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Unit 5 Enquiry and Reply,Teaching Objectives: Knowledge Requirements: 1 To give a brief introduction to what to write in inquiries and replies 2 To enable Ss to become aware of structure and main content of letters for inquiries and replies by learning the samples given Competence Requirements: 1 To skillfully practice using some useful expressions for writing inquiries and replies 2 To skillfully rewrite inquiries and ask for the information wanted 3 To skillfully give replies according to real situation,Part One Enquiry,An enquiry becomes a necessity when it comes to asking for more information concerning a product, service or other information about a product or service that interests us. These letters are often written in response to an advertisement that we have seen in the paper, a magazine, a commercial on television when we are interested in purchasing a product, but would like more information before making a decision. In an enquiry, careful attention must be paid to the following: 1. Choose appropriate manufactures cautiously in advance. The manufacturers information can be collected from various ways, such as the previous records of transaction, your prior status inquiries. It is not a good idea to send inquiries to several manufacturers in the same district. But you may have no chance to make comparison before making a decision when you just select one or two suppliers. So it is recommended that you enquire several suppliers in different districts or countries and invite them to give offers.,2. The content of the enquiry should be adapted according to commodities and transactions. For goods of Fair Average Quality, youd better send inquiries to manufacturers in different countries at the same time to master different quotations on the international market. For goods of multitudinal specifications, your enquiry involves not only prices but also specific items, quantities etc. It would avoid consultation in several letters and save both parties time. For monopolistic goods, you enquire different varieties and ask the other party to quote one by one. For goods of large quantities, you should arrange purchase gradually and avoid importing in a rush time since your attempt may arouse the supplier to increase the prices. 3. Dont leak out your intended quantity and price too early. Enquire tentatively and give a trial order in the first transaction. But for specifications, models, technical requirements, you should give clear explanation in the enquiry based on your actual demand. 4. To be honest. Although the enquiry has no legally binding force, you still should try to avoid enquiring without purchase action. That will bring discredit on your name.,2.1 Analysis of Specimen Letter: First Enquiry from Chinese Importer,Background: A Chinese enterprise, Jinhua Import & Export Company is seeking an oversea supplier who could provide the product they want. An advertisement from Lnp Equipment, an American gold supplier on Alibaba website, catches their attention. Then the purchasing manager of Jinhua Import & Export Company wrote an e-mail to Lnp Equipment.,Vocabulary: leading adj. 主要的,最重要的 radial drilling machine 钻孔机床 Upon the above analysis, we may come to the impression and conclusion that: Structural parts of letters for enquiry consist of the following three sections: Section 1: Give the source of general information; Section 2: Making your specific enquiry; Section 3: Express thanks for the help & cordial expectation for a prompt favorable reply.,2.1.2 Skills for Writing Structural Parts of Letters for Enquiry,Section 1: Give the source of general information. Begin your letter by stating who you are and giving your status or details of your own firm, and tell how you found out about the individual or entity that you are writing to. Examples: 由人介绍、推荐 On the recommendation of, we have learned that you are manufacturer of , now we are particularly interested in importing various range of Your name is given to us by , with which we have been doing business for many years. We have been informed by that you are one of the leading exporters of (product) in (country or district), and that you wish to extend export business to our market. We are much obliged to for the name and address of your company and are pleased to know you are one of the principle producers and exporters of in, Your company has been introduced to us by with whom we have traded for many years. Would you please supply us with a complete set of catalogues forso that we may make choice and work on them? Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselors office of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances. 回应广告 We have seen your advertisement in the China Daily and should be glad if you would send us samples and prices of good quality cottons available from stock. Seeing your advertisement in China Daily, we should be pleaded to receive your latest price list for 10) We learn from the latest issue of Business Week that your company handles the export of various types of computers. We are much concerned about this line as part of the products also fall within our business scope.,
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