apartment.,Free talk: How will the world be different in the future, 100 years from now? Could you make some predictions? Please talk with your partner.,Homework,对爷说:“爷教训得是,妾身刚刚跟姐妹们闲聊天,壹时忘记了规矩,还望爷恕罪。”“不是爷挑你的理,咱们贝勒府自从升格为王府以来,虽然新规矩增多了壹些,但这也不能成为你的借口和理由,否则还要你这个嫡福晋做什么?”爷第壹次当着 ; https:/weibo.com/u/5053696712 lgh80neh 众人的面,这么不给雅思琦面子,又是破天荒的头壹遭。众人耳朵里听着,心里直打鼓:爷这是怎么了?不过大家也没有心思想为什么,都在提心吊胆不要成为了第二个被爷教训的对象。不过,这只是大家的壹厢情愿而已。爷前面的壹番话刚壹出口,就觉得对福晋实在是重了壹些,毕竟她是嫡福晋,管理好后院诸人是她的天职。福晋要是没有了威信,还怎么可能去管理其它的诸人?因此,稍微顿了壹顿,他将目光又逐壹扫过在场的每壹个人,然后再次开口道:“福晋疏于管理是末,你们没有做好自己份内的事情是本,归根究底,这府里的规矩是要靠你们每壹个人认真做好。你们不上心去做好,福晋就壹个人,怎么管得过来?”众人壹听,爷的这股火果然烧到了自己的身上。还没等大家想好怎么办呢,惜月见淑清有想起身的动作,立即手疾眼快即刻效仿,这两个人壹带头,其它人全跟着赶快起身跪下,七嘴八舌地说着“请爷恕罪”之类的话,眼见着自己面前跪倒的这壹片,他也有些后悔。明明是因为自己在怡然居生了壹肚子闷气,现在跑到霞光苑来撒这股子邪火,对眼前这些诸人确实很不公平。可自己那番话已经说出口,断然没有收回的道理,只好继续把这壹出戏唱下去:“行了,你们都起来吧,爷才说了这么壹句,你们就又是下跪又是恕罪的,好像都是爷的不是似的。”众人更是忐忑不安了,爷的这脸色变得太快了!刚刚还怒气冲冲的样子,现在又和风细雨,这是真的平安无事了,还是山雨欲来风满楼?第六十四章 乍到就在众人不知道是听从命令起身,还是继续跪着听训话,只听红莲的声音在门外响起:“年侧福晋吉祥!”这壹回谁也不用猜测爷的脸色,也不用观望别人,众人步调壹致地立即起了身,因为谁也不想被这个年龄与她们相比最小,位份与她们相比最高的新妇看到她们被爷训话的场面,实在是太丢人现眼的事情。望着王爷的背影消失在院外的小路上,冰凝和吟雪、月影三个人以最快的速度冲回房间,吟雪负责打水,月影负责卸妆,两人兵分两路、七手八脚地用最短的时间完成了换装任务。壹头的金银首饰,壹身的喜服锦衣,全都乱七八糟地扔在壹旁,头发梳成了壹个发髻,只插了壹个镶有珍珠的银簪,额边垂下几缕青丝,既换作了妇人打扮,又保留了壹些女孩子的俏皮与天真。衣裳换了壹件淡紫色的旗装,不是特意挑选的紫色,只是冰凝太喜欢紫色,她的衣服大部分都是这个颜色。虽然她非常不习惯旗装,但即将进行的是新妇敬茶,这娘的意,
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