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第四节:论文的主要部分:引言(Introduction),引言,前言、导论、导言、序言、绪论、概论,整篇论文的引论部分总的要求: The purpose of an introduction is to bring the reader into the general area of your study and then state the specific area of study (move from the general to the specific). The introduction shows the scope of your investigation efforts.主要内容: Background (背景): statement of general area or history of problem, including previous findings, reports or studies. What we dont know, What do we know about the subjects?. Who else has done what? How? What have we done previously? Only relevant information should be provided; dont write a review,引言Introduction,Objective(目的): statement of purpose of current studyThe justification for the objective (意义): statement of importance or need. Rationale and Significance. Why you want to do it? Dont repeat abstract. Make an appeal to general readersGuidance to the reader(研究问题的具体范围): what should the reader watch for in the paper? what are the interesting high points? what strategy did we use? Statement of specific area of problem to be studied. Approaches how you are going to do it.Summary /conclusion( 结果):hat should the reader expect as conclusion? In advanced version of the outline.,引言的基本要求,1)准确、清楚且简洁地指出所探讨问题的本质和范围,对研究背景的阐述做到 繁简适度。文字不可冗长,内容选择不必过于分散、琐碎,措词要精炼,要吸引读者 读下去。不要与摘要雷同. 篇幅大小,并无硬性的统一规定,长的可达700800字或1000字左右,短的可不到100字。 (2) 在背景介绍和问题的提出中,应引用“最相关”的文献以指引读者。重要的参考 文献应在引言中有所描述,不贬低已有成果、不夸大自己的成果,注意审稿者、读者 及其他同行的认同感。 (3) 采取适当的方式强调作者在本次研究中最重要的发现或贡献,让读者顺着逻辑的 演进阅读论文。 (4) 解释或定义专门术语或缩写词,以帮助编辑、审稿人和读者阅读稿件。 (5) 适当地使用“I”,“We”或“Our”,以明确地指示作者本人的工作,叙述前人 工作的欠缺以强调自己研究的创新时,应慎重且留有余地。,论文中的英语问题,英语不是问题 认真,避免拼写和语法错误 认真看几篇类似的好论文 但不能照抄别人的表述,引言写作难点:,1如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性 叙述了前人成果+However :However, little information( attention,work.,data,research)or few studies (investigations.,researchers.,attempts.)or no/none of these studies has (have) been done on( focused on, attempted to,conducted, investigated, studied ) (with respect to)or Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to consider (ignored, misinterpreted, neglected to, overestimated, underestimated, misleaded), thus, these previous results are inconcluisive( misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial)or Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist .一般提出一种新方法,或者一种新方向如果研究的方法以及方向和前人一样,强调自己工作的作用:However, data is still scarce (rare, less accurate)or there is still dearth ofor We need to (aim to, have to) provide more documents data (records, studies) or Further studies are still necessary (essential).,引言写作难点:,为了强调自己研究的重要性,However 之前介绍自己研究问题的反方面,另一方面等等: 1)时间问题 2)物性及研究手段问题 3)研究区域问题 4)不确定性 5)提出自己的假设来验证2. 怎样提出观点 1)如果观点不是这篇文章最新提出的,通常We confirm that. 2)对于自己很自信的观点We believe that. 3) 由数据推断出一定的结论,Results indicate, infer, suggest, imply that. 4) 在及其特别的情况We put forward (discover, observe) “for the first time“.来强调自己的创新,引言写作难点:,5) 自己对所提出的观点不完全肯定 We tentatively put forward (interpret this to) Or The results may be due to (caused by) attributed to ,resulted from Or This is probably a consequence of It seems that can account for (interpret) this Or It is possible that it stem from3.句子上下要有连贯,不能让句子之间独立.连接词语: However, also, in addition, consequently, afterwards, moreover, Furthermore, further, although, unlike, in contrast, Similarly, Unfortunately, alternatively, parallel results, In order to, despite, For example, Compared with other results, thus, therefore.,引言写作难点:,叙述有时间顺序的事件或者文献, 最早的文献可用AA advocated it for the first time. 接下来,可用Then BB further demonstrated that 再接下来,可用Afterwards, CC 如果还有,可用More recent studies by DD叙述两种观点,要把它们截然分开 AA pput forward that. In contrast, BB believe or Unlike AA, BB suggest or On the contrary (表明前面的观点错误,如果只是表明两种对立的观点,用in contrast), BB, 如果两种观点相近, AA suggest, Similarily, alternatively, BB Or Also, BB or BB also does ,Example 1,. Moreover, it is not fully understood how C, N and S added to soils through FYM or mineral fertilizer are distributed in soil aggregates. The hypotheses are that the C, N and S accumulation are influenced by the application of manure and mineral fertilizers and their rates but it also depends on soil aggregate sizes. The outcome would help to make understand the accumulation pattern of C, N and S and carbon sequestration potential under different fertilization practices (manure or mineral fertilizers), which can provide the knowledge of C, N and S dynamics in soils. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to investigate the long-term effects of FYM and mineral fertilizer on (i) distribution of dry and water stable aggregates in the soil; (ii) concentration and amount of C, N and S in different aggregate sizes, and (iii) C/S, C/N and N/S ratios in dry and water stable aggregates.,Example 2, In our previous research, one novel strain Leucobacter sp. Ch-1 was isolated from chromate slag for detoxification of chromium-containing slag 14. In order to obtain the highest reduction efficiency of Cr (VI), it is important to understand the effects of environmental conditions on Cr (VI) reduction by this bacteria strain. The hypotheses are that Leucobacter sp. Ch-1 growth and bio-reduction of Cr (VI) are dependent on pH and potential in environmental medium, and the regions of pH and Eh for Cr (VI) bio-reduction are different from that for chemical reduction. The outcome would help to provide the knowledge of thermodynamics of Cr (VI) reduction by bacteria. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to (i) investigate the effects of pH and applied potential on the growth of Leucobacter sp. Ch-1 and Cr (VI) reduction; (ii) determine the appropriate pH and Eh ranges; (iii) establish the pH- Eh diagram for Leucobacter sp. Ch-1 -Cr-H2O system.,
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