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毕毕业业设设计计任任务务书书姓名姓名 班号班号 院(系)院(系) 指导老师指导老师 指导教师职称指导教师职称 1、课题名称及来源课题名称及来源Comparison and Translation between English and Chinese2、课题内容课题内容The English-Chinese Translation article mainly explained the Lisbon Strategy, the development strategy of the European Union, form several aspects. And discussed what china can learn from the EU strategy. The Chinese-english translation article discussed the internet word-of-mouth of destination and its traits, and the influence of IWOM on tourists. The last article mainly summarized the harvest and experience on translation practice. It firstly expatiated the differences between English and Chinese from the aspect of morphology, sentence structure and grammar, and expressing habit. In terms of morphology, Chinese is a typical analytic language and english is mostly a synthetic language, transitioning to analytic language. From the aspect of sentence structure and grammar, english belongs to compact-structure language, while Chinese is more diffusive. Bedsides, english sentence is hypotactic structure sentence and more complicated. While Chinese sentence is paratactic structure sentence and more simple than english. In addition, there are many differences between the two language in expressing habit. Then the article analyzed the right translation process and some specific translation approaches. Comprehension, representation and proofreading are necessary when translating . Whats more, its better to use proper translation approaches, such as literal translation, liberal translation and literal-plus-liberal translation. Considering the language and culture difference, we can use foreignizing translation and domesticating translation which are concerned more with cultural, linguistic and aesthetic considerations. At last, the article listed the personal thoughts and gains from the translation practice.3、课题任务要求课题任务要求翻译心得立论正确,论据确凿;翻译记得及译文语言通顺、流畅,无或少有语 法错误。计算机打印。4、同组设计者同组设计者5、主要参考文献主要参考文献1王力, 1984. 中国语法理论M, 第一卷:山东教育出版社。2Peter Newmark. 2001. Approaches to TranslationM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 3刘宓庆. 1998.文体与翻译M, 北京:中国对外翻译出版社。i中英文比较与翻译及翻译实践中英文比较与翻译及翻译实践摘要摘要英译汉的文章主要从多个方面讨论了欧盟的里斯本战略,并探讨中国可以 从这些战略中能学习什么。汉译英的文章主要阐述了旅游地网络口碑的特点和 它对消费行为的影响及营销对策。 最后一篇心得体会性文章主要总结了翻译实践中的经验与收获。首先阐述 了英语和汉语在语言形态学、语句结构和语法以及表达习惯上的差异。在语言 形态学基础上,汉语属于描述性语言,而英文更倾向于综合性语言。从语句结 构和语法上来说,汉语语句是流散的,多用意全法组句,因此汉语句子以简单 句为多。相反,英语语句子在组句时多用形合法,注重语法结构。其语句是聚 集型的且以长复杂句为主。此外,在表达习惯上,汉语和英语也有多的不同之 处。接着本文分析了翻译的正确步骤和一些具体的翻译方法。正确的翻译步骤 应该是先理解再表达最后校对。在表达的过程中,应该讲究使用一些好的翻译 方法。总体上来讲,英汉互译的翻译方法有直译法、意译法和这两种翻译方法 的合用。此外,考虑到语言及文化的差异,使用异化和归化译法有时也是很有 必要的。直译法、意译法有各自的优点,应在具体的翻译时适当的选择。而异 化和归化译法在翻译修辞格、谚语、习语等具有文化背景的翻译时是很有效的 翻译方法。不管用哪一种翻译方法,都要都要符合忠实、通顺的标准。最后本 文讲述了笔者在翻译实践过程中的心得体会与收获。关键词:英汉语差异 翻译步骤 翻译方法 iiTranslation practice and Comparison and Translation between English and ChineseAbstractThe English-Chinese Translation article mainly explained the Lisbon Strategy, the development strategy of the European Union, form several aspects. And discussed what china can learn from the EU strategy. The Chinese-english translation article discussed the internet word-of-mouth of destination and its traits, and the influence of IWOM on tourists. The last article mainly summarized the harvest and experience on translation practice. It firstly expatiated the differences between English and Chinese from the aspect of morphology, sentence structure and grammar, and expressing habit. In terms of morphology, Chinese is a typical analytic language and english is mostly a synthetic language, transitioning to analytic language. From the aspect of sentence structure and grammar, english belongs to compact-structure language, while Chinese is more diffusive. Bedsides, english sentence is hypotactic structure sentence and more complicated. While Chinese sentence is paratactic structure sentence and more simple than english. In addition, there are many differences between the two language in expressing habit. Then the article analyzed the right translation process and some specific translation approaches. Comprehension, representation and proofreading are necessary when translating . Whats more, its better to use proper translation approaches, such as literal translation, liberal translation and literal-plus-liberal translation. Considering the language and culture difference, we can use foreignizing translation and domesticating translation which are concerned more with cultural, linguistic and aesthetic considerations. At last, the article listed the personal thoughts and gains from the translation practice.Key words: differences between English and Chinese translation process translation approachesiiiContents摘要i Abstract
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