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TOPIC: greement,Subject-verb Agreement Pronoun Agreement By Ms. Terri Yueh,SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT指主詞的人稱及單複數、影響動詞形態的選擇The Rule: Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.PRONOUN AGREEMENT 指先行詞的人稱及單複數、影響代名詞的選擇The Rule: Use a singular pronoun with a singular antecedent; use a plural pronoun with a plural antecedent,TOPIC: greement,The Rules,Subject-verb Agreement,A.主詞為代名詞與動詞一致性 B.主詞為複合詞與動詞一致性 C. Intervening Expressions (as well as, including, together with, with)等附加主詞表達的句子 D.集合名詞與動詞的一致性 E.當主詞表示度量、價值、距離、重量及時間 等的名詞,其動詞的單複數形式決定於文意 F.主詞在形式上雖為複術,但在文意上祇表達單一活動或概念時,以單數動詞與之呼應。,Subject-verb Agreement,G.以不定代名詞 a, any, anyone, anybody, another, each, either, every, everybody, everyone, everything, much, little, one, nobody, nothing, somebody, someone, something 等為主詞的句子,雖在意義上為複數,仍以單數動詞表示文法上的一致性。 H.虛主詞構句的動詞需與句中的真主詞單複一致。,Subject-verb Agreement,I. 以動狀詞 Verbals為主詞的句子,動詞以單數動詞表示文法上的一致。,gerunds,participles,infinitives,代名詞主詞與動詞一致法,HE, SHE, IT I YOU, WE, THEY,does, has, is,are,were have, do,am, was, have, do,doesnt, hasnt, isnt,wasnt, havent, dont,arent, werent havent, dont,Compound Subjects & Verb Agreement,1. And - Compound : 兩個或兩個以上的主詞以對等連接詞 and, both-and相連者,原則上使用複數動詞。但複合主詞在概念上指一人、一事、或一概念時,雖以and相連,仍使用單數動詞表示一致。 The Ohio River and the Missouri River empty into the Mississippi. Capturing wounded animals and healing them are his great pleasure. Bread and butter (buttered bread) is my favorite food. (one item) My friend and classmate, Jason Brown, is coming to visit me. (one person) The Stars and Stripes flies overhead.,Compound Subjects & Verb Agreement,2 Nor - or Compound : Neithernor, Eitheror, Nor, Or 連接兩個以上的主詞時,動詞與最接近的主詞一致。Neither the teacher nor his students were able to find the classroom .Neither I nor the webmaster knows her password. Is neither farmer nor the chickens aware of the hawk?3. Not - but Compound : 以Not onlybut (also)相連接的主詞,因強調後者的重要性,動詞與 but 後面的主詞一致Not only Nancy but also her parents are coming .Not only his friends but his wife is ashamed if his conduct .,Intervening Expressions & Verb Agreement,以 as well as, in addition to, such as, including, together with, with, other than 等附加主詞的表達為主詞的句子,雖在意義上為複數,動詞以其前面真主詞一致。Bob, along with Dick and Harry, is going on vacation. Tom as well as Bob plans to have a party next week. The priceless book, as well as other valuable documents, was lost in the fire. The new library with its many books and its quiet reading rooms fills a long-felt need.,Collective Subjects & Verb Agreement:,1. 集合名詞如 family, committee, jury, crowd, group, team, class等 指一單位,一團體時,以單數動詞表示一致。當集合名詞指單位/團體中的個別成份或成員時,則以複數動詞表示。 Our team has won twelve games . (one group)Our team have been arguing about this drama. (individuals)2. The Number of 引出的主詞表示單數的概念,動詞以單數呼應。以 A Number of 引出的主詞表示複數概念,動詞以複數呼應。 The number of fish killed by polluted water is great .A number of fish are killed by polluted water.A number of e-mail messages were lost.,Collective Subjects & Verb Agreement,3. 以數量詞 Plenty of, A lot of, Half of,分數,百分比等引出的主詞,動詞需與主詞的單複數一致。One half of the students have finished the examination. Forty percent of the trees were damaged by the hurricane. Some of the pie has disappeared. More of this matter needs explaining. The best part of these early years was spend in finding himself. A lot of money was spent on the task. A majority of employees agree with the proposal. Three-quarters of the money is enough.,Subject-verb Agreement,當主詞表示若干有關度量、價值、距離、重量及時間等的複數名詞,其動詞的單複數形式決定於文意。 (1)看作整體 (2)看作若干單位的條件。Ten miles is the distance to the nearest gas station.A million dollars is a lot of money.Forty percent is a big commission.Three years is a long time to wait.Three years have passed since I saw her.,Subject-verb Agreement,形式上雖為複術,但主詞在在文意上祇表達單一活動或概念時,以單數動詞與之呼應。Linguistics is the scientific study of language. (學科) Politics is the concern of every thinking citizen. (公眾活動) Mumps is a contagious disease with the swollen neck and face. (疾病) Tales of the South Pacific is a prize-winning novel. (書名) Women is the plural of woman. (解釋) Northwest Airlines is advertising the lowest fare to Los Angeles.,Indefinite Subject & Verb Agreement,以不定代名詞 A, any, anyone, anybody, another, each, either, every, everybody, everyone, everything, much, little, one, nobody, nothing, somebody, someone, something 等為主詞的句子,雖在意義上為複數,仍以單數動詞表示文法上的一致性。Everyone except John and two other employees is using e-mail daily.Neither story is interesting.No teacher and (no) student is in the classroom.Each boy and (each) girl is here.,Subject-verb Agreement,以Here, There 所引導的虛主詞構句,動詞需與句中的真主詞單複一致。There are certain strong points in his arguments. On this question, there remains no doubt.以動狀詞 Verbals ( infinitives, gerunds, or participles)為主詞的句子,動詞以單數動詞表示文法上的一致。Swimming is my favorite sport.To write gracefully requires great skill. Eating too many chips does not worry him.,Easy Steps for Avoiding Subject-verb Embarrassment,Find the main subject of the sentence. Ask who or what is doing the action? Is the subject singular or plural? Find the main verb of the sentence. Make the verb agreeing with the subject.Bob is one of the men who drink before dinner. Bob is one man who drinks before dinner. Thomas is the only one of students who is prepared. Thomas is one of those people who are late sleepers. The best part of the show is the singing and dancing.,
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