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Unit10,Where did you go on vacation?,New York City.,went to New York City.,the beach.,Where did they go on vacation?,They went to the beach.,summer camp,夏令营,went to summer camp,a museum,went to the museum,exam,studied for exams,Where did he/she/they go on vacation ? He / She /They ,PAIRWORK :,1. stayed at home _ 2. went to New York City_ 3. visited my uncle_ 4. went to summer camp_ 5. went to themountains_ 6. went to the beach_ 7. visited museums_,1a,e,b,d,c,a,f,g,1,4,2,3,5,1b Listening,1. Tina 2. Brad 3. Sally 4. Xiang Hua 5. Tom,1,2,3,4,5,Where did they go on vacation?,went to the beach,went to the museum,went to the mountains,A:Did you go to the on vacation?,B:Yes I did ./No,I didnt.,New York City,the Great Wall,Did you watch TV on vacation ?,Yes ,I did./ No,I didnt.,stayed at home,play basketball,A:Did she swim on vacation?,B:Yes ,she did . /No,she didnt.,went to the beach,play volleyball,Did they go to the movies?,Yes,they did./No,they didnt.,A:Did they go shopping on vacation?,B:Yes ,they did ./No,they didnt.,went to supermarket,play with friends,Ask your partners vacation.,Where did you go on vacation? I When did you go? What did you do? Did you ?,2a. Listen : Where did Nancy , Kevin , and Julie go on vacation ? Match the person with the place .,People places1. Nancy c a. went to the beach2. Kevin _ b. stayed at home 3. Julie _ c. went to New York City,a,b,2b. Listen again :For each question check ( ) “Yes , I did .” or “No , I didnt” as you hear them talk .,2c: groupwork,A:Where did you go on vacation?,B:I went to on vacation.,A:Oh, really? Did you go to ?,B:Yes,I did./No,I didnt.,New York City, central park The beach, volleyball At home, study for exams,was,were,were,were,were,was,was,Make a survey:调查自己家人和朋友的一次难忘的假期,并收集他们的相关照片建立“Vacation Album”.,Lets do !,Report:利用相片汇报自己家人或朋友的难忘的假期,并谈谈他们度假时的体会。,My father/mother/friend went toIt was interesting/boring/fun/relaxing,一、用动词的适当形式填空: 1、Where did you_(go) on vacation? 2、I _(go) to Beijing on vacation. 3、I didnt_(visit)my uncle. 4、I _(get) up at six yesterday. 5、They_(stay) at home last night. 6、Did he _(play) volleyball?,go,went,visit,got,stayed,play,二、根据汉语意思完成英语句子(每空一词): 1、我昨晚呆在家里。I _ _ _last night? 2、你想和我们去夏令营吗?Do you want to go to the _ _ with us? 3、他们昨天在哪吃的午饭?_ _ they _ lunch yesterday ? 4、在星期六晚上露西去看电影。 On Saturday night,Lucy _ _ _ _ . 5、上周我们去爬山了。We _ _ _ _ last week. 6、汤姆昨天下午为考试做准备。 Tom _ _ _ yesterday afternoon.,at,home,stayed,summer,camp,Where,did,have,went,to,the,movies,went,to,the,montains,studied,for,exam,Summary,1、The new words:New York city,camp,summer camp Museum,guide,central,exam,really 2、 Where did you go on vacation?Where did go ? “去了哪儿?”go to (+地点名词) “去了” Did you/he/she/they go to ? Yes,I/he/she/they did./No,I/he/she/they didnt.,Thanks a lot!,bye bye,
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